Monday, 22 May 2017

The Steam Tycoon by Golden Czermak is #LIVE

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THE STEAM TYCOON_ebook_small 

Jesse Winthrope is a self-made millionaire who has quickly risen from his own humble beginnings. Rocketed high into the upper echelons after the invention of his high efficiency Winthrope Steam Engine, Jesse is poised to take on the Western Frontier, starting in the city of Diablo. 

 Jenny Boone is from a hard-working farming family, living off the land far from the city and its technological marvels. However, circumstances beyond Jenny’s control force her into the clutches of a highly judgmental population.

  Going to work in one of Winthrope’s factories, the two find each other and along with it a love that crosses both finances and prejudices.  

Can their feelings for each other survive, or will society get the best of them, dousing the fire in their hearts?

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TST Golden Czermak RELEASE DAY 

TST Golden Czermak RELEASE DAY 2



Make sure to head over to the Author's LIKE page HERE to enter the release day giveaway!


⚙⚙⚙ REVIEW ⚙⚙⚙

This was one breath-taking, epic adventure that held me captive from the very first page. I love when a book sucks me in so completely that I feel like I'm actually living the action, and that's exactly how I felt whilst reading this amazing tale. If I could choose any single book to see play out on the big screen it would be this one.

The characters are all well-developed - some loveable, the others not so much; while the descriptive landscapes are so well written, again it felt like I was right there next to the characters as they trudged through the dusty wastelands, or elbowed their way through the busy markets of Diablo.

Usually, I'm able to latch onto one particular character who stands out above all the others, but Jenny, Jesse, Aftershock and even Aero, each hold a equally large part of my heart. Jenny for her feistiness, Jesse for his humility and gentlemanly ways, Aftershock, well, he was just a force to be reckoned with - and he was all tatted sexiness, so yeah - Aero for his courage.

But, this book wasn't just an action-packed, thrill-ride. I took away so much from it - about kindness, tolerance and acceptance. There was something very profound that Aero mentioned about how he dreams of the day humanity can put away their petty differences, and how bots are better at it than their creators, and that?! That was Golden **no pun intended** :) !

It was such a pleasure being able to step into this world. Thank you General G for creating this masterpiece. I look forward to reading more from these characters and going on more amazing adventures.



In the beginning, Golden worked the standard corporate rat race, completed college for a Chemical Engineering Degree, and began a small photography company on the side.

Since then, and the growth of the FuriousFotog brand, Golden became an internationally published modeling/fitness photographer and eventually began working as a book cover model.

Having been in the industry for at least four years, he has interfaced and networked with countless authors and other clients. As part of his work as a photographer, he worked with them to create book cover images - now numbering well over 400 at the beginning of 2017.

Learning the ins and out of the book world, along with being an avid reader and storyteller himself, Golden finally decided to write and publish his first book, Homeward Bound, in June 2016. This paranormal adventure romance will span a total of six books and new ideas for other stories are in the works as well.


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Thursday, 18 May 2017

Release Day Boost: Excerpt + #Giveaway: What It Takes by Sonya Loveday

Title: What It Takes
Author: Sonya Loveday
Genre: Contemporary Romance with a little Western Flair.
Release Date: May 18th, 2018

Gracen Lowell is on the hunt for a man—but not just any man. He has to be ‘the one’. Her only problem is that no one she’s dated has ever measured up to the charming qualities of her best friend.

Slade Owens knows no matter how much he loves Gracen, he’ll never be what she’s looking for. And he dang sure isn’t going to stick around to watch her fall in love with someone else. Slade leaving the Owens’ family farm for an out-of- state job should put enough distance between the two to allow him to move on with his life and Gracen to search for her happily-ever- after.

Gracen knows asking him to stay isn’t fair. Slade thinks leaving her behind is the only thing to do.

Inexplicably drawn together, the best friends must decide if they have what it takes to own up to their feelings… before it’s too late.

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“You coming?” he called to me from the porch. Both our bags were slung over one shoulder and Lucy, tail thumping against the worn boards, was sitting by his feet.

They were a picture, the two of them. Man and beast. My man and my beast, even if only in my dreams, I thought, catching the door handle and getting out of the truck as Slade made his way inside.

Closing my eyes, I pretended I was home and he was mine. He’d welcome me in at the front door with a kiss hot enough to sear my lips and melt me to the floor. We’d make it as far as the rustic living room before shedding clothes behind us in a trail to the bedroom.

I shook my head to clear it. That same moment had flashed through my thoughts so many times before.
Like auto play.

Before I could make it to the porch steps, Slade came back out. He caught hold of the door casing and stretched forward. My knees wobbled when his eyes met mine.

“It’s like coming home, every time we come here,” he said.

My steps faltered at his words. “It’s special… this place. You can feel it.” My fingers dipped and swayed against the slight breeze that flitted through the trees.

There was something extraordinary about it, but nothing I could physically point out. It was more like a feeling. A welcoming. Like it was a haven that spoke to something deep inside me.

Lucy poked her nose past Slade, panting with a huge doggy grin. He didn’t look down at her.

“Are you planning to stay out there the whole time?” he asked. There was something different in the way he gazed at me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it almost felt like something more.

“Can’t really go inside when you’re standing in the doorway.” I smirked at him, trying not to show my confusion.

“Tell me something, Gracen. And be honest,” he said, unmoving.

Nervous energy shot through me, every single point of awareness standing on end. There was a look in his eyes I thought I’d glimpsed a few times before, but it had always been gone as quick as it came. I’d always brushed it off as my imagination, conjured up because I wanted it so bad. But this time, there was no mistaking it. It held promises unspoken. Secrets long buried.

I could feel the pulse at my neck hammering as if my heart had dislodged itself and was working its way up and out. My arms tingled as if my skin were made of wildly flapping butterfly wings, and my stomach  twisted  around  a giant  rock  of something molten that emptied itself down into my legs. The two halves of my body were at war with one another—one wanted to fly away, the other to sink into the ground.

For Fun:
Spotify Playlist for What It Takes

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Cover Reveal: The Almost Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin @yaReads

The Almost Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin
Genre: YA contemporary romance

Nobody likes Devon James, including Devon James. And why should they? He had it all and took it for granted—money, girls, popularity and a future with endless possibility. Now he’s just a washed up has-been. Or so everyone thinks. No one knows the real reason the handsome soccer star quit the team and dumped the hottest girl in school, but they’re not about to forgive him for it either. That’s why he’s perfect for Samantha Connors.
Sam Connors always follows the rules. But when her father forces her to leave Boston to finish her senior year of high school at a posh prep school in Ireland she has no choice but to rebel. And bad boy Devon James is just the guy to help her break all the rules.
Sam is determined to get her life back and return to Boston by any means necessary. Her plan is crazy, but she’s convinced it will work—almost.
A Fun, Fast, YA Romance Read.Perfect for fans of Gossip Girl, 13 Reason’s Why and Pretty Little Liars. (Note: Suggested reading age 16+ for mature language and content.)

About the Author

Christina Benjamin is an Award-Winning Author residing in Florida. She’s a proud book nerd, 100% Gryffindor, has entirely too many book boyfriends and loves coffee and tacos!
She loves to read and write across genres. Her best selling books are The Geneva Project series and The Practice Boyfriend. Check them out if you dare.
And Follow her on Amazon.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Cover Reveal: Salvation at Sunset by Donalyn Maurer

Salvation at Sunset by Donalyn Maurer
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 1st, 2017
Cover Design: Concierge Literary Designs & Photography
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I fall in love with an angel. My angel has all of hell’s demons chasing him. An angel that I vow to protect. My angel is damaged. Ghosts of war haunt him. Ghosts of his past haunt him. Ghosts of hate seek to destroy him. He accepted a destiny of living within his nightmares. His destiny is about to be derailed. I will walk into his nightmare, straight into his hell and confront his devil. Even his devil knows when he’s been beat. Bringing Garrett Cooper back into God’s light and warmth isn’t going to be the problem. Even in the light he rejects the love, convinced he is unworthy of the love of God, or anyone for the matter.  I will show him how wrong he is. I will love him. I will love him so much he’ll never question his worth again.
Bella Rollins is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I want to make her mine but I know I can’t. She thinks I’m an angel but angels don’t come from Hell, demons do. When she finds out who I really am there is no way she can love me. I don’t love me.  I won’t hurt her like I have the others. I have to protect her and that will mean letting her go.
Texans know Texas is a piece of Heaven on Earth. Like Heaven has its Hell, so does Texas. Hell in the way of a small town and at sundown its demons come out.
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Exclusive on Kindle Unlimited!
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Donalyn Maurer was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She currently lives in a small town outside San Antonio with her husband of over 30 years. She enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren and large Texas family. Inspired by her family she began writing and although her books are fiction she shares bit and pieces of her life and memories throughout the pages.
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