Monday, 30 June 2014

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: Mosaic by Leigh T. Moore + Dragonfly is #FREE #DRAGONFLYSERIES

How excited are you guys for this one??!!!
I am over-the-moon excited to continue Anna and Julian's love story :)
And, if you haven't started this series, what's wrong with you?? LOL. But seriously, DRAGONFLY, the first book in the series is currently FREE across all platforms so you have no more excuses!!


Mosaic (Dragonfly #4)
Author: Leigh Talbert Moore
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Genre: YA/NA Romance

Mosaic, the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series, coming June 30, 2014!
The future never goes as planned. People are never what they seem. Time changes everything.

So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.

It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me... it’s all coming out.

Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.

Purchase the Series
Dragonfly (Dragonfly, #1) *Free*
Undertow (Dragonfly, #2)
Watercolor (Dragonfly, #3)
Mosaic (Dragonfly, #4)



About the Author

I'm the hat lady--wife, mom, reader, writer, caffeine addict, chocoholic, southern expat, and beach bum. *LIKE my Facebook page for daily updates, new release announcements, and sale info! *SIGN UP for my newsletter for new release announcements! (not spam) *I LOVE hearing from readers! Send feedback, ask questions, or say hello at leightmoore(at) *And I share books I think RULE on Goodreads! Be a friend~  


love 2

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