Hello Therians!!
Welcome to my first stop on the William Sibley's Sighs Too Deep For Words Blog Tour hosted by JKS Communications.
SIGHS TOO DEEP FOR WORDS is the story of a man in
prison who falls in love, through lengthy correspondence, with a woman he’s
never met. Getting out, he goes to find her and discovers that the love letters
he’s received were written not by a woman but by a closeted gay man — a small
town minister. Not only did the minister deceive the prisoner, but he sent a
photograph of his sister (who lives with him) as a picture representing himself.
And not only is the sister unaware of the ruse, but she herself happens to be a
lesbian. The ex-prisoner has fallen in love physically with a woman who doesn’t
know he exists, and mentally with a man he doesn’t know how to love. Set in the
scenic Texas Gulf Coast fishing village of Rockport, SIGHS TOO DEEP FOR WORDS is
a darkly humorous and contemplative examination of the parameters of love, sex,
sexuality and cultural perspective.
For More Information, Please Visit WilliamJackSibley.com
Get your copy today
And now, it is my honor to present the amazingly talented Mr William Jack Sibley for a quick chat!
Hi William,
Thanks for joining me today!
I have zero bad cholesterol. I cry at
any "animal in danger" movie. I DID NOT write the movie
2. Describe
yourself in three words.
Unabashedly, irrepressibly me.
3. What
five things do you never leave home without?
Keys, chap stick, drivers license, sunglasses, underwear
Keys, chap stick, drivers license, sunglasses, underwear
4. What do
you do when you are not writing?
Eat, sleep, think about sex, drive to the ranch, work at the ranch, pay bills, think about sex, try to visit a friend once a day, think about next writing project, plan exotic travel that may or may not happen, think about sex; repeat.
Eat, sleep, think about sex, drive to the ranch, work at the ranch, pay bills, think about sex, try to visit a friend once a day, think about next writing project, plan exotic travel that may or may not happen, think about sex; repeat.
5. Who/What
inspired you to write your first novel?
Living in Hollywood - struggling as a
repeatedly optioned screenwriter, but never produced - turned me into a
novelist. I figured anything would be better than the Hollywood insanity.
(Boy was I naive!)
6. What has
been your most rewarding experience on the road to being published?
a. - getting published
b. - surviving the "getting
published" part..
7. What is
the best piece of advice you have been given as an author?
Stop whining! Just write.
8. What
advice would you give to aspiring authors?
9. Who are
your favorite authors to read?
Anyone writing non fiction that enlightens,
reveals and entertains with facts, stories and information unknown to me.
I love being surreptitiously educated when I read.
10. Tell us a bit about
Sighs Too Deep For Words.
Try to remember this is more than just a
simple story of one man and his search for love. It's also about a town,
a community and a society that both uphold and challenge his search
concurrently. We're all bit players in each other's drama, fact.
11. Are any of your
characters based on someone you know?
ALL of them (names withheld to protect the
12. Who is your
favorite character, and why?
Oh, I think everyone likes Mr. Otis.
He's the real deal.
13. Are you working on
any special projects at the moment?
Yep, got a new novel in the pipeline. Not
gonna jinx it though!
14. Besides being a
successful novelist, you’re a playwright and screenwriter. Tell us a bit about
your other work and accomplishments.
Oh, too many to mention here. You can
read it all on my website - www.williamjacksibley.com. Did recently do a wonderful staged workshop
in New York of a new play of mine called "MEAN" with the incredible
Ellen Burstyn and Saturday Night Live's Rachel Dratch. That was awesome!
15. Where can readers stalk you?
Hmm - well I don't live too far actually from
The Alamo - :)
your coon skin cap!
I enjoyed this book :)