Friday 29 June 2012

Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu Whirlwind Tour - Day 5


As promised, today I will be reviewing Statue of Ku, the second book in the Moa series!

Title: Statue of Ku
Author: Tricia Stewart Shiu
Publisher: Human Being Publishing
ISBN: 9780984002030
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Novel Publicity

SYNOPSIS ( Taken from Goodreads )

The second book in the Moa Book Series follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Once on the ground, however, they find that their search is less about retrieving a treasured family possession and more about tracing a healing path in their genetic lineage to its true beginning. Their journey involves magic, sacrifice and discovering their unique healing gifts, which live within all of us. Their story intertwines with that of the real boy, Ku — his questions, his travails and, eventually, his triumph. In their continuing search for the Statue, Hillary and Moa find that the answer to every question they seek is where they least expect it and that healing gifts are not lost but merely forgotten.


Statue of Ku, the second book in the Moa series was a much more exciting read than the first book. The story was well paced which allowed for an easier read. Continuing from where Moa left off, the adventure moves to Egypt, where Moa, Hillary, Molly and Heidi go in search of the Statue of Ku.
This statue belonged to Moa’s mother and Moa swore to regain possession of it as soon as she returned to her human life.  Although I still wasn’t able to connect with any of the characters from the first book, they felt a bit more solid - better defined. It was fun to see how they handled situations on their new journey, from the issue of Moa’s identification, Hillary’s reaction to the prince, and even the chaos that ensued during their trip to the open market. The latter, in particular, was a fun scene to read and when each character’s gift was exposed, I knew the story had a higher purpose than simple entertainment value. I liked the way Ms. Shiu planted little tidbits of information relating to the first book, as well as Moa’s connection to Ku, and as the story came to a close all the puzzle pieces (those that didn’t quite fit together while I read Moa) finally merged, revealing the mystery of Ku and his healing powers.
Ku was an amazing character and I loved reading about his life’s journey. He faced so much adversity from such a young age, but he always held his head high. He was brave and compassionate no matter what came his way. My heart went out to him when Meep was taken, and when he lost Am. I rejoiced when he finally found a new family, who took care of him and released him from his hardships, even if for only a little while. The final step in his journey handed him love, deservedly so, and there was a beautiful sense of completion to his trek, when Hueneme tells him about her experience in the Great Pyramid.
This book was filled with as many interesting beings as Moa, and I loved that this book took place in Egypt, with its rich sense of history and culture. My previous thoughts of this series have certainly been changed. I can only wonder what else is in store for Moa and her friends as the series continues.
Statue of Ku gets.....

As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

Liebster Blog Award

 My awesome friend and fellow Dark Muse, Christie Rich, has awarded me the Liebster Blog Award!! Yay! Thank you so much :) After reading about this award, please run on over to Christie's Blog and show her some love.

So what is this all about?

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have 200 followers or less.The word Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Here's the Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 random facts about themselves
2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you tagged
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post
4. Tell them you've tagged them
5. Remember, no tag backs
My Random 11 Facts:
  1. My real name is not Roxanne Kade :) 
  2. I have a serious shoe fetish!
  3. I'm deathly afraid of heights, but I'm a bit of an adrenalin junkee, so I'll get over my fear to bungee jump/sky dive. 
  4. My day job is in the Finance Dept for a Shipping Company
  5. I only have one sibling. His name is Ryan.
  6. My dream was always to own a hotel. I love everything about the hospitality industry, and I was sure that this was what I was destined to do. I even used to draw pictures of my hotel :P
  7. There is nothing better than Apple Pie!! NOT EVEN CHOCOLATE!! I just have to think about the delicious aroma of baked apples and cinnamon, and I'm in heaven. 
  8. I have a Labrador. His name is Blade, and he is my life!!
  9. I have a drivers licence, but I have never used it.
  10. My favorite creature in the entire world is a dolphin. At one point I was even thinking of becoming a marine biologist just so I could spend more time with them :)
  11. My grandfather was the first curator of the Transvaal Snake Park here in South Africa. I grew up surrounded by many weird and wonderful creatures, from spiders, to snakes, hedgehogs, monkeys, and even a baboon. I used to swim with the pythons in the summer :)

My questions:

1. How did you get into blogging? What made you start?

2. If you could step into any character's shoes, who would it be?

3. What is your favorite genre to read, and why?

4. In your entire reading career, what book most disappointed you?

5. What book's release are you most looking forward to this year? ( Can be a book that has already been released, so long as it happened in 2012 )

6. Do you prefer paperback or eBook? Why?

7. If a book was written about your life, what would the title be?

8. Which books would you like to see turned into a movie/TV series?

9. What character type/plot line are you tired of reading about? eg. Love triangles, Vampires, Angsty Teens.

10. Three favorite characters of all time:

11. Favorite villainous characters. Even if you didn't necessary like them, but they were just so wicked they would make your top ten MOST WANTED list for being so evil

Blogs I'm Tagging:
1. Mel's Book Blog
2. Dark Fiction
3. Sammie Spencer
4. Lit Girl: Confessions of a future librarian
5. The Book Paparazzi
6. Reading...Dreaming
7. Nilsa's Book Blog
8. Paperback Fantasies
9. Pick Your Poison Book Reviews
10. Tough Critic Book Reviews
11. Wistfulskimmie's Book Reviews

Questions from Christie:

1. Why do you blog?
I started blogging soon after I received news from 48fourteen that they were interested in reading my manuscript. I realise now that I should have started blogging way before then. My blog is all about books, for the most part anyway. I love sharing news about books, hosting book tours, giveaways, writing reviews etc.

2. Why do you read?
Reading is my way of escaping the real world. We all have problems, and if I can jump into someone else's life for a few hours every day, I'm happy to do so. If I didn't read, I wouldn't have been inspired to write.

3. Book character who you thought should have ended up with someone else:
I really wanted, Liora/Lucky, from The Demonblood series to end up with, Bones, the sexy Hellhound. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. I usually always want the heroine to end up with the least obvious love interest.

4. Book character who you thought should have a spin-off book:
Doyle from Laurell K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series. I loved him, but there was never enough of him in the series...wish there was a series dedicated only to him!

5. Author that you are guaranteed to buy anything they write:
Penelope King, Melissa Marr, Laurell K Hamilton, Kristina McBride

6. Book series that you secretly google spoilers for hoping against hope to find out what happens in the next book:
The first time I ever did this, was the last time! I was so disappointed to (indirectly) discover that my fav character in the series was to be killed off in the next book. I wasn't actually googling to find spoilers, I just wanted info about the second book and BAM!! I got more than I bargained for.

7. Author, who you trust, but sometimes what to yell at for what they are putting your beloved “friends” through:
WOW! There are so many. Penelope King ( The Demonblood series ), Kristina McBride ( One Moment ), Adrianna Stepiano ( Memoir of a Mermaid ), Rio Youers ( Westlake Soul )...just to name a few.

8. Three books that have made you cry:
Fire with Fire bu Penelope King, One Moment by Kristina McBride and Westlake Soul by Rio Youers.

9. Five swoon worthy characters
1. Okay, so this might be cheating, but I have to include, Tayelon Cree, the hottie wolf therian from my book :)
2. Bones from The Demonblood series
3. Niall from Wicked Lovely
4. Devlin from Radiant Shadows ( Wicked Lovely )
5. Doyle from The Merry Gentry series

10. Three characters’ Team who you secretly are not a member of (such as Just say no to Team Seth)
Team Edward
Team Peeta
Team Seth

11. Four book characters who you would love to meet
1. Jax Pherson from White Witch
2. Bones from The Demonblood series ( I know, I'm a little obsessive but boy-oh-boy, he makes me wanna do naughty things *sigh*)
3. Shane from The Morganville Vampires
4. Amelia Gray from The Graveyard Queen

Thursday 28 June 2012

Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu Whirlwind Tour - Day 4


Today I will be posting my review of Moa, and tomorrow my review for The Statue of Ku will go up! Enjoy!

Title: Moa
Author: Tricia Stewart Shiu
Publisher: Human Being Publishing
ISBN: 9780984002009
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Novel Publicity

SYNOPSIS ( Taken from Goodreads )

Hillary Hause is not a witch. But, everyone in her conservative small town thinks so. When she is given a trip to Hawaii for graduation, this energetic eighteen-year-old anticipates adventure but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit.

With the help of her older sister, Molly and her seven-year-old niece, Heidi, Hillary embarks on a journey in which she not only saves herself, her family and Moa, but also the Hawaiian Islands. In the end, she learns to accept herself and her spiritual gifts warts and all.


"The word, Anuenue, means Rainbow, for no one but the rainbow truly knows the location to its end."

It took me a very long time to get into this book. In fact, it took me a long time to get through it, yet it was so short ( 80 odd pages ). I can't really pin-point what it was about the story, but I often found myself becoming distracted and my mind would wonder to other things while reading. I even had to think back to parts of the book I had already read, as certain aspects of the story became confusing and it felt like I was trying to put together a puzzle, but the pieces didn't quite fit.

The flow of the story felt a bit rushed. I wish it had slowed down a little at times to make room for more character development. With so much going on in the story I wasn't able to build much of a connection to any of the characters. I liked that the story was told from Moa's POV, it was a nice change from the norm to have the POV change from third person to first person and back again, but with the view always being from the same character. I've never seen any other book written in this way.

The main focus of the book is about the battle for the Ancient Portal, but it is also a spiritual journey of accpetance and self-discovery. The characters are each holding onto something - anger, grief, even guilt - and as they fight their way to save Hawaii and ultimately the rest of the world, they are able to let go of these feelings. Even Moa, who for the most part is there to guide Hillary, Molly and Heidi, has her own inner journey to make. She is stuck in limbo, unable to move through the Portal, working as gatekeeper, but by the end of the book her life had changed and an entire new journey presented itself.

The little details within the story were very interesting, as were the many superstitions and beliefs of the Hawaiian people. The idea felt fresh but for some reason it just didn't deliver. I expected so much more from the story, but in the end it fell flat. It just wasn't for me.

Although there were so many things I couldn't quite get my head into while reading this book, I still believe it deserves some merit for the interesting facts, strange beings and overall uniqueness of the plot.

So it gets...


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu Whirlwind Tour - Day 3


Please enjoy this guest post by Tricia Stewart Shiu, author of the paranormal YA novel with a literary bent Moa. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $6000 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.  

The Story Behind Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu

I've always loved Hawaii and was thrilled when my husband booked a visit for us to see his relatives in Honolulu, Hawaii in October of 2006. We packed light and brought our daughter, who was three-years-old at the time. Our condo was close to parks and monuments that oozed history. We enjoyed wandering around and indulging in the local cuisine. I even tried poi and liked it! The morning after we arrived, I rose early to push my daughter’s stroller through the quiet, cool morning air. It felt like such a gift to experience Honolulu before the rest of the island was up. After a hearty island breakfast, we headed out for a morning at our favorite sandy reprieve, Kuhio Beach. The water was calm and protected by a breakwater. Our daughter enjoyed digging and splashing and my husband and I sat sit nearby without worrying about the strong current. Afterward, we headed back to our condominium, ate a light lunch, and took a luxurious siesta. Although I'm not usually a mid-day napper, the fresh sea air and sun lulled me into a light sleep—the kind where I felt like I was awake, but I was actually deeply asleep. I heard a voice say my name and a part of me awoke. I use the word “part” because I could definitely feel my body touching the soft material on the couch. And yet, another part was keenly aware of a young woman with dark hair standing over me. It felt real, but dream-like, so I decided to go with it and ask her her name. She pronounced a long Hawaiian string of letters, which seemed to go on for minutes. After repeating the name three or four times, she told me to call her “Moa.” Through my exhausted, sleepy haze, I remember being skeptical. If this was, indeed, a dream, I would ask as many questions as possible. So I did. Why was she here? Where did she come from? How could I be sure she was who she claimed to be? Instead of any answers, she flashed a mental picture of a woman and said that she was a long lost friend of my husband’s. She told me her name and explained that my husband’s family and she had lost touch 15 years before and had been orbiting around one another trying to reconnect. I awoke from that nap, slightly groggy. That was an indication that I was definitely asleep. Perhaps it was just my creativity kicking into overdrive, I reasoned, and decided to go on with my day. We walked to a park with my daughter and began playing. Suddenly, there was a squeal and my husband and I turned to see the woman from my dream charging toward us with her arms stretched out wide. As she spoke, I tried to gather my wits. Here was the same woman from my dream, someone I’d only seen a mental picture of, and she was standing on the grass right in front of me. She and my husband exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. For the next few hours, I tried to make sense of what happened. I had never had an experience like this before, but there was no denying that I saw a picture in a dream before I met someone and then they showed up in real life. When I went to sleep that evening, Moa visited again. She answered the other questions I’d asked earlier that afternoon and wanted me to know that I was protected and should share my experience with the world. Since this was definitely my first metaphysical encounter, I had no idea how to form the correct words to share what had happened. How on earth, I asked Moa, am I supposed to convey such undocumented, unsubstantiated, unusual information? She said that our world exists on many levels which all play simultaneously. Her analogy was of a DVR. Several shows can be playing at the same time but are on different tuners. That, she said, is where she existed. When I awoke, I began writing and continued to do so. The story evolved into “Moa,” then the sequel, “Statue of Ku.” My daughter, now seven, took the cover photo and illustrated, as well. The photo was taken a few years ago on the North Shore as we played on the beach. The artwork has been compiled over the last two years. Since my visit with Moa, I began an extensive and sometimes circuitous search to explain my metaphysical experience. I took classes on mediumship, Huna, energy work and through my education, I learned to create healing essential oils and elixir sprays and incorporated that information in the book. Not only did my experience with Moa inspire me and guide me through four-and-a-half of the most challenging years of my life, I also believe that writing about those events and including information I received about that inspiration and guidance, brought my own deep physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation and healing. Writing, editing and publishing Moa has opened doors to a new way of understanding myself, those around me and the energy we share. Whatever your belief or understanding of the metaphysical world, I believe that if one person is transformed through learning, then we are all transformed. I truly believe the Moa I met came through in this work and, just as I connected with her as I wrote, those who read the book will experience her as well.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu Whirlwind Tour - Day 2


Please enjoy this excerpt from Moa, a paranormal YA novel with a literary bent by Tricia Stewart Shiu. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $6000 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.  

Eighteen-year-old, Hillary Hause’s left thumb searches frantically to turn on the “I’m Okay to Fly” hypnotherapy recording. Her nerves on edge, fuchsia fingernails press into the blue pleather armrests of her airplane seat. “No spells can help you now,” she whispers to herself under her breath—then checks to see if anyone notices. Nope, they don’t. The plane lifts through the early morning, gray fog of California, “June Gloom” giving way to the azure sky, and Hillary covers her curly brown head and retreats beneath the questionably clean plane blanket cranking the volume to drown out the drone of the engines. “Outer shell close to breaking.” This time she doesn’t care if anyone hears. I hover just beyond her “outer shell”—a movement in the periphery, a faintly familiar scent, a fond memory just beyond recognition, a non-human observer. Before the week is up, Hillary will save my life, as I will hers. But, for now, more about Hillary. The drink cart rolls past the blanket, which has, by now become a moist steamy cave.   “Hey, freak. I hope your plane crashes.” The memory reverberates through her brain despite her attempts to distract herself with the hypnotherapy recording. She increases the volume, but the ugly conversation, which occurred just before school ended, still haunts her mind. “I guess the only people they check on those flights are the suspicious ones,” Krystal Sykes, a bully from her home room, leans in as Hillary hastens to grab books for her next class. Krystal, also a senior, has hounded Hillary since the first day of freshman year and this is the final day during the final hour at this tiny high school of 376 students —where everyone knows everyone else’s business. “Look, Krystal.” Hillary turns her eyes toward the sneering blonde. “It’s the last day of school, we’ll never see each other again. Can you give it a rest?” These are the most words the two young women have exchanged in the entire four years of high school. A look of shock replaces Krystal’s smug snick, “Oh, so now you talk.” She leans in, so close that her spray tan becomes a patchy Impressionist painting. Her pores are blotched with cakey, two shades too dark powder, her unblended cream eyeshadow creases across the center of her lid and her tropical breeze flavored breath threatens to strangle the words right out of Hillary. “I know all about your witchcraft practices and have made a few spells of my own. Trust me. You’ll never make it to your sister’s house in Hawaii.” Krystal’s backpack jingles and Hillary watches her spin around and skip down the hall.   Hillary is not a witch. She has, however, carefully crafted a “shell” to protect herself from bullies like Krystal—who, as far as Hillary can tell—is not a witch either. She has watched Krystal throughout elementary, middle and high school and has not been able to discern whether or not she practices witchcraft. No matter what Krystal’s background, her intent is to harm. And there is nothing worse than a spell with an aim to hurt. Hillary has had no choice but to remain in a constant state of defensiveness. The twenty-minute recording ends and Hillary falls into a troubled sleep—feeling every bump and hearing every creak of the plane. With about an hour left in the flight, Hillary awakens with a “turtle headache.” Hillary’s older sister Molly taught her this term which means a headache caused by sleeping too long underneath the covers of one’s bed. Sadly, Molly lost her husband, Steve, last year in an unfortunate surfing accident. The throbbing pain in Hillary’s left temple could be the result of remaining submerged beneath an airplane blanket and wedged between the window and armrest, or it could be from worry about how Molly and her niece, Heidi are dealing with their devastating loss. Disoriented, Hillary pokes her head out just in time to glimpse puffy clouds and sparkling sea below. A flood of excitement and sheer wonder flows through Hillary in the form of a tingle from her head to her toes. And then, a lovely thought: “...And for an Everlasting Roof, The Gambrels of the Sky...” She will enjoy this plane ride, thanks in part to Emily Dickinson.


As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity
  3. Visit today’s featured social media event
About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

Monday 25 June 2012

Review: The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton

Title: The Forever Girl
Author: Rebecca Hamilton
Publisher: Immortal Ink Publishing
Genre: Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Romance
Source: From the publisher for an honest review

SYNOPSIS ( Taken from Immortal Ink Publishing's website )

Sophia Parsons’ family has skeletons, but they aren’t in their graves...
Solving the mystery of an ancestor’s hanging might silence the clashing whispers in Sophia's mind, but the cult in her town and the supernaturals who secretly reside there are determined to silence her first.
As Sophia unknowingly crosses the line into an elemental world full of vampire-like creatures, shapeshifters, and supernatural grim reapers, she meets Charles, a man who becomes both lover and ally.
But can she trust him?
It’s not until someone nearly kills Sophia that she realizes the only way to unveil the source of her family's curse: abandon her faith or abandon her humanity. If she wants to survive, she must accept who she is, perform dark magic, and fight to the death for her freedom.


The Forever Girl is an exciting read that delves into the darkness of the occult while delivering a new twist on the entire paranormal myth of vampires, shapeshifters, witches and the like.

Ms. Hamilton's writing has any easy flow, and her characters are so well written and developed. I loved that the characters took their time to explore their feelings of love before diving head-first into a relationship that seemed doomed from the beginning. Sophia and Charles are perfect together, even with their differences. They have this beautiful way of communicating with each other without even using words and that alone spoke volumes about the feelings they shared for each other. At times tense, at times so easy, their love felt real.

The idea of vampires and other paranormal beings having been sent by the Universe for one purpose or another was fascinating. And their attachment to the elements was so unique. Throughout the book we are introduced to the Cruor (Earth elementals) - much like the vampires we have all grown to love, Witches (Spirit elementals), Strigoi (Water elementals) or shapeshifters, Chibold (Fire elementals) or child-like sprites, and finally the Ankou (Air elementals) or grim reapers. It was exciting to be introduced to their world and to get a glimpse at why each was created.

But this book isn't only about paranormals. It is about friendship, loyalty and even betrayal. The story was in no way predictable, and there were a few shocking moments which jumped out at me from nowhere.

Although the story focuses on the MC and her issues, it was interesting to view the history of a particular minor character, through visionary flashbacks, which culminated in the explination and reasoning for what was happening to Sophia. And again, the idea of the "Forever Girls" was so imaginative and fresh.

With a story that will surely satisfy its readers every desire, I can't give this book anything less than...


Thank you to Immortal Ink Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review The Forever Girl.

Check out the Book Trailer for The Forever Girl!!

Moa by Tricia Stuart Shiu Whirlwind Tour - Day 1


Please enjoy this interview with Tricia Stewart Shiu, author of the paranormal YA novel with a literary bent Moa. Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including $6000 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, 5 autographed copies of Moa, and 5 autographed copies of its sequel, Statue of Ku.  

1. The Moa Book series has a metaphysical theme. Do you have any expertise in this area?

I am an energetic intuitive and have a talent for creating powerful healing essential oil blends and gem elixirs. The unearthing of these talents occurred as I embarked on a metaphysical journey, which included studies in mediumship, pagan and Huna rituals as well as an energy healing technique called “Crystalline Consciousness Technique.” I also studied a variety of shamanic clearing methods and healing rituals.

2. You get pretty heavy into the metaphysical. Are you, in fact, a witch?

Like, Hillary, I question who I am on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. For centuries, women have been persecuted and even killed for being labeled a witch. I have studied many forms of healing rituals and magic and discovered that I have talents for using essential oils and crystals for the highest good. Others, who have witnessed the results of my practices, have called me many things: healer, shaman, and yes, witch. I choose not to accept any of these names but to embrace all of them as one growing changing name—wishealer or heshitch—to coin a phrase...or maybe not. As I discover more talents, gifts and unique parts to myself, this unusual word is sure to undergo a metamorphosis and may grow to the size of Moa's real, and quite lengthy, Hawaiian name.

3. What are your favorite books and how have they touched you as a reader?

Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The books/stories that touch me most echo the theme of humanity and self discovery and include a sense of adventure and wonder. Ray Bradbury's short story, Frost and Fire is a shocking, but tender story about a boy's journey into a world where people only live eight days. James Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man inspired me to unleash my inner censor and allow my truth to shine though my writing. If I could wish anything for those who read my books, it would be the gift of self acceptance and self acknowledgement.
4. How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?

Good question. I went back into my notes and discovered that it took me exactly three months and ten days to write Moa from beginning to end. That seems to be my average writing speed, three months. My aunt Rebecca Gummere is my editor extraordinaire. We have developed a comfortable and productive working rhythm that balances creativity and structure and brings such joy and enrichment to the work.

5. Who designs the covers for your books?

The brilliant and talented Sydney Shiu took the cover photos when she was six during a trip to Hawaii. Scott Torrance brought his years of experience in photographic art and design to the layouts.

6. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The time between stories is the most challenging for me. When I am inside a story and writing I am filled with peace and joy. When I finish and have to leave that world, I mourn the loss of this comforting place--the same is true when I finish reading a great book. Nevertheless, I believe that this sadness brings with it a great opportunity and depth of creativity and I wouldn’t change a thing about the process.

7. Any take-away message you want readers to grasp?

Each of us has at least one divine gift to remember. The moment we wake up and retrieve the memory of who we are and what we are here to do, that's when the adventure begins.

8. When did you first consider yourself an author?

I was in middle school and read James Joyce’s Portrait of an Artist for the first time. About an hour later, I was overcome by an urge to write, an impulse I readily indulged. Time stood still, I still can't quite remember what happened during that frenzied period of first creation. All I remember is coming to with pages upon pages filled with words in front of me. It felt incredible to express myself so freely. I've never looked back.

9. Did you start out writing novels?

No. I started out writing short stories when I was young. Then when I began acting, I wrote one-woman shows and plays, eventually combining my efforts of performance and writing in a piece called Doing Lunch which made it’s way into a short film trilogy directed by Hal Trussel. That film won “Best Dramatic Short” at the Houston Film Festival.

10. What was your main source of inspiration for the Moa book series?

When I was five, I was visited by a vision. I'll never forget it, I was running down the stairs and the entity, a girl with dark hair, stopped me in my tracks. The spirit said that I would go through a deeply challenging time in my life, but would resurface, later in life, with unimaginable joy and fulfillment. That vision stayed with me. In middle school, I would sit quietly at my desk adding up the years to figure out exactly when my life would turn around. And then I forgot. I got busy, my work and the stress of family life took over and I was completely overwhelmed and in desperate need of a vacation. My husband, daughter and I decided to go to Hawaii. When the plane landed in Honolulu, I remember feeling the difference in the atmosphere as I disembarked. The air made me somehow, remember that there was a part of me that knew…something…what was it? Never mind, I was in Hawaii it was time to see the sights! So, I sped off to see Diamond Head, Waikiki Beach and then headed home for an afternoon nap before an evening luau. As I drifted toward sleep, I heard my name being called. In my mind's eye, I saw a beautiful young woman with dark hair, who said her name was Moaahuulikkiaaakea’o Haanaapeekuluueehuehakipuunahe’e—Moa for short. And then I remembered.

As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the Moa and Statue of Ku eBook editions have both been dropped to just 99 cents this week. What’s more, by purchasing either of these fantastic books at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes. The prizes include $600 in Amazon gift cards, a Kindle Fire, and 5 autographed copies of each book. All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment--easy to enter; easy to win! To win the prizes:
  1. Purchase your copies of Moa and Statue of Ku for just 99 cents
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About Moa: Eighteen-year-old, Hillary, anticipates adventure as she embarks for trip to Honolulu, but gets more than she bargained for when Moa, an ancient Hawaiian spirit, pays her an unexpected visit. Get it on Amazon.

About Statue of Ku: The second book in the Moa Book Series, "The Statue of Ku" follows Hillary and Moa as they jet to Egypt on the Prince’s private plane to reclaim Moa’s family heirloom, the inimitable statue of Ku. Get it on Amazon.

About the author: Tricia Stewart Shiu combines her addiction to the written word with her avid interest in the healing arts and all things metaphysical in her novels Moa and Statue of Ku and looks forward to finding new ways to unite her two loves. Visit Tricia on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.

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Wicked WIldfire Read-A-Thon Results

Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon

Hosted by
Rebecca @ Kindle Fever and April @ My Shelf Confessions

WOW!! I really enjoyed this read-a-thon! I managed to get through 5 books and a bit of the 6th book. Unfortunately I wasn't able to join in the twitter parties :( due to time differences, but I did read through them and everyone seemed to be having so much fun. I especially loved the battle for Bones!!

So to wrap up my read-a thon, these are the books I managed to read:

1.Asher's Invention by Coleen Kwan ( 76 pages )

2.Undercover Alliance by Lilly Cain ( 100 pages )

3.Secret of the Wolf by Cynthia Garner ( 336 pages )

4.Four in the Morning by Christi Goddard ( 202 pages )

5.One Moment by Kristina McBride ( 272 pages )

I absolutely LOVED this book! It blew me away and had me crying most of the way through! I would have probabaly read more of Fallen Angel, but it took me so long to recover after reading One Moment. I recommend this book to everyone!

6.Fallen Angel by Eden Bradley ( 110 pages - not complete )

So in total I read 1096 pages :)
All of the books I chose to read are those that I received for review. Reviews for these books should go up within the next week or so.
Thanks to everyone for making this a fantastic thon!! I look forward to the next one :)

Friday 22 June 2012

Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon Goals

I have finally made my selection of books for the Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon :)

Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon

Hosted by
Rebecca @ Kindle Fever and April @ My Shelf Confessions


My top five books are:

1.Asher's Invention by Coleen Kwan

2.Undercover Alliance by Lilly Cain

3.Secret of the Wolf by Cynthia Garner

4.Four in the Morning by Christi Goddard

5.Wake of the Bloody Angel by Alec Bledsoe

And if I manage to get through all five, I will move on to these:

6.One Moment by Kristina McBride

7.Fallen Angel by Eden Bradley

8.Tarnished by Karina Cooper

9.Scandal Wears Satin by Loretta Chase

10.Prince of Ravens by Richard Baker