Hello Therians!!
Today Karyn Henley stops by to give us her take on what drives a story!
I am honored to have such a talented author on my blog :)
Thank you to JKS Communications for organising this tour!
Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the chance to win a copy of Eye of the Sword, book 2 in the Angelaeon Circle.
Paperback, $9.99
Paperback, $9.99
eBook, $4.99
247 pages
Young Adult
March 12, 2013
ISBN: 978-1933803364
Deceit, Kidnapping, Treason.
friends can’t be trusted and courage becomes costly, can Melaia and Trevin
trust their love to hold?
sends Trevin into enemy territory to retrieve the third harp she needs to
restore the stairway to heaven and free the angels trapped in a human world.
But an assailant wants Trevin dead, an unknown traitor is passing information
to the invading enemy army, and the Firstborn immortal has vowed to destroy all
three harps, along with anyone who stands in his way.
Trevin and Melaia try to keep their faith, hope, and love for each other alive.
From the land of Windwing horses to the mountaintop lookouts of Stargazers,
from the blight-ridden fields of the Camrithian homeland to the night-dark
caverns of the Under-Realm, they face the ultimate test: What are they willing
to sacrifice to restore the stairway and save their world? Will they lay aside
their love for each other? Will they give up their future together?
Grab the trilogy!
1: Breath of
Angel, June 21, 2011
2: Eye of the
Sword, March 13,
Driving a Story
Several years ago I rode from Durango, Colorado to
Silverton on an old steam-powered train, the last narrow gauge railroad in the
U.S. As you can imagine, the Rocky Mountain scenery was awe-inspiring. I'll never
forget watching from my window as the steam-puffing engine ahead curved along
the tracks.
In a way, a novel is like a train, and readers are
passengers traveling through the story. Maybe the scenery is high fantasy with
dragons and imaginary lands left and right – or urban fantasy with angels and
demons watching from the shadows of tenements. Maybe you see a dystopian,
fire-scarred landscape, or a historical town with Victorian carriages on the
roads. But whatever genre or sub-genre the novel is, one engine drives the
train. The writer selects that engine from a choice of four.
The Idea
of the novel may be so intriguing and powerful that it drives the train.
Mysteries are often driven by an idea. Discovering information is what draws
readers through the story.
could be the engine. Character-driven novels are all about the transformation
of the protagonist. In Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea
novels, we follow the young boy Ged as he makes choices – some good, some poor
– and grows into a wise old man. In my own Angelaeon trilogy, both Melaia and
Trevin face challenges to their vision of themselves and their world, and they
grow to embrace a much larger view of their destinies. Coming-of-age novels
follow the character engine.
may drive the novel. Action-adventures fit this category. Indiana Jones does not change much as a protagonist, but the events
he encounters propel us through the story.
An unusual Setting
may transport us. The Wizard of Oz, Gulliver's Travels, The Hobbit. We turn
the pages, wondering where we'll be next.
Of course, every novel is based on an idea. (In the
Angelaeon trilogy, the idea is that the stairway to heaven has been destroyed,
trapping angels in the world.) Usually novels contain characters, events, and
settings as well. But even though all four elements are in a book, the writer
lays the tracks for the story knowing that one or the other of these four will
drive the novel. Writer's choice.
As a reader you don't have to know which engine is
pulling you along. Although I would describe the Angelaeon trilogy as
character-driven, the books contain high action, and they're shelved with
fantasy adventure. You can enjoy them either way. But if you ever find that a
novel you're reading seems off-track somehow, it may be because the writer
switched engines on you, and the ride became bumpy.
So welcome aboard. Thanks for reading. And I wish
you a smooth but exciting ride.
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