Thursday 6 September 2012

Indie Book of the Day Award Winner

I am so very excited. Therian was selected as the Indie Book of the Day Award Winner!!
*happy dance*
This is a very proud moment for me, and it's just more motivation to continue writing :)
You can check out the feature post for Therian at Indie Book of the Day
I also received this lovely certificate...
and this awesone badge...

A huge thank you to the Indie Book of the Day team, for making my day!!


  1. Super, super congratulations!!! The awards both look beautiful. What a compliment!

    1. Thank you so much, Judith!!
      It is a HUGE compliment! Really made my day.

  2. YAAAAAYYYY!!!!! I'm so excited, and I absolutely think you and this book deserve an award!!! I'm so happy!!! :) congrats!!

    1. YAAAAYYYY! LOL. Thanks, Mags! You are amazing as always! Even though this award has motivated me a little more to get book 2 & 3 out asap, it's really because of wonderful friends and fans like you that I write!
