Thursday 12 January 2012


Tiffany @ trh87books awarded me with the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD!!! I'm so honored and gladly accept such a wonderful award from an amazing person!

 The Liebster award (“Liebster” is the German word for friend or love) originated in Germany. 

In accepting the Liebster Blog Award, the recipient agrees to:

·                Thank the person who gave them the award and link back to that person's blog

·                Copy and paste the award to their blog

·                Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on their blog to break the news!

      ·                Hope those people in turn pay it forward by accepting and awarding "The Liebster Blog Award" to bloggers they would like to honor.

I'm going to pass this award on to:

Maghon @Happy Tails and Tales Blog
Jean @Jean Book Nerd
Soumi @ Thoughts and Roses
Lu @A Muggle's Magical Book Blog
Kelly @ Books-n-Kisses


  1. Thank you for the award, I am honored. However at this time my blog is not accepting any awards, we are still under construction and have just partnered up with Tuna covered under books. Thank u though for thinking of me. Hopefully later this year we can accept some awards but for now I have to let u pass it on to another Blogger

  2. Thanks Ronda! I fully understand!

  3. Hello Roxy,
    Thank you very much for this award.
    How can i pass this award to other.
    please give me details. should i copy the text written above and paste in my blog?

  4. Yes, just copy the post above. Make sure to change the details of the person who gave you the award and those you are nominating :) let me know if you need help with it at all

  5. awwwwwww, sorry it took me forever I went on a trip to the mountains :) I am honored :) & it's featured on my blog today :) thank you thank you!!!
