Tuesday 30 April 2013

Release Day Launch: Review & Giveaway: Wrecked by Alyssa Rose Ivy

 Hello, Therians!!
Happy Book Birthday to Alyssa Rose Ivy and Wrecked!
 Check out the giveaway or a chance to win a signed copy of Wrecked, as well as a
Wrecked mini-posted!

When your past catches up, it's time to stop running.

Jake Mathews messed up yet again— but this time his misstep lands him in the hospital. He wakes up to find the girl of his dreams and the memory of having his deepest secret revealed.

Emily Taylor needs a break. She's been working double shifts as a nurse just to pay the bills while trying to heal a broken heart. The last thing she needs is to fall for a patient.

Strapped with community service and the knowledge that he's disappointed everyone in his life, Jake is determined not to let Emily slip through his fingers. Emily wants Jake, but can she really open herself up to heartache again?


I had a bit of a hard time getting into this story.

I enjoyed the interaction between Jake and Emily in the very beginning, when he was in the ICU and she was his nurse, but once he left the hospital, the chemistry I was expecting just kind of fizzled out. Not that I didn't see potential, I just had a hard time connecting with the story and the MCs’ relationship. It seemed a bit rushed, and I missed the sexual tension and spark that draws me to NA Contemporary Romances.

Having said that, I did enjoy the characters. Emily was really sweet. My heart went out to her. Her life hasn’t been easy, but even with everything she's been through, she sucked it up and forged on. Jake was fun and kinda had that boy-next-door charm. He’s had his fair share of trouble but I warmed to him despite his past behavior.

I only really started to "feel" this story once Noah came into the picture. It was a real surprise and I’m sure something like that would create tension in any relationship, especially one just starting out. Jake’s reaction was expected but I was glad that he didn’t allow it to get in the way of his feelings for Emily.

From then on things moved quite smoothly for the pair. I was expecting a bit more turmoil, or some kind of near-tragic event to happen that would tear Emily and Jake apart, only for them to reunite again; something that would liven up the story a bit. Unfortunately I was left deflated.

The story had potential, I was just expecting more.

It gets…

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Alyssa Rose Ivy is a Young Adult and New Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Connect with Alyssa:

Check out the other stops in the Blog Tour

April 29th
April 30th

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May 2nd
May 3rd
May 4th
May 5th
May 6th
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May 8th
May 9th

May 10th
May 11th
May 12th

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