Hello Therians!
Welcome to the
Touching Evil &
Furthermore Blog Tour presented by
Today the spotlight is on
Touching Evil by Amber Garr, and she has even stopped by for a quick chat :)

With one touch, Leila can see it all.
Leila Marx is trying to put her life back together after her fiancé is
murdered. When Detective Garrick Pearson enlists her help with a difficult
case, she is thankful for the distraction and the opportunity to use her
talents as a touch clairvoyant. Leila and Garrick delve into the mystery behind
a series of missing teenage girls and mummified corpses while discovering their
own growing attraction to each other.
Conner Hoffman is an intriguing lawyer and striking half-demon who enters
Leila’s life unexpectedly. Although her visions are terrifying, she is
fascinated by his charm and his legacy. When it becomes evident that the
murders are linked to a paranormal event, Conner introduces Leila to a world
unbeknownst to ordinary society. She suddenly finds herself immersed in
supernatural politics, sorcery, and danger as she becomes the killer’s next
Staying alive will mean relying on friends, accepting the unbelievable, and
trusting in her heart again.
ñ Paperback: 322 pages
ñ Publisher: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform (November 1, 2012)
ñ Language: English
ñ ISBN-10: 1480021598
Touching Evil was such an exciting read. With a mix of intriguing characters,
it wasn't difficult to be drawn into this story completely from beginning to
Of course, I’m a sucker for anything supernatural so I loved getting to know
each of the characters, even Gallus, although he was a little intimidating. The
story didn’t start off with any clear indication of exactly which supernatural
being I’d be spending the next few hours with, so I was pleasantly surprised
when a whole host of them showed up throughout the story.
This book also has its fair share of hotties with the likes of Connor and
Garrick. And even though the story doesn’t ooze love triangle, it was
definitely there as Leila was torn between these two gorgeous men. The story is
filled with suspense as Leila and her friends investigate a string of
disappearances and murders. When it becomes evident that the case has a deeper,
more malevolent twist it is up to the group of supernatural beings to
This book has a serious tone and is filled with some disturbing scenes,
but every now and then a bit of humor is thrown in to lighten the mood. I
especially loved Leila’s
Shaun of the
Dead moment when she first meets the vigilante group of supernaturals. And
I loved the tender moments shared between her and King. I have a soft spot for
werewolves, so even though he’s not the complete hottie, and he smells bad, he
has a place in my heart.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a great supernatural
suspense read. But I believe that anyone who loves a good mystery will enjoy
this story even with its supernatural twist.
It gets…
Check out the awesome Book Trailer:
1. Tell us a bit more
about yourself.
I work as a marine biologist during the day
and try to squeeze in time for writing and dancing when I get home. I have a
husband, two cats (Screamie and Bitsy Cat), one dog (Noodles), and live in
Florida where it is WAY too hot for “winter” right now.
2. Describe yourself
in three words.
Ambitious, organized, creative (I hope!)
3. What five things do
you never leave home without?
iPod (I don’t function without music), Kindle
(in case there’s time to read at lunch), my zombie notebook (for those book
ideas), pens (I’m a collector I think), gum (to satisfy those sugary cravings)
4. What do you do when
you are not writing?
Read as much as I can. With five books out
now, I also spend quite a bit of time promoting and marketing and anything in
between. If there’s any extra time I like to dance, work out, and do yard work
(weird, I know).
5. Who/What inspired
you to write your first novel?
A back injury. As dumb as that sounds, when I
was forced to stop dancing three-four days a week, I suddenly had a lot of time
and no way to be creative. So after sharing some of my initial short stories, I
was encouraged to keep writing and soon had my first complete novel complete
(Touching Evil). I shelved it for two years while I worked on my YA mermaid
series, and then came back to it.
6. What has been your
most rewarding experience on the road to being published?
Compliments and great reviews from complete
strangers. I am still in awe (and thankful) when I see a good review or comment
about one of my books. It was so scary deciding to put my work out there, but
it’s definitely been a rewarding experience.
7. What is the best
piece of advice you have been given as an author?
Keep writing. Don’t get bogged down by
promoting just one book. Try to spend just as much time writing the next one. I
have to keep reminding myself of that sometimes, but I’m so happy when I make
the time to get another chapter down on paper.
8. What advice would
you give to aspiring authors?
Read! Read as much as you can in your genre to
learn what works and doesn’t work. I also recommend getting a good group of
beta readers together. Mine have been invaluable to me!
9. Who are your
favorite authors to read?
Kelley Armstrong, Richelle Mead, Charlaine
Harris, Kim Harrison to name a few
10. Tell us a bit about Touching
The story revolves around Leila Marx who
happens to be a touch clairvoyant. She is still trying to recover from the
murder of her fiancé and keeps busy by helping the local police department with
unsolved or homicide cases. The latest case has a supernatural twist and she
soon discovers that she is not the only different one out there. And of course,
there is a love story thrown in there as well!
11. Are any of your characters
based on someone you know?
Not in this book. I came up with the idea of
Leila’s tragic backstory from a real news story, but the rest developed in my
twisted mind. J
12. Who is your favorite
character, and why?
I know she’s my main character, but I like
Leila. I think she handles everything that’s thrown at her with grace and I’m
anxious to see how this changes her outlook on like in future books. I also
enjoyed writing the annoying ghost scene…I think there will have to be a short
story about George.
13. Are you working on any special
projects at the moment?
Yes. I’m working on Book Two of The Leila Marx
Novels and have a mature YA/New adult dystopian almost halfway done. I hope to
get back to two other novels I started last year and see where they take me.
14. Where can readers stalk you?
Amber Garr spends her days conducting scientific experiments and wondering if her next door neighbor is secretly a vampire. Born in Pennsylvania, she lives in Florida with her husband and their furry kids. Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain that she has a supernatural sense of smell. She writes both adult and young adult urban fantasies and when not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie.
There are two, YES I said TWO giveaways for this tour!!
The first giveaway comprises of a signed paperback copy of Touching Evil, a signed paperback copy of Furthermore and surprise SWAG!!
Enter using the rafflecopter below :)
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The second giveaway if for an eCopy of either Touching Evil or Furthermore (Mobi or ePub)
Enter using the below rafflecopter :)
Be sure to check in each day as there will be new entry options into this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now off you run to the other stops on this tour for more exciting news about these two amazing books!!