What do you get when you pair up a wealthy, well-bred heiress – sheltered and educated with an impulsive streak – and a gambling, mercenary Texan cowboy?
Double Crossing is a twist on “True Grit” but it takes place on the 1869 Iron Horse – months after the Union and Central Pacific railroad lines joined at Promontory Point. Nineteen-year-old Lily Granville is stunned with her father is murdered and vows to track the killer across the country to California - who also stole a valuable gold mine deed.
Once Lily arrives in Omaha, she discovers that someone is now tracking her. Could it be the killer? And why? Lily decides to enlist “Ace” Diamond, who agrees to protect her – for a price.
Q for Lily – how did you feel when you first met Ace?
A – Since he literally crashed his way into my life, I did feel a twinge of compassion… he was injured, and I felt my Christian duty was to help… until I caught sight of his Confederate belt buckle with the Texas Lone Star. I *know* my father would never have approved of an ex-Rebel soldier – and that deepened my guilt. However, after someone searched my hotel room and my personal belongings, I had no choice but to hire Ace Diamond for protection. He was the most unlikely “angel” as an answer from God after I’d prayed for help! I suppose beggars can’t be choosers, though.
Q for Ace – what was your first impression of Lily?
A – First time I set eyes on that pretty filly, all golden-haired and sweet, with the most kissable mouth, I was bushwhacked. Couldn’t remember my own name.
Q for Lily – were you surprised that Ace bargained with you over his fee?
A – To be truthful, I was. I offered him a fair wage, but then he demanded an exorbitant amount in addition to the expense of a Pullman ticket! But it made sense that he had to be near on the train. Still, he insisted on a bonus once we reached California. And I was furious when I discovered that Ace had bragged to the other gentlemen in the smoking car about that bonus I promised my uncle would pay - him when we arrived in California! And that was before we were halfway across country. Really, Mr. Diamond was quite presumptuous. And forward, given his roving—well, let’s just say he’s no gentleman. I shouldn’t have been surprised at that!
Q for Ace – why did you accept Lily’s offer?
A – Easy as ropin' a baby steer, riding shotgun on a train. But that stubborn little gal sure fooled me. I earned my fee. And then some.
Q for Lily – before the railroad trip, what was your dream for a happy future?
A – I wanted… well, I wasn’t really certain what I wanted and whether I'd be happy becoming a missionary to China. I know my father wanted me to marry and provide him with grandchildren. He believed I deserved a decent man, a good provider and one who supported my ideas. I did want to experience adventure and independence, since I'd lived a sheltered life in Evanston, just north of Chicago, but I also wanted to come home again where I felt safe. I so enjoyed long talks with Father, sketching my pet lizard in the lovely garden and watching the leaves change in fall and the snow fall in winter. Father’s death changed everything, however. I was devastated. And I *had* to see that justice was done.
Q for Ace – what about you, same question?
A – A good woman in a nice, cozy bed. I’ve got my eye on a certain woman now.
Hmm -- seems Ace is a man of few words. Lily will soon find herself in hotter water in the sequel, Double or Nothing -- I hope readers are looking forward to more adventures!
For more info visit Meg Mims' website
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Hot Fun In The Summertime!!
On Kindle and Nook: http://amzn.to/dWZSxA & http://bit.ly/k4Z172
Seven very different singles – four women and three men – rent a New Jersey beach house for the summer: author Shontae Nichols, self-employed accountant and realtor, Linda Harris, Linda’s sister, hip-hop video dancer Kinnik Watkins, cosmetologist, Jovita Blassingame, Calculus professor Curtis “Doc” Whetstone, actor and drama instructor, Kip Lee, and new housemate, up and coming film actor, Devon Burke.
During their two month stay, romances bloom, friendships are tested and when a tragedy strikes one of the housemates, they all learn the answer to the age-old question: Can men and women ever be just friends?
Interview with Kinnik Watkins, the female antagonist in HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME
I have been invited to Beach Haven, New Jersey to the house where Kinnik Watkins and her friends are spending the summer. To give us some privacy, we cross the beach and sit in the gazebo about 100 feet from the house. All the tall, voluptuous bronze goddess is wearing is a microscopic bikini and a pair of oversized sunglasses.
Me: (I stand and introduce myself.) Before we get started, can you tell me the correct way to pronounce your name?
Kinnik: (with a coquettish smile I find a bit strange.) It’s Kinnik. It rhymes with unique.
Me: You’re my second interview. As I explained to Shontae, I write for a magazine that wants to do a story about real singles living at the Jersey shore, considering how the TV show has become such a big hit.
Kinnik: (She slides her shades to the end of her nose and glances at me with soft, light brown eyes.) Something’s always on and popping on that show. I love it.
Me: (I sit on the chaise next to where she is reclining.) Thanks for agreeing to talk with me.
Kinnik: (flashes a captivating smile and runs her manicured fingers through the long strawberry blonde hair that complements her café au lait complexion) Sure, why not? You’ll probably need me to straighten out whatever Shontae told you anyway.
Me: I’m going to ask everyone the same questions, and I’ll be taping this, if you don’t mind.
Kinnik: (She crosses legs that make me want to hurry and call the nearest plastic surgeon for an emergency liposuction appointment.) No problem. I’m used to being recorded.
Me: I understand this is your third year together, so you must know your housemates pretty well. Can you tell me a little bit about each of them?
Kinnik: I guess this is the best they can do when it comes to vacations, considering none of them are really big money. I’m only here because my sister begged me to come. Personally, I think she has something up her sleeve.
Me: (checking my notes) Linda’s your sister. Is she older or younger?”
Kinnik: (rolls her eyes) Older, and she always has to make it a point to remind me. “She says she wants to talk to me about my career. Since she paid my rent for the summer, I couldn’t very well refuse. Linda doesn’t like me dancing, but I am not a nine-to-five person. She forgets that I make more than she does in a year, and I have two kids to take care of.”
Me and Jo have been friends for years. She’s for real people, the only one in this house that doesn’t judge every more I make. Jo is my makeup artist and hair stylist and she’s got mad skills. She’s just here to chill and see if her old man is going to pop the question.”
Me: Tell me about the men.
Kinnik: (Flips her hair over one shoulder) “Kip is my boy. We spent some time together during our first summer in Beach Haven, but that’s ancient history. Kip’s here to see how much coochie he can conquer in eight weeks. Doc, well there isn’t much I can say about him. When he doesn’t have his nose stuck in a book, he’s sniffing after my sister. Linda is the only reason he’s here, but he’s wasting his time, if you ask me. Kip and Devon provide the testosterone. They’re both so fine; you can hear the panties dropping when they walk into a room.
Me: You forgot Shontae.
Kinnik: (with another eye roll) No, I didn’t. She’s just not worth mentioning.
Me: Why is that?
Kinnik: “Because she’s easily forgettable.”
Me: “That’s funny. Shontae seemed very pleasant.”
Kinnik: (stiffens and haughtily raises her chin) “That’s because you don’t know her. That bitch is boring as hell and thinks she’s better than everybody else. I can’t understand why. All she does is stay closed up in the sunroom banging on her laptop. She lives in her little fantasy world cooking up stories in her head. Shontae wouldn’t know how to deal with a real man if her life depended on it. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. I can’t stand her cheap dressing, snobby ass.
Me: Do you think each of your housemates has a motive for being here this summer?
Kinnik: They sure as hell do. Doc is chasing Linda. Jo says she’s researching her new stylist business, but she’s really waiting for Walter to ask her to marry his dusty old ass. She’s been waiting for five years. Devon is rehearsing for the lead role in the new movie Denzel’s directing, and he needs to study the script.
Me: (smiling at the way she’s avoided telling me about herself.) “So what about you, Kinnik? Why are you here?”
Kinnik: I’m just breezin’ in and out when I’m not in the Hamptons with Q. I’d much rather be there.”
Me: That’s Q.E., Quentin Edwards, the rapper?
Kinnik: (a proud smile lights her beautiful face) That’s right. I’ve been staying with him for the past couple of months, but Linda insisted I spend some time with her.
Me: Isn’t Q.E. the one who was recently assaulted his personal assistant?
Kinnik: (puckers her lips then sucks her teeth) That’s never going to court. The heifer is still working for him, so she can’t be too upset about him clocking her in the head and pushing her into the pool. (Her face spreads into a proud smile.) “Yeah. This place is okay, but his estate is off the chain. It’s all about luxury. The food is better, and I don’t have to do any housework when I’m there. His chef and butler wait on me hand and foot.”
Me: “So are you two a couple.”
Kinnik: (her eyes becoming flat and unreadable as stone before she picks up her sunglasses and puts them back on.) “When we’re together, we’re a couple.”
Me: (the thread of warning in her voice lets me know it’s time to end the interview.) “Kinnik, it’s been a pleasure. As I mentioned to Shontae, maybe I’ll be back at the end of August to hear what actually happened during your vacation.”
Kinnik: (rising to her impressive full height. Adjusts her bikini to make sure it’s covering everything important.) Yeah, check in and see who’s left standing.
You can follow Chicki Brown at:
Website: http://www.chicki663.webs.com Personal Blog: http://sisterscribbler.blogspot.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/@Chicki663 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chicki.brown
On Kindle and Nook: http://amzn.to/dWZSxA & http://bit.ly/k4Z172
Seven very different singles – four women and three men – rent a New Jersey beach house for the summer: author Shontae Nichols, self-employed accountant and realtor, Linda Harris, Linda’s sister, hip-hop video dancer Kinnik Watkins, cosmetologist, Jovita Blassingame, Calculus professor Curtis “Doc” Whetstone, actor and drama instructor, Kip Lee, and new housemate, up and coming film actor, Devon Burke.
During their two month stay, romances bloom, friendships are tested and when a tragedy strikes one of the housemates, they all learn the answer to the age-old question: Can men and women ever be just friends?
Interview with Kinnik Watkins, the female antagonist in HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME
I have been invited to Beach Haven, New Jersey to the house where Kinnik Watkins and her friends are spending the summer. To give us some privacy, we cross the beach and sit in the gazebo about 100 feet from the house. All the tall, voluptuous bronze goddess is wearing is a microscopic bikini and a pair of oversized sunglasses.
Me: (I stand and introduce myself.) Before we get started, can you tell me the correct way to pronounce your name?
Kinnik: (with a coquettish smile I find a bit strange.) It’s Kinnik. It rhymes with unique.
Me: You’re my second interview. As I explained to Shontae, I write for a magazine that wants to do a story about real singles living at the Jersey shore, considering how the TV show has become such a big hit.
Kinnik: (She slides her shades to the end of her nose and glances at me with soft, light brown eyes.) Something’s always on and popping on that show. I love it.
Me: (I sit on the chaise next to where she is reclining.) Thanks for agreeing to talk with me.
Kinnik: (flashes a captivating smile and runs her manicured fingers through the long strawberry blonde hair that complements her café au lait complexion) Sure, why not? You’ll probably need me to straighten out whatever Shontae told you anyway.
Me: I’m going to ask everyone the same questions, and I’ll be taping this, if you don’t mind.
Kinnik: (She crosses legs that make me want to hurry and call the nearest plastic surgeon for an emergency liposuction appointment.) No problem. I’m used to being recorded.
Me: I understand this is your third year together, so you must know your housemates pretty well. Can you tell me a little bit about each of them?
Kinnik: I guess this is the best they can do when it comes to vacations, considering none of them are really big money. I’m only here because my sister begged me to come. Personally, I think she has something up her sleeve.
Me: (checking my notes) Linda’s your sister. Is she older or younger?”
Kinnik: (rolls her eyes) Older, and she always has to make it a point to remind me. “She says she wants to talk to me about my career. Since she paid my rent for the summer, I couldn’t very well refuse. Linda doesn’t like me dancing, but I am not a nine-to-five person. She forgets that I make more than she does in a year, and I have two kids to take care of.”
Me and Jo have been friends for years. She’s for real people, the only one in this house that doesn’t judge every more I make. Jo is my makeup artist and hair stylist and she’s got mad skills. She’s just here to chill and see if her old man is going to pop the question.”
Me: Tell me about the men.
Kinnik: (Flips her hair over one shoulder) “Kip is my boy. We spent some time together during our first summer in Beach Haven, but that’s ancient history. Kip’s here to see how much coochie he can conquer in eight weeks. Doc, well there isn’t much I can say about him. When he doesn’t have his nose stuck in a book, he’s sniffing after my sister. Linda is the only reason he’s here, but he’s wasting his time, if you ask me. Kip and Devon provide the testosterone. They’re both so fine; you can hear the panties dropping when they walk into a room.
Me: You forgot Shontae.
Kinnik: (with another eye roll) No, I didn’t. She’s just not worth mentioning.
Me: Why is that?
Kinnik: “Because she’s easily forgettable.”
Me: “That’s funny. Shontae seemed very pleasant.”
Kinnik: (stiffens and haughtily raises her chin) “That’s because you don’t know her. That bitch is boring as hell and thinks she’s better than everybody else. I can’t understand why. All she does is stay closed up in the sunroom banging on her laptop. She lives in her little fantasy world cooking up stories in her head. Shontae wouldn’t know how to deal with a real man if her life depended on it. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. I can’t stand her cheap dressing, snobby ass.
Me: Do you think each of your housemates has a motive for being here this summer?
Kinnik: They sure as hell do. Doc is chasing Linda. Jo says she’s researching her new stylist business, but she’s really waiting for Walter to ask her to marry his dusty old ass. She’s been waiting for five years. Devon is rehearsing for the lead role in the new movie Denzel’s directing, and he needs to study the script.
Me: (smiling at the way she’s avoided telling me about herself.) “So what about you, Kinnik? Why are you here?”
Kinnik: I’m just breezin’ in and out when I’m not in the Hamptons with Q. I’d much rather be there.”
Me: That’s Q.E., Quentin Edwards, the rapper?
Kinnik: (a proud smile lights her beautiful face) That’s right. I’ve been staying with him for the past couple of months, but Linda insisted I spend some time with her.
Me: Isn’t Q.E. the one who was recently assaulted his personal assistant?
Kinnik: (puckers her lips then sucks her teeth) That’s never going to court. The heifer is still working for him, so she can’t be too upset about him clocking her in the head and pushing her into the pool. (Her face spreads into a proud smile.) “Yeah. This place is okay, but his estate is off the chain. It’s all about luxury. The food is better, and I don’t have to do any housework when I’m there. His chef and butler wait on me hand and foot.”
Me: “So are you two a couple.”
Kinnik: (her eyes becoming flat and unreadable as stone before she picks up her sunglasses and puts them back on.) “When we’re together, we’re a couple.”
Me: (the thread of warning in her voice lets me know it’s time to end the interview.) “Kinnik, it’s been a pleasure. As I mentioned to Shontae, maybe I’ll be back at the end of August to hear what actually happened during your vacation.”
Kinnik: (rising to her impressive full height. Adjusts her bikini to make sure it’s covering everything important.) Yeah, check in and see who’s left standing.
You can follow Chicki Brown at:
Website: http://www.chicki663.webs.com Personal Blog: http://sisterscribbler.blogspot.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/@Chicki663 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chicki.brown
Monday, 28 November 2011
I'm very excited to have the fabulous Jennifer T. Alli here today, and she has brought along two guests for a chat!! Lucian and Sara from Seared by Desire. Enjoy!!
I suppose I should tell you a little about me. My name’s Jennifer T. Alli, feel free to call me Jen J. I write paranormal romance novels and am getting quite prolific. Not anywhere near as many as Kresley Cole or Gena Showalter who I adore, but still…I have 5 books under my belt and a sixth on the way. I realised the other day that I’ve written over half a million words and I think anyone would agree that’s a lot. I’ve been writing for quite some time, initially I kept my writing private but then I discovered the internet and made everything public. The internet is awesome and I met some lovely people by posting my work online but after 3 separate cases of plagiarism I decided to start self publishing and so here I am.
I think that’s probably quite enough from me we’re here to have an interview with a vampire not listen to my ramblings. If you’ve not read anything in my Elemental Passions series then I suppose I should introduce you to Lucian. I still don’t know whether I’d be intimidated or enticed if I met him in a dark alley late at night. Dark hair, even darker eyes, tall and wide with a no nonsense mouth that only a certain someone has ever managed to make smile. If I’m honest he has a bit of an attitude problem so bear with us I’ve had to coerce him into this interview but here goes.
JTA: “Evening Lucian, how are you tonight?”
Lucian: “Busy. Just ask your questions so I can be on my way.”
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “Rude much?”
Lucian: “I’m a vampire, I can hear you.”
JTA: “Fine, tell us a little about yourself.”
Lucian: “Are you serious? If that’s the sort of question you’re going to ask then I’m leaving.”
Sara: “Lucian, you agreed to do this remember? If you don’t want me to wear my sword crafting clothes you’re going to do this. Ask your questions Jen.”
JTA: “Okay, so we’ll try that again. Tell us a little about yourself.”
Lucian: “If you haven’t already guessed I’m a busy man. Wars don’t win themselves.
JTA: “War? Do tell.”
Lucian: *Sighs* “I’m not going to be able to get out of doing this am I?”
Sara and JTA: “No.”
Lucian: “Fine. I’ll tell you about myself. I’m a vampire. The oldest of my kind and I’ve spent hundreds of years at war.”
JTA: “Why?”
Lucian: “Because I got sick of people trying to take my head when I was asleep. My people needed a leader otherwise we were going to get ourselves all killed by silly humans like you. For the sake of pride if nothing else. We don’t need to kill as we feed. William didn’t quite understand that but don’t worry, I fixed that problem easily enough.”
JTA: “You’ve made me want to know more. Spill it! Tell us what happens to you in your story.”
Lucian: *groans* “This is going to take much longer than I was told it would…If you must know I was trying to win a war when this woman shows up and ruins everything…Well at the time I thought she was going to ruin everything. I know better now. But it still stands that she was a distraction. One that literally came into my life and turned everything upside down. I wanted to bite her so badly…She was a walking, talking temptation especially in those ridiculous clothes she uses to craft her swords.
JTA: “You’re a vampire, you’re meant to bite people and you said it yourself you don’t need to kill as you feed. I’m not seeing the problem. If you wanted to bite her you should have just done it.”
Lucian: “You sound just like Sara. It was complicated.”
JTA: “Complicated? That means interesting. Spill the beans.”
Lucian: “I’m not telling you anything. Why would I want to publicise my one and only weakness?”
JTA: “Good point, good point…But we do find out what it is if we read the book right?”
Lucian: “Sadly I can’t kill everyone who knows the secret all I can do is keep it contained.”
JTA: “Fine, next question. Tell us about your relationship with Sara.”
Lucian: *A small smile touches his lips.*
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “A smile like that should be illegal, it’s a lethal weapon. Yup, I’ve decided if I met him in a dark alley I’d definitely be enticed…”
Lucian: “My relationship with Sara is complicated. The relationship between a vampire and his bride always is.”
JTA: “Details!”
Lucian: “I didn’t want her. The first time I saw her, smelt her blood I knew she was the one but I left her…unconscious on the street.”
JTA: “You did what? You really left her passed out alone on a street? Anything could of happened to her!”
Lucian: “But it didn’t. I assigned someone to watch her but I knew without even speaking to her that she was going to be trouble. She was on fire and calling out for help. What normal person does that?”
Sara: “I was cursed at the time.”
Lucian: “You’re not really saying anything that contradicts my point. In fact, that’s another point. I was trying to win a war and this woman, who I didn’t even want anywhere near me forces her way into my life and says that I’m the cure to her curse. If that isn’t a distraction then you tell me what is.”
JTA: “So you don’t want her then?”
Lucian: “………If you ever make such a suggestion again I’ll cut your tongue out so that you can’t ever ask such a ridiculous question again. She’s mine.”
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “Changed my mind, I’d be terrified if I met you in a dark alley. I don’t think I’m ever leaving my house at night again.”
JTA: “Fine, so you want her. That’s fine, keep her. If you had to describe Sara in one word then what would it be?”
Lucian: “I’ll describe her in three.”
JTA: “But I said one…” *Remembers the flash of red in his eyes* “Fine, have three.”
Lucian: “In a nutshell Sara is brave, fierce and a menace to my sanity.”
JTA: “That was more than three…but moving on. Sara, I know we’re technically not interviewing you but could you describe Lucian in a word?”
Sara: “Determined.”
JTA: “Well I was going to go for rude but to each her own…”
Lucian: “Are we done yet? Some of us have better things to do.”
JTA: “Fine, you can go I just have one last question for Sara.”
Lucian: “I told you she was a menace to my sanity. I can’t leave her anywhere by herself. She’s a magnet for trouble. Just ask your question and we’ll both leave.”
JTA: “Fine. Sara, can you tell us a little about the Elemental Passions series as a whole?”
Sara: “Well the Elemental Passions series is about four people who have each been cursed. Each curse is different and we’ve got to try and figure out a way to break it. Lucian was the cure for my curse but I needed the one to cool my flame and who better than a vampire? If he’s not touching me he can be freezing at times. Is that everything?”
JTA: “Just one last thing I promise. What was your curse?”
Sara: *Smiles as she gets to her feet* “If I hadn’t met Lucian I would have died. If you want to find out more about my curse and my three siblings of the soul then the information is out there somewhere right?”
JTA: “Yeah, it’s on my blog.”
Sara: “Perfect.”
Lucian: “Can we go now?”
JTA: “Yes, go.” *Waits until they’re both gone* “I think I’d rather be dead than tied to that man for all eternity…to each her own I suppose.
Wow!! What an interview! Thank you Jen :)
Remember to visit Jen's blog
Check her out on Facebook
Follow her on Twitter
And if you haven't already got yourself a copy of Seared by Desire, go get your copy from Amazon and Smashwords
Interview with a Vampire
I think that’s probably quite enough from me we’re here to have an interview with a vampire not listen to my ramblings. If you’ve not read anything in my Elemental Passions series then I suppose I should introduce you to Lucian. I still don’t know whether I’d be intimidated or enticed if I met him in a dark alley late at night. Dark hair, even darker eyes, tall and wide with a no nonsense mouth that only a certain someone has ever managed to make smile. If I’m honest he has a bit of an attitude problem so bear with us I’ve had to coerce him into this interview but here goes.
JTA: “Evening Lucian, how are you tonight?”
Lucian: “Busy. Just ask your questions so I can be on my way.”
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “Rude much?”
Lucian: “I’m a vampire, I can hear you.”
JTA: “Fine, tell us a little about yourself.”
Lucian: “Are you serious? If that’s the sort of question you’re going to ask then I’m leaving.”
Sara: “Lucian, you agreed to do this remember? If you don’t want me to wear my sword crafting clothes you’re going to do this. Ask your questions Jen.”
JTA: “Okay, so we’ll try that again. Tell us a little about yourself.”
Lucian: “If you haven’t already guessed I’m a busy man. Wars don’t win themselves.
JTA: “War? Do tell.”
Lucian: *Sighs* “I’m not going to be able to get out of doing this am I?”
Sara and JTA: “No.”
Lucian: “Fine. I’ll tell you about myself. I’m a vampire. The oldest of my kind and I’ve spent hundreds of years at war.”
JTA: “Why?”
Lucian: “Because I got sick of people trying to take my head when I was asleep. My people needed a leader otherwise we were going to get ourselves all killed by silly humans like you. For the sake of pride if nothing else. We don’t need to kill as we feed. William didn’t quite understand that but don’t worry, I fixed that problem easily enough.”
JTA: “You’ve made me want to know more. Spill it! Tell us what happens to you in your story.”
Lucian: *groans* “This is going to take much longer than I was told it would…If you must know I was trying to win a war when this woman shows up and ruins everything…Well at the time I thought she was going to ruin everything. I know better now. But it still stands that she was a distraction. One that literally came into my life and turned everything upside down. I wanted to bite her so badly…She was a walking, talking temptation especially in those ridiculous clothes she uses to craft her swords.
JTA: “You’re a vampire, you’re meant to bite people and you said it yourself you don’t need to kill as you feed. I’m not seeing the problem. If you wanted to bite her you should have just done it.”
Lucian: “You sound just like Sara. It was complicated.”
JTA: “Complicated? That means interesting. Spill the beans.”
Lucian: “I’m not telling you anything. Why would I want to publicise my one and only weakness?”
JTA: “Good point, good point…But we do find out what it is if we read the book right?”
Lucian: “Sadly I can’t kill everyone who knows the secret all I can do is keep it contained.”
JTA: “Fine, next question. Tell us about your relationship with Sara.”
Lucian: *A small smile touches his lips.*
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “A smile like that should be illegal, it’s a lethal weapon. Yup, I’ve decided if I met him in a dark alley I’d definitely be enticed…”
Lucian: “My relationship with Sara is complicated. The relationship between a vampire and his bride always is.”
JTA: “Details!”
Lucian: “I didn’t want her. The first time I saw her, smelt her blood I knew she was the one but I left her…unconscious on the street.”
JTA: “You did what? You really left her passed out alone on a street? Anything could of happened to her!”
Lucian: “But it didn’t. I assigned someone to watch her but I knew without even speaking to her that she was going to be trouble. She was on fire and calling out for help. What normal person does that?”
Sara: “I was cursed at the time.”
Lucian: “You’re not really saying anything that contradicts my point. In fact, that’s another point. I was trying to win a war and this woman, who I didn’t even want anywhere near me forces her way into my life and says that I’m the cure to her curse. If that isn’t a distraction then you tell me what is.”
JTA: “So you don’t want her then?”
Lucian: “………If you ever make such a suggestion again I’ll cut your tongue out so that you can’t ever ask such a ridiculous question again. She’s mine.”
JTA: *mumbles to herself* “Changed my mind, I’d be terrified if I met you in a dark alley. I don’t think I’m ever leaving my house at night again.”
JTA: “Fine, so you want her. That’s fine, keep her. If you had to describe Sara in one word then what would it be?”
Lucian: “I’ll describe her in three.”
JTA: “But I said one…” *Remembers the flash of red in his eyes* “Fine, have three.”
Lucian: “In a nutshell Sara is brave, fierce and a menace to my sanity.”
JTA: “That was more than three…but moving on. Sara, I know we’re technically not interviewing you but could you describe Lucian in a word?”
Sara: “Determined.”
JTA: “Well I was going to go for rude but to each her own…”
Lucian: “Are we done yet? Some of us have better things to do.”
JTA: “Fine, you can go I just have one last question for Sara.”
Lucian: “I told you she was a menace to my sanity. I can’t leave her anywhere by herself. She’s a magnet for trouble. Just ask your question and we’ll both leave.”
JTA: “Fine. Sara, can you tell us a little about the Elemental Passions series as a whole?”
Sara: “Well the Elemental Passions series is about four people who have each been cursed. Each curse is different and we’ve got to try and figure out a way to break it. Lucian was the cure for my curse but I needed the one to cool my flame and who better than a vampire? If he’s not touching me he can be freezing at times. Is that everything?”
JTA: “Just one last thing I promise. What was your curse?”
Sara: *Smiles as she gets to her feet* “If I hadn’t met Lucian I would have died. If you want to find out more about my curse and my three siblings of the soul then the information is out there somewhere right?”
JTA: “Yeah, it’s on my blog.”
Sara: “Perfect.”
Lucian: “Can we go now?”
JTA: “Yes, go.” *Waits until they’re both gone* “I think I’d rather be dead than tied to that man for all eternity…to each her own I suppose.
Wow!! What an interview! Thank you Jen :)
Remember to visit Jen's blog
Check her out on Facebook
Follow her on Twitter
And if you haven't already got yourself a copy of Seared by Desire, go get your copy from Amazon and Smashwords
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Love Talk with Adora Smutz
Another revealing character interview with Adora Smutz
This week Adora interviews, Mac Caldwell, hero of Now and Forever 1, a Love Story:
Adora: So, Mac, hunky guy, how are you today?
Mac: *A little annoyed* Adora. Danny Maine said he got his name in the title of his book by sleeping with Jean. Well, I've been sleeping with Jean a much longer time and I don't have my name on a book, though she said she would.
Adora: Really, Mac. Grow up. Jean is telling you what you want to hear, just to get at your hot body. And it is HOT, I'll admit that.
Mac: *blushes* Thanks, Adora. She has actually said that I'm her favorite hero. Oh, don't tell Callie about Jean and me. I haven't slept with Jean since I started sleeping with Callie. Don't want to get them confused, Jean might write Callie out of the next book, then I'd been a horny and frustrated guy. Not to say I don't love Callie...
Adora: Yeah, yeah Mac. We get it. You love Callie's body, be honest here.
Mac: Callie is more than a body to me, Adora, you know that. Why are you trying to cause trouble between us?
Adora: Okay, okay, Mac. No harm meant *holds up her hands*. Geez. Sensitive aren't we? So tell me, what is your favorite position with Callie?
Mac: Any position. I love making love to her any way I can. And you can print that...wait...is Jean going to read this? *starts to sweat*
Adora: She better read this or I'm quitting!
Mac: Then maybe you should take back what I just said.
Adora: *wearing an evil grin* Too late, Mac. It's already in print.
Mac: Oh, crap!
Adora: So how many times a week do you and Callie make love? *picks up pen, poised over paper*
Mac: What? I'm not going to answer that. Jean said you'd try something like this. She said to stick to the plot of the book. Ask me about the drug gang...or how I felt about Callie doing things without telling me...
Adora: Doing what things? Is Callie sleeping with someone else?
Mac: She is? Where is he? No, No, that's ridiculous. Callie would never...
Adora: Is she sleeping with Danny, the hero of Now and Forever 2?
Mac: She'd never do that! Eliza would kill her. I would kll her, then we'd both kill Danny. *Mac comes halfway out of his chair*
Adora: Had you going there, didn't I?
Mac: Danny said you were a real ball buster and I didn't believe him. Maybe I should ask you who you're sleeping with...there's a rumor you made a play for Danny but he turned you down.
Adora: *blushes* That's all we have time for today *gestures neck cutting with her hand to the cameraman*
Mac: You don't get off that easy. I want to talk about the book.
Adora: Come back soon, Mac. For "Love Talk", this is Adora Smutz, signing off.
Check out the book on Jean's website
This week Adora interviews, Mac Caldwell, hero of Now and Forever 1, a Love Story:
Adora: So, Mac, hunky guy, how are you today?
Mac: *A little annoyed* Adora. Danny Maine said he got his name in the title of his book by sleeping with Jean. Well, I've been sleeping with Jean a much longer time and I don't have my name on a book, though she said she would.
Adora: Really, Mac. Grow up. Jean is telling you what you want to hear, just to get at your hot body. And it is HOT, I'll admit that.
Mac: *blushes* Thanks, Adora. She has actually said that I'm her favorite hero. Oh, don't tell Callie about Jean and me. I haven't slept with Jean since I started sleeping with Callie. Don't want to get them confused, Jean might write Callie out of the next book, then I'd been a horny and frustrated guy. Not to say I don't love Callie...
Adora: Yeah, yeah Mac. We get it. You love Callie's body, be honest here.
Mac: Callie is more than a body to me, Adora, you know that. Why are you trying to cause trouble between us?
Adora: Okay, okay, Mac. No harm meant *holds up her hands*. Geez. Sensitive aren't we? So tell me, what is your favorite position with Callie?
Mac: Any position. I love making love to her any way I can. And you can print that...wait...is Jean going to read this? *starts to sweat*
Adora: She better read this or I'm quitting!
Mac: Then maybe you should take back what I just said.
Adora: *wearing an evil grin* Too late, Mac. It's already in print.
Mac: Oh, crap!
Adora: So how many times a week do you and Callie make love? *picks up pen, poised over paper*
Mac: What? I'm not going to answer that. Jean said you'd try something like this. She said to stick to the plot of the book. Ask me about the drug gang...or how I felt about Callie doing things without telling me...
Adora: Doing what things? Is Callie sleeping with someone else?
Mac: She is? Where is he? No, No, that's ridiculous. Callie would never...
Adora: Is she sleeping with Danny, the hero of Now and Forever 2?
Mac: She'd never do that! Eliza would kill her. I would kll her, then we'd both kill Danny. *Mac comes halfway out of his chair*
Adora: Had you going there, didn't I?
Mac: Danny said you were a real ball buster and I didn't believe him. Maybe I should ask you who you're sleeping with...there's a rumor you made a play for Danny but he turned you down.
Adora: *blushes* That's all we have time for today *gestures neck cutting with her hand to the cameraman*
Mac: You don't get off that easy. I want to talk about the book.
Adora: Come back soon, Mac. For "Love Talk", this is Adora Smutz, signing off.
Check out the book on Jean's website
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Kathleen Grieve's character interview with Dr. Cruz Avery
"Hello, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Cruz Avery and you will meet me in Kathleen Grieve's current release, Dating 911. It is the story of my twin brother, Jett and how he doesn't use the best judgement when dealing with his post traumatic stress disorder after he lost his best friend in a fire."
"But has Jett ever used good judgement?" A bitter laugh escapes full, sexy lips. "Hell no! I remember the time when we..." Cruz shrugs and shakes his head. "Nevermind. So. He steals my girl and I get stuck at a dinner party with one of my Mother's "choice" dates, who by the way was no peach, not even if you counted the fuzz growing on her chin. Why would I be pissed off? Well, Roxanne wasnKt exactly mine...but she would have been mine if Jett wouldn't have come barging in, fire hose blazing..."
Crus paces the new office he was recently given when he was promoted as the Director of Phoenix General's Emergency Room. It's small, wiundowless, with only enough room for a generic desk, bookshelf crammed with medical texts and budget binders, and a chair for a guest, but he spans the 5x10 room anyway.
He turns to me and pierces me with those penetrating grey eyes. "Why didn't I get Roxanne and not Jett? Was is because he was so tragic? Lost? Women fall for that sort of thing, I guess. Do I sound like a bitter asshole?" He straightens and smoothes the dark blue silk tie and black Armani suit jacket he is wearing. "I'm not hurting for dates. I have more women than I know what to do with. I am Dr. Cruz Avery, after all." He winks.
It was my turn to shrug. As his creator, I'm fully aware that Cruz doesn't want to hear my answer, as he sits back behind his desk and shuffles some papers.
"Work. That"s what I need. Forget women...Forget dating all together. This ER is a complete mess and I intend to make some real changes here..."
Poor Cruz. What happened to him in Dating 911? Did he deserve Roxanne's love? What's in store for him in book 2 in my Dating Series, Dating Impossible? Will he finally find the love he deserves?
Before I go I'd like to thank you for having me here today. I'd like to leave you with a picture of Dr. Cruz Avery looking more relaxed...
When you look like this, I can see why Roxanne had a really hard time choosing between these hot twins! Dating 911 is avaliable now at Evernight Publishing
To find out more about Kathleen and her books, you can stop by her blog, Keeping A Pulse On Life & Romance
Her website
Follow her on Facebook
Follow her on Twitter: @KathleenGrieve
Have a great day!
"Hello, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Cruz Avery and you will meet me in Kathleen Grieve's current release, Dating 911. It is the story of my twin brother, Jett and how he doesn't use the best judgement when dealing with his post traumatic stress disorder after he lost his best friend in a fire."
"But has Jett ever used good judgement?" A bitter laugh escapes full, sexy lips. "Hell no! I remember the time when we..." Cruz shrugs and shakes his head. "Nevermind. So. He steals my girl and I get stuck at a dinner party with one of my Mother's "choice" dates, who by the way was no peach, not even if you counted the fuzz growing on her chin. Why would I be pissed off? Well, Roxanne wasnKt exactly mine...but she would have been mine if Jett wouldn't have come barging in, fire hose blazing..."
Crus paces the new office he was recently given when he was promoted as the Director of Phoenix General's Emergency Room. It's small, wiundowless, with only enough room for a generic desk, bookshelf crammed with medical texts and budget binders, and a chair for a guest, but he spans the 5x10 room anyway.
He turns to me and pierces me with those penetrating grey eyes. "Why didn't I get Roxanne and not Jett? Was is because he was so tragic? Lost? Women fall for that sort of thing, I guess. Do I sound like a bitter asshole?" He straightens and smoothes the dark blue silk tie and black Armani suit jacket he is wearing. "I'm not hurting for dates. I have more women than I know what to do with. I am Dr. Cruz Avery, after all." He winks.
It was my turn to shrug. As his creator, I'm fully aware that Cruz doesn't want to hear my answer, as he sits back behind his desk and shuffles some papers.
"Work. That"s what I need. Forget women...Forget dating all together. This ER is a complete mess and I intend to make some real changes here..."
Poor Cruz. What happened to him in Dating 911? Did he deserve Roxanne's love? What's in store for him in book 2 in my Dating Series, Dating Impossible? Will he finally find the love he deserves?
Before I go I'd like to thank you for having me here today. I'd like to leave you with a picture of Dr. Cruz Avery looking more relaxed...
When you look like this, I can see why Roxanne had a really hard time choosing between these hot twins! Dating 911 is avaliable now at Evernight Publishing
To find out more about Kathleen and her books, you can stop by her blog, Keeping A Pulse On Life & Romance
Her website
Follow her on Facebook
Follow her on Twitter: @KathleenGrieve
Have a great day!
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
I've been on Goodreads for a few months and I just love the site. I've joined many great groups, but one in particular deserves special mention:
Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics!

Spearheaded by the amazing Mods : Amber, Ashley, Lindsey and Kay!
I instantly felt at home in this group and have made many wonderful friends from all over the world who share my passion for...well, yes you guessed it, all things paranormal romance and urban fantasy.
They're a crazy bunch but I love them so much!! *blows kisses*
Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics recently (actually I lie, it's been quite a few weeks) started a thread called " read2review ". An awesome opportunity for authors to offer their work to the group for review.
I was lucky enough to have Therian put up for review last week Monday, Oct 31st.
Eek, I admit, I 've been anxious about my book going out for review. It would be the first time anyone, besides close friends and family, would be reading Therian. On the other hand, I'm excited to see the reception it gets :)
I've tried my best to stay away from Therian's read2review thread as I would like to wait until all reviews are in before I check them out! It has been with great difficulty though!
So, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to :
The ten members who will be reviewing Therian.
Also, thank you to those people who didn't get a free copy but went out and bought one anyway!!
I'll be posting all reviews on my blog as soon as they have come through!
Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics!

Spearheaded by the amazing Mods : Amber, Ashley, Lindsey and Kay!
I instantly felt at home in this group and have made many wonderful friends from all over the world who share my passion for...well, yes you guessed it, all things paranormal romance and urban fantasy.
They're a crazy bunch but I love them so much!! *blows kisses*
Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics recently (actually I lie, it's been quite a few weeks) started a thread called " read2review ". An awesome opportunity for authors to offer their work to the group for review.
I was lucky enough to have Therian put up for review last week Monday, Oct 31st.
Eek, I admit, I 've been anxious about my book going out for review. It would be the first time anyone, besides close friends and family, would be reading Therian. On the other hand, I'm excited to see the reception it gets :)
I've tried my best to stay away from Therian's read2review thread as I would like to wait until all reviews are in before I check them out! It has been with great difficulty though!
So, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to :
The ten members who will be reviewing Therian.
Also, thank you to those people who didn't get a free copy but went out and bought one anyway!!
I'll be posting all reviews on my blog as soon as they have come through!
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