Monday, 18 September 2017

Cover Reveal + #Giveaway: Protector’s Claim by Airicka Phoenix

Title: Protector’s Claim
Author: Airicka Phoenix
Genre: Dark Romance
Publication Date: Oct. 31st, 2017
Gabrielle Thornton
I made a mistake.
I allowed myself to be born. I allowed myself access into a life that wasn’t mine, and for that, I had willingly submitted my body and soul to a man whose sadistic pleasures knew no bound, a man who relished in my pain as much as he craved my flesh.
A monster I would do anything to escape.
But what if I could make it stop? What if the cost of freedom was a single night in a stranger’s arms? What if one final sin was all I needed to commit to find peace?
 Kieran Kincaid
I had always known of the sickness that lived inside my father, the demons who controlled the man. His death was a blessing to every innocent he’d destroyed with his dark hunger.
Yet, despite his demise becoming my curse, a shackle trapping me in his twisted secrets, it lured me to it, too. It promised me the thing I coveted above all else. It seduced me deeper into the world I wish I knew nothing of, but there was no turning back, not even if by accepting, by taking what didn’t belong to me made me a monster like him.
Gabby would finally be mine.

Airicka Phoenix is a multi-genre author of novels starring strong female leads and sexy alpha heroes. She started her journey after never finding the type of books she wanted to read. Her love of tortured souls and forbidden romance carried her into writing her own hard-earned happiness. Currently, she lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her babies and can be found hard at work on her next project. For more about Airicka, visit her at FOLLOW AIRICKA’S NEWSLETTER  for updates, new releases, sneak peeks, and more.(no spamming. Promise)




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Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Release Day Blitz: Dalysian Struggle by Jamie Summer

Dalysia #2

Author: Jamie Summer
Release Date: September 13th
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Cover by: Judi Perkins of Concierge Literary Design

The Test was just the beginning.
Having reigned victorious in the Dalysian Test, Sophie is shocked to discover it is not the end of her journey on Jenace. Finding herself responsible for the fate of an entire race is a burden impossible to bear, but one she knows she cannot walk away from.
With the help of a small group of trusted people Sophie begins to prepare for the infamous Trials, but quickly realizes that the competition isn’t the only threat to her survival. Worst of all, her biggest opponent turns out to be her greatest weakness.
What do you do when you don’t know who you can trust anymore? How do you keep going when faith threatens to desert you and the burden you carry is almost impossible to bear?
With the Trials looming, Sophie has to find a way to beat the odds. Failure is not an option.

Available on Amazon and KU: 

Buy link:

About the Author
Jamie Summer is a native of Germany, where she lives with her husband and son. She’s a writer, blogger, avid reader, coffee and TV show addict and tries to be a dancer. When she’s not writing or watching one of her guilty pleasure shows, Jamie enjoys spending time in the sun, in the pool or anywhere near the water. 
She’s currently working on her next book and wishes there were 48 hours to the day so she could do everything she sets her sights on. 

Friday, 25 August 2017

Blog Tour: Excerpt + #Giveaway: Forsaken by Connie Ann Michael

Title: Forsaken
Author: Connie Ann Michael
Release Date: May 23, 2017
ISBN: 9780997727890

Eighteen-year-old Oli cannot remember life outside the barrier, a life before the oil spill that poisoned human kind, killing half the population and infecting the other half until they deteriorated from the inside out, forced to walk the earth as Screamers. It’s a dangerous new world in which barely anyone makes it past the age of twenty, and Oli’s time is running out.

Studying the Bible, Oli searches for words to help restore faith in a lost world, and when she receives a message from God telling her to leave the barrier, she knows what she must do. There’s only one problem: Her best friend, Coi, doesn’t believe her, and he’s showing the first signs of infection. But before she can convince him to leave with her, the Governor quarantines Coi and orders his execution.

Oli risks it all to rescue Coi, and they set out to find sanctuary away from the safety of the compound, not knowing who or what will get to them first: the Governor, the illness, or the Screamers. When they stumble upon a group of uninfected humans hidden among the rubble of an apartment building, they think they’ve found their salvation. But not everything is as it seems, and their enemies are closer than they thought.

Book Links:
Anaiah Press:
Barnes and Noble:

About the Author

A new resident of Montana, Connie Ann Michael grew up in a close family on the outskirts of Seattle. Drawn to the Lord she’s followed her calling of service and has taught for twenty-six years, currently the fifth grade teacher at Crow Agency Public School, on the Crow Reservation. Connie loves her family and is lucky enough to have two grown boys. Living with her husband and two dogs in Big Sky country, Connie enjoys any activity that takes her outside and is working hard to overcome her fear of being eaten by a bear to enjoy more hiking trips in the mountains.


I’d worked in the garden all day, digging up dry, hard dirt in an attempt to thin out weeds that were indistinguishable from the edible plants. I sat back on my heels and looked around at the others digging with sticks and crude tools bent from scraps of metal. I thought back to a history book I’d found in the school across the street from where our tiny speck of civilization sat. The pictures of the cities were faded, but the grandeur couldn’t be dulled. The sun shone from the great heights of the buildings like stars guiding people through their lives. Lives that were full and held the hope of growth and diversity. Lives that were lost, and lives I would never know. I devoured news from the past. I’d read every book I could find until the day the Governor took over and sent the Guard in to gather them all and burn them in a huge bonfire to show us the past no longer mattered.

Only the future mattered now. The future he would make for us.

I’d hidden a few of my favorite books and then ripped out pictures that spoke to me of what could be once more. I had them in my pockets until the day one fell out and the Guard, a group of empowered teenagers doing the dirty work for the Governor, found them. My arms were bound to a table in the middle of the compound, and my hands were hit with a switch twenty times before I was left as an example. My transgression—hope—was the first of the rules scratched on to the wall of rules. Of course, it said act of defiance.

Defiance of what?

Defiance of a rule that took the past and left it there?

I kneeled at the table until dusk when my friends, Bliss and Coi, were allowed to release me. I was expected to continue my duties in the garden the next day as if my hands weren’t sore, swollen, and bloody; as if nothing had transpired.

Take your punishment and step back into the predictable path of your life.

I was much more careful after that and folded the photographs until they were small squares and hid them among my possessions, only giving myself the luxury of carrying one hidden deep in my pocket. After more than ten years behind these fences, we had little to show other than a belief system that was the backbone to salvation slowing being taken from us. Even though I didn’t agree with rules outlined and constantly being revised without question or input from those living under them, this was the only home I’d known since arriving when I was nine.

It was desolate and dying a little more every day, but it was a refuge for those of us who refused to give up a chance of survival. We paid for our residence through tedious chores that never seemed to get us closer to breaking the barrier between survival and living. Every day we woke to the monotonous tasks, doing what needed to be done to earn our place and not be forsaken into the abyss of death waiting outside our fences.

Most days, I found my refuge in the skeleton of a school just outside the safety zone of the chain link. A place once filled with knowledge and guidance but now a shell of a world left far behind.

Dusk had settled, along with a light drizzle. I’d left my tools in the shed after my chores and had spent the last hours of daylight in the school with History books and the Bible I had hidden deep in the bowels of a dilapidated classroom. I’d found loose pages in a pile of trash that listed the nine things needed before a world was considered a civilization; a written language, a belief system, a stable food supply, government, art, ways to improve life, a social structure, lasting settlements, and a trade or economics. If this list was accurate, we had a long way to go before we were considered anything more than a group of young people camping in the middle of what used to be a sports field. I began to cross over the make-shift bridge the Guard had strung between the school and the rickety guard tower they’d erected. I usually slipped through the gate to walk the short distance across the road and through the doors of the school, but I’d waited too long and the path back to the barrier was filled with the infected, the screeching noise of their breathing, earning them the name Screamers, floated up from the road below. I stopped, daring to look down at the small space between my feet and the dozens of clawing fingers reaching up in the small chance they could snag my pants or a shoelace and bring me to my death. I inched forward, hearing the deep rasp of a cough before I saw the figure waiting on the other side of the bridge. I glanced up at the clouds, darkening as they filled with the poisoned rain they would tease us with. A wetness that wouldn’t bring life but instead kill the small plants we nurtured and damage the health of the young who eagerly drank from the barrels before the water was purified.

The cough came again, and as I neared the other side, the tall figure of my best friend, Coi, emerged.

"Bliss missed her work duty for the day," his words came out quickly.

"I’ll find her." I didn’t wait for an explanation, there wasn’t time. I needed to find her before Bliss’s punishment became a new revision on the wall of rules.

Coi grabbed my arm, stopping me. "I was sent after her. She’s at the fence but won’t come back with me. I can’t stall the Guard long."

"I told you, I’ll get her." I stomped down the stairs and took off at a run.

It was her first absence in months, so the punishment would more than likely be a warning. I prayed it would be a warning and nothing more, but I needed to make sure if she was doing anything more than missing work that I got to her before anyone else did. I needed to know she was okay and keep her that way. It didn’t take long to find her. The barrier wasn’t that big.

"Missed you at the garden today," I said quietly, walking up behind her. Bliss was eleven, and I’d practically raised her even though I was a kid myself. She was sitting on the ground watching a small group of Screamers milling around a pile of… of something I didn’t want to know what it was. The barrier was surrounded by trees that, at one time, I was sure provided a cool shade from the sun. Now the needles were red with what looked to be the same fate as us. The school we’d settled in was away from a town I assumed lay out past the trees. I’d always thought it was why it was chosen in the early years… for its seclusion. No one alive today had ever gone farther than the school across the broken road. Very few buildings lay further, a long patch of runway from what use to be an airstrip, but legend had it the large metal buildings housed a mass of those who died from infection, and going that far from the barrier was listed on the wall of laws, so no one I knew ever ventured that way.

"There’s plenty of people to clean the gardens. You don’t need me," she muttered. Her fingers were laced into the metal links of the fence, her eyes glued to the slumped figures across a small dirt patch.

"It’s best we leave them to…"

"To what?" Bliss questioned. Her mood concerned me. Bliss was the happy one. The one whose real name I couldn’t even remember. We all called her Bliss because of her never ending cheer.

I looked at the ground, the water collecting in rounded mounds over the caked earth, not yet soaking into the tightly pressed dirt, and wondered the same thing. It was best we let them be. It was best we left them to do whatever it was they did without anyone watching. "I don’t know, Bliss, but you don’t want to watch them."

Bliss turned to me. "Our existence means nothing if we don’t honor the dead."

I tried not to flinch at her words. "Honor the dead?"

"They were just like us until their luck changed. I don’t think they mean to hurt us. They want to survive… so do we."

I looked at a woman who stood swaying slowly back and forth on the other side of the barrier. Her face was unrecognizable, but even with clothes in tattered strips and covered in mud, I knew who she was. This woman had been the last of what would be considered an adult in our small community of safety. I sighed again and understood what had kept Bliss from her work. The woman had been Bliss’s aunt.

I didn’t want to argue the fact that their need to survive was futile seeing as they were as good as dead, infected with a sickness that if there was a chance of a cure, we certainly didn’t have any way of finding it, but I also didn’t want to agree with her. The Governor had been in control for a few short years, and words used when discussing the methods he had for removing those who questioned him had to be chosen more carefully these days.

Bliss stared out into the growing darkness. "She didn’t do anything wrong."

"She questioned," I said quietly.

"And is that so wrong?"

I shook my head no, but in my heart I knew it was dangerous to question the Governor and his methods. I understood his need to control us. In the beginning, there was no organization and mistakes were made that we continue to pay for today.

"She told the guard she was too sick to work. She snuck out when they were watching the gate." She glanced up at me. "She was with child." Her big eyes blinked and a tear fell. "I would have had a cousin."

I opened my mouth to respond, but words had left me. I wasn’t sure where to start on the list of disturbing questions her words put in my head. The biggest being why she thought her aunt had had a choice in her exile. Finally, I said, "I’m sorry."

"It was her terms not theirs." Bliss let out a long breath, releasing her negativity. "Tell me something good." She wiped at her cheeks with one hand. Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the fence tighter with the other. I placed my hand over hers. When darkness fell completely and the Screamers became frenzied for food, they would come for something as small as a finger. Even the smallest scratch from their infected nails could cause the infection to spread.

"You’re here for a reason. If you weren’t supposed to be here, you wouldn’t be," I said.
The rasps of the Screamers were getting louder as the sky became fully dark and the rain began.

"Please, Bliss," I whispered. "Please. Come to dinner with me."

One of the Screamers came to us, head cocked to the left, jaws chomping at nothing. Bliss took a step back, finally letting go of the fence.

The vacant eyes of the walking corpses drew me in. Many called them lost souls, but they weren’t. These were empty shells of people. People who’d been loved. I’d spent many hours looking into the weeping, yellow eyes of the sick, trying to understand. But when there is nothing in them, there’s nothing to find.

"Please," I said again.

Bliss didn’t divert her eyes from where they stared. "You can go, Oli."

"No. Come with me."

She turned and met my stare. "I need her to know I’m here. I’ll survive for her, and I want her to get strength from that."

I pressed my lips to her temple. "I love you, Bliss. But you can’t be found here. Illness is the only excuse for absence. You can’t stay."

Reluctantly, she agreed and returned with me to the large building where dinner was waiting. The Screamers rarely returned to the barrier. Her aunt had slipped away in the morning. Escaped, we told ourselves. Trying to find others and then return with a great flourish to tell us the world had returned just a few miles down the road. It was best we kept those dreams alive. It was better than the alternative, the one where the Guard led her into the vacant world outside our walls without even a simple weapon. No one who left ever returned. The Guard made sure of that, and I highly doubted it was her aunt. This was just a woman wearing the same dress who happened upon us. I looked down at my own clothes and wondered if this was an outfit I wanted to wear while I walked the earth as a Screamer.


Go here for an awesome giveaway! :

Monday, 21 August 2017

Cover Reveal: Resuscitation (The Trauma Series #3) by Cassia Brightmore Author



                        Resuscitation (The Trauma Series #3) 
                        by Cassia Brightmore Author
                                 Genre: Dark Romance
                      Release Date: October 2nd, 2017
                              Cover Model: Lance Jones
                            Photography by: Dave Kelley
                     Cover Design: Concierge Literary 
                                Designs & Photography 


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Trust. No. One.

A mantra that Dr. Cian O’Reilly has lived by; never allowing any new insiders to pierce his inner circle. Until her. Dr. Athena Payne was his game changer, the woman he wanted to bring into his cloak of darkness; to share in his malicious desires of torture and terror as the executioner of all who escaped justice. But when faced with an alleged betrayal of that trust, how far will he go to seek his vengeance?

Love. Conquers. All.

Three words that Athena Payne has always believed whole-heartedly. In her determination to become a brilliant heart surgeon, her thirst for knowledge tossed her headlong into a hidden conspiracy, a deadly game of death intertwined with the complications of love. Trusting and loving Cian may very well be the last things she ever does as she’s faced with paying the ultimate price for allowing him into her heart.

Save a life. Take a life.

Will the hardest kill Cian’s ever faced be his last? As others circle closer to learning his true identity, interns and attendings alike face the possibility of losing everything they’ve fought so hard to gain.

Trust no one. Let love conquer all. And prepare for a shocking ending that you won’t see coming in this third installment of the Trauma Series.

Lincoln Hospital, where the cure can be your worst nightmare.

Warning: Contains violent and graphic situations not suitable for readers under the age of eighteen. This is the third book in the "Dexter" meets "Grey's Anatomy" series and ends on a cliffhanger. All books must be read in order to follow the series.

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On the twenty-third day—he hunts, bringing the scum of the earth to justice; his justice. Ending up as a patient on Dr. O’Reilly’s table could either save your life or end it in the most horrific way.

New York City. The infamous city that never sleeps; the place where dreams either shine brightly or shatter into razor sharp pieces of metal. For Dr. Cian O’Reilly, it’s the perfect city to disguise his dark alter ego. As a top surgeon at Lincoln Hospital, he has access to resources far beyond the reach of the average person; the ideal cover for his double life. By day, he’s the epitome of professionalism. By night, the facade is stripped away and his true depraved self is revealed.

When Dr. Athena Payne joins the roster as a new surgical intern, Cian’s carefully constructed life is thrown into turmoil. With her sunny smile and wide-eyed innocence, she threatens to break through his iron-like exterior, exposing the man beneath. Following her dream of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon, her internship at Lincoln Hospital is the first step in achieving her goals. Something about the dark air of mystery that surrounds her new boss, Dr. Cian O’Reilly, leaves Athena questioning just what it is that the good doctor is hiding.

A killer on the loose. A doctor wielding a deadly blade. An intern caught in the midst of first love and a lethal web of murder.

Lincoln Hospital. Where the cure can be your worst nightmare.

Warning: Contains violence and graphic situations not suitable for readers under the age of eighteen.


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Within the walls of the prestigious Lincoln Hospital in New York City, a hunter awaits. A man with a thirst for blood and an appetite for vengeance. Dr. Cian O’Reilly, the city’s most respected cardiovascular surgeon, is living a double life, one bathed in torture and mayhem as he delivers final justice to the city’s most heinous criminals.

When a new influx of physicians joins the rotation, the struggle for anonymity intensifies as a nosy reporter inches closer to the truth about Cian’s true identity. In a dangerous game of kill or be killed, no one is safe and everyone is a potential victim.

A romance blossoming on the premise of murder. An escaped killer on the loose. A traitor in the midst intent on bringing them all down.

Lincoln Hospital. Where the cure can be your worst nightmare.

Warning: Contains violence and graphic situations not suitable for readers under the age of eighteen. This is the second book in the "Dexter" meets "Grey's Anatomy" series and ends on a cliffhanger. All books must be read in order to follow the series.

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Cassia Brightmore is a Canadian dark romance author. She loves writing dark stories with twisted characters that she hopes will thrill the reader as well as make them fall in love.

She loves hockey, video games and online shopping. If she's not writing or editing, you can usually find her doing one of these things. Writing is her passion and publishing her first book as an indie author is truly a dream come true.

Her titles include:

The Darkness Series
Book One: Malevolent
Book Two: Evanesce
Book Three: Denouement
Book Four: Repentance

The Trauma Series
Book One: Lincoln Hospital
Book Two: Flatline


                                                      FACEBOOK     WEBSITE     EMAIL     INSTAGRAM


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@YaReads Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Scion of the Sun by Nicola Marsh

Scion of the Sun by Nicola Marsh
Genre: YA Paranormal
Published July 7th, 2017

Sixteen-year-old Holly Burton’s unremarkable life is shaken to the core when a vision of the mother she never knew has her questioning everything she believes.
Eager for answers, Holly enrolls at a boarding school for highly gifted students in Wolfebane, New Hampshire. When she accidentally transports to a parallel existence and discovers she has a whole other life waiting for her, confronting a dark and ancient evil seems the least of her problems.
With the help of Joss, a sexy alpha warrior sworn to protect her, and her new BFF, the equally swoon-worthy Quinn, Holly faces her fears and an unlikely adversary in a showdown that is worse than anything she could’ve possibly imagined…

About the Author

USA TODAY bestselling & multi-award winning author Nicola Marsh writes flirty fiction with flair for adults and spooky, supernatural fiction for young adults.
She has published 64 books with Harlequin, Amazon and indie, and sold over 7 million copies worldwide. She currently writes women’s fiction for Amazon’s Lake Union Publishing. SAVING SARA released August 1st 2016 and became a #1 romance bestseller in the UK & Australia! RESCUING ROSE, the sequel, released October 4th, 2016. She also writes steamy romance for the upcoming Harlequin Dare series, with SWEET THING releasing March 1st, 2018.
Her first mainstream contemporary romance, BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD released to rave reviews, including a nomination for RWA’s RBY, Romantic Book of the Year 2012. Her first indie-pubbed contemporary romance CRAZY LOVE released September 2012, a Barnes & Noble bestseller, and was nominated for a 2012 ARRA award.
Her young adult fantasy SCION OF THE SUN won the National Readers’ Choice Award for Best YA novel in the USA.
She’s also a Waldenbooks, Bookscan and Barnes & Noble bestseller, a 2013 RBY and National Readers’ Choice Award winner, is a multiple finalist for awards including the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Booksellers’ Best, Golden Quill, Laurel Wreath, More than Magic and has won several CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Awards.
A physiotherapist for 13 years, she now adores writing full time, raising her two young heroes, sharing fine food with family and friends, barracking loudly for her beloved North Melbourne Kangaroos footy team, and her favourite, curling up with a good book!


Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Blog Tour: Excerpt + #Giveaway: Omega (The Infinity Division, #2) by Jus Accardo

Omega (The Infinity Division, #2) 
by Jus Accardo
Published by Entangled Teen
To be released on August 1st, 2017

One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson.

Only Noah isn’t really gone. Thanks to his parents’ company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, he’s determined to resist the magnetic pull he’s felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his mission—and their lives—in danger.

But there’s more going on in Ash’s alternate universe than either of them knows: a mysterious project called Omega. A conspiracy spanning multiple Earths and revolving around none other than Ash. Its creators would do anything to keep Omega secret…


Infinity (The Infinity Division, #1) by Jus Accardo
Published by Entangled Teen
Published on November 1st, 2016
Genre: YA Science Fiction

Jump dimensions. Find the bad guy. Don’t fall in love.

Nobody said being the daughter of an army general was easy. But when her dad sends a teenage subordinate to babysit her while he’s away? That’s taking it a step too far.

Cade, as beautiful as he is deadly, watches Kori with more than just interest. He looks at her like he knows her very soul. And when he saves her from a seemingly random attack, well, that’s when things get weird.

Turns out, Kori’s dad isn’t just an army general—he’s the head of a secret government project that has invented a way to travel between parallel dimensions. Dimensions where there are infinite Koris, infinite Cades…and apparently, on every other Earth, they’re madly in love.

Falling for a soldier is the last thing on Kori’s mind. Especially when she finds herself in a deadly crossfire, and someone from another Earth is hell-bent on revenge…

About the Author

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. But at the last minute, she realized her true path lay with fiction, not food. Jus is the bestselling author of the popular Denazen series from Entangled publishing, as well as the Darker Agency series, and the New Adult series, The Eternal Balance. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald.


“Maybe you used to be better at it?” I prodded. “I mean, you probably don’t get a lot of time to date while skipping all over creation, right? Maybe you’re just out of practice?”
“I’m not out of practice.” He seethed.
“It’s okay! It’s nothing to be ashamed of—”
For the second time since we’d met, he assaulted me. One second I was having the time of my life pushing his buttons—ridiculously easy to do—the next I was against the wall, Noah’s body covering mine. His lips moved furiously, scorchingly hot and with a level of passion I’d never felt before. His tongue slipped between my lips and despite having told other guys that I hated that, I melted, reveling in the millions of electrical tingles the action sent shooting through my body.
His hands gripped my head on either side. No roaming, no exploration. Somehow it made the whole thing hotter. Like he couldn’t bear to release me in fear that I’d move. That I’d get away and he’d have to stop.
And stop? No. That was a dirty word. A softly whispered sin in the darkest corners of the earth. Stopping this would be a crime of the highest caliber.
Except he did. Stop, that was.
He pulled away just far enough to look me in the eye, not yet letting go of my head. With an extremely satisfied tilt of his lip, he said, “Decent my ass.”


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