Happy Release Day to Airicka Phoenix and Touching Eternity!!!
If I could, I would be doing cartwheels and backflips right now :) I am so in love with this book!!
Before Fallon was created to destroy. Before love became the ultimate weapon of destruction. There was Amalie and the horror that started a revolution that tore the fabric of humanity, of everything standing in the balance between power, hope and survival.
Amalie has one wish, one gnawing desire — she wants to die.
She wants to leave this world behind with its pain and darkness. She wants to finally breathe. But Amalie is a prisoner, a disease, not fit for life. She is unwanted, unnatural. She is defective, something useless and broken. Her own mother hadn’t wanted her. Her father hated her. The world shunned her and the only person she had ever loved, truly and with all her heart and soul, couldn’t stand the sight of her, couldn’t stand the thought of ever being with her. She repulsed him. Her insanity disgusted him. He’d forgotten her. He’d left her behind, deserted and abandoned her to a madman hell bent on crushing her, stealing her soul and shattering her will.
But what if she’s finally given hope? A reason to live? Can Amalie finally accept the hand offering so much for so little in return? Can she love again when she has nothing left to give?
Can she finally be free?
Due to sensitive matters portrayed throughout the novel, Touching Eternity (Touch Series, book 1.5) is rated 18+ (Adult).
Favorite Quotes:
"When I was eight, I found my best friend. Then, one day, I came home and she'd changed. During my absence, she'd become the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life and I fell in love with her so completely that the very idea of ever being without her became an impossibility I couldn't stand. That same girl has always been the only one to ever hold my heart in her hands. She's the only one who can both build me and destroy me if she wishes and I wouldn't change that for anything. I can't live without her." ~
Isaiah - Touching Eternity by Airicka Phoenix.
"She heard the cock. Then the bang. Then the silence as darkness swallowed her whole." ~
Touching Eternity by Airicka Phoenix.
Get your copy today!!!!
It's not often that I am left breathless after reading a book, but I'm still trying to recover after reading
Touching Eternity. Words cannot express how fantastic this book is, but I will try my best...
I was so excited to read the story of Amalie and Isaiah, characters I was introduced to in
Touching Smoke. Their story is heartbreaking.
The chemistry and love between Amalie and Isaiah developed beautifully. Their feelings were built on friendship and acceptance, blossoming into something more definate as the years passed and as they grew.
Amalie lives a tragic life. Prisoner in her own home, subjected to all kinds of torture by her father, who is hell bent on fixing in her what he believes is broken. It was clear that Garrison was a bit of a nutcase when I first met him in
Touching Smoke, but boy oh boy, is a crazed lunatic in this book. He is so blinded by his own ideas and his drive for success, that nothing and no one can make him see that what he is doing is evil.
Amalie is treated like a crazed animal, locked up under heavy guard, never allowed to venture out her room unless Garrison gave the word.
Isaiah was such an endearing character. I loved his mysteriousness in
Touching Smoke, but I loved him even more in this book. He will do just about anything he can for the love of his life. But, he too, was blinded by his need to please Garrison, the man who took him off the streets, giving him a better life. It's only when Isaiah witnessed the extent of Garrison's torture that he realised his own mistakes, and he did everything he could to make amends. Which I personally feel he did brilliantly. Find a guy who'll take a needle in the arm for you...not in this lifetime!!
Many of the secondary characters were of the unsavoury kind, but none made my skin crawl as much as Gabriel Tomas. From the minute he entered the story I knew there wasn't something quite right with the situation. He was a real slime ball!
This story is dark and twisted. Filled with tragedy and heart-shattering moments that had me gasping and sobbing throughout. But it also held a bright shining light, one filled with love, hope, devotion, selflessness, courage and heroism.
If I had to sum it up on one word, it would be PERFECTION!
It gets...
Times this by a billion and that's what it truly deserves :)
About the Author
Airicka Phoenix is the author of TOUCHING SMOKE (Touch Series Book #1) and has a short story, TORRID, as part of the Whispered Beginning: Clever Fiction Anthology. When she's not hammering away at the keyboard, she can be found banishing pirates or crawling through the attic looking for lost treasure with her kids. She loves baking, gardening and reading. She also likes to travel and take pictures of everything she comes across. When asked, Airicka describes herself as a sarcastic basket case that has an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, old movies and really bad jokes. She loves to laugh, make friends and write. If she could have one wish granted, it would be to spend one day as a fly-on-the-wall inside Stephen King's mind. If she could have two wishes granted, she would ask for a castle dedicated entirely to her overwhelming collection of books.
For more about Airicka, also on how to win giveaways, read author interviews and reviews, visit her!
You can add Airicka on any/all of her social networks. Making new friends is the highlight of her day!