The Scarring (Spirit Warriors #2)
by D.E.L. Connor
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Booktrope
Published: July 21, 2014
Length: 244 pages
“One of us would finally end what had been started by the machayiwiw so many years ago. I would have to kill him. It was just that simple. I never thought I would want to kill anybody or anything, but maybe I never had anything worth killing for before.”
Sixteen-year-old Emme Belrose has it all: four best friends, a horse of her own, a hidden tepee hangout, and a blossoming romance with tall and handsome Charlie. These friends also have a secret. They can move their spirits into animal bodies: an osprey, a mustang, a grizzly, a mountain lion and a coyote.
But when Charlie, who has a gift for seeing the future, has a vision of Emme drowning in the icy Yellowstone River, the Spirit Warriors must train their animal bodies to kill an enemy they know is coming… but know nothing about. Suspenseful, romantic, and awash in Native American magic, Spirit Warriors captures the tragic enchantment of the American West—and confirms the power of friendship.
Della was born in South Dakota and raised in the vastness and beauty of Montana on a farm. When she longed for the big city life, she moved to Texas where she attended college and received a PhD in nursing. When not nursing people back to health you can find Della huddled over her Mac writing the stories that have occupied her mind for so many years, or traveling with her best friends, the NOLA’s, riding bikes across the Golden Gate bridge or exploring botanical gardens. She is the proud mother of a champion triathlete, two aging dogs and 1 grand-cat. Della has admittedly confessed to her coffee addiction and swears that her two hour coffee crawl while on vacation in Seattle –was the best two hours of her life!
-Emmeline Rima Belrose, The Scarring (Spirit Warriors, Book 2)
In the majestic beauty of a Montana summer, Emme and her friends celebrate her near-drowning survival and their defeat of the powerful evil spirit, the machayiwiw. But even as they rejoice, things are amiss. Emme watches helplessly as her family divides, and her friends struggle to hold their relationship together. Worse yet, the love-of-her life, Charlie, announces that he will move back to the reservation, without Emme. Different nightmares take over and Emme realizes she must fight and kill—or watch those she loves be killed. Friends from the reservation reach out to Emme and show her what evil can steal from her. Emme believes that evil can never break her bond with the Spirit Warriors or the love she shares with Charlie. Or can it?
Although this is the second book in the Spirit Warriors series, it can be read as a stand alone novel.
Ron looked over at me. I stared
back at him. "Do you understand what I have told you, child?" Ron
asked me.
I nodded. "Charlie is a
spirit mover."
Ron nodded. "Among other
Ron went on, “Charlie is having
more and more speaking times with the warriors. There is a sense of urgency now
that Charlie learns how to shift spirit warriors into human bodies. He has been
practicing with Ryan and Hawke. He is making some progress, but it is taking a
long time. Charlie is weakening with the increasing talking times. He does not
know when they will come and he has been injured many times. Our people now
make sure he is never alone. We cannot risk his injuring himself, or the
machayiwiw finding him undefended. He has much to learn. You have much to
learn. You must learn hand-to-hand combat. Hawke is our best warrior, both with
a knife and a spear. He can cut the wings off a fly in flight with his knife.
He will be training you.” Ron looked at me.
“NO, I don’t think so.” I told
Ron. “First, Hawke doesn’t like me and I can’t see him training me.
Second, I’m not sure I could kill someone, even if it was the machayiwiw. In
anger, I think I can, but I’m not sure.”
Ron looked at me. “What if that
person was trying to kill Charlie, or your friends, or Eros your bird?”
I shook my head. “I just don’t
think I can do this.”
Ron lowered his gaze. “If you
don’t, you will die, along with Charlie, your friends, your animals, and your
family. I will die, as will our people. He will finally destroy the one person
who stands against him. The one person who has the power to destroy him. There
will never be another you. Our people have waited many, many years for you.
Golden Flower has waited many years for you.”
“I don’t want the responsibility!”
I yelled at Ron as I stood up. “I might fail!” I jumped up and ran down the
side of the creek. I ran as fast as I could and the sharp prairie grass cut my
legs. I didn’t feel it. I felt angry and sad at the same time. “Why me? Why not
someone else?” I thought to myself. I rounded a bend of the river and I ran
right into Hawke. The force of our collision knocked us both to the ground. I
lay on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. Hawke stood up and looked
down at me.
I stood up and brushed off my
shirt. Hawke stared at me. I looked at him and asked, “Why do you hate me?”
Hawke glared at me. “Charlie is my
cousin and my best friend. You have brought him nothing but heartache and loss.
I suspect you will do something stupid and Charlie will be killed because of
you. I really don’t care anything about you and I’m sure as hell not sold on
your ‘savior’ complex. I think you are full of shit and if something happens to
Charlie, I will hunt you down and kill you myself.”
I was horrified. “I didn’t want
this! I just want to be with Charlie. No matter what you think, I love him. I
have always loved him and I will never stop loving him.” Hawke stands with his
arms crossed. “We’ll see about that.” Hawke brushed past me and walked back up
the creek towards Ron and Charlie.
I walked back to the jeep. I
climbed in the back with Charlie and it was quiet as Ron drove us back to the
cluster of buildings. When we pulled up, Irene came running up to the jeep.
“Come on, Emme, we are getting ready to eat.” Irene grabbed my hand and pulled
me in the building. Ollie and Jack were with Ryan. Jack motioned us over.
Charlie brought me a plate of food. Irene squeezed her small body between
Charlie and me. Charlie looked down at her. “Hey, Squirt, why don’t you
sit on the other side of Emme?”
Irene looked at me. “Are you in
love with Charlie?”
I glanced at her small face as she
slid her arm through my arm. “Yes,” I whispered to her. Irene wrinkled up her
“YUCK! Boys are messy and yucky
and stinky! Even Charlie.” We all laughed as Charlie grabbed her and rolled her
on the ground and tickled her until Irene begged for mercy.
After lunch, Charlie and I walked
hand in hand down to the creek. We sat on the bank and stared at the water. I
leaned over and put my head on Charlie’s shoulder. Charlie wrapped his arm
around me and pulled me close to him. We sat there quietly. I looked across the
creek and saw Hawke staring at us. He had his arms folded across his chest. I
looked at Charlie. “Can’t we even be alone? Does he have to watch us?”
Charlie nodded. “He is just
protecting me.”
“From me?” I say sarcastically.
Charlie shook his head. “No, not from you.”
Hawke stared at me. I stood up and
stared back at him. He reached in his waistband and pulled out his knife. I
stared him down as he prepared to throw his knife in my direction. I was not
scared of him. Something deep inside of me assured me that he would not kill me
with his knife. I stood perfectly still as he pulled back his arm. In slow
motion I saw the knife hurling through the air, handle over blade as Charlie
screamed my name. I felt the knife come right by my head and I felt a sharp
pain by my ear and the drip of blood on my neck. My face never changed as I
stared back at Hawke. My friend, that red hot feeling that meant I could be
something stronger than I was, overcame me and I felt myself soaring above the
I heard Charlie calling my name. I
looked around as I called out, determining where every living thing was around
me. I felt the rattlesnake’s presence before I saw them. I singled them out and
waved my hands. Within minutes they were hissing in a circle around Hawke.
Hawke was trying to back away, but he was backing into another snake. Charlie
was screaming at Hawke to stand still. Charlie was yelling at me. “Emme, NO,
stop it! Hurting him would only hurt me. Do you really want to hurt me?” My
attention wavered from the snakes and I focused on Charlie. Instantly I was
back in my body and looking at Charlie.
Charlie had me by the arm. “Stay
here, Em, I’ll be right back.” Charlie waded into the water and ran to Hawke.
The snakes were gone. Hawke was sitting in the dirt by the bank with his head
in his hands. Hawke was visibly shaking as Charlie helped him up. I stood up and
glared at Hawke. They waded back across the bank.
Charlie walked up to me. “Hawke is
here to protect me and by protecting me, he is protecting you. Hawke has the
skills to help you, to teach you what you need.” Charlie looked over at Hawke.
“Emme is not the enemy. Do you finally see what she is? Do you see the gifts
she has? She is our people’s last hope. She belongs with us.”
Hawke nodded and walked over to
me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth. He reached up and
wiped the blood off of my neck. “I’m sorry,” he told me.
I grabbed his hands and held them
between mine. “Me too.” Hawke turned on his heel and walked back the path to
the main building.
Charlie looked at me. “What the
hell did you just do?”
I looked back at him. “I finally
figured out that Golden Flower gifted me with the ability to talk to and
control animals.” I smiled questioningly at Charlie.
Charlie didn’t smile back. “What
else have you done?” I told Charlie about Ollie and the church and the birds.
Charlie paced around me. “This is not good. The machayiwiw will notice a
display like the one you did in town. You must not ever do it again in a public
place where others can see you. Do you understand me?” I nodded with my head
down. Charlie leaned forward and grabbed my face between his warm hands. “I
have to admit that it was an awesome thing to do for Ollie, but we have to be
more careful.”
I laid my hands over his by my
face. I leaned into this chest as he slowly lowered us to the ground. We laid
on the ground facing each other. I stared into his eyes lost in his world.
Charlie stared back at me and as the beautiful empty world and the warm wind
eavesdropped on us, we talked. I told him about Bets, and Mom and Ben, and how
hurt Ollie was at the church. I told him about Jack and the preserve and Rose
and the baby. We talked laying down and facing each other with our fingers
intertwined until the sun started its slow climb to the edge of darkness. The
sky was an incredible shade of deep purple with shades of violet blue. Even in
the beauty of the sunset, I felt the desperation creep over me. I started to
shake. I didn’t want to leave Charlie. I never wanted to leave Charlie. Charlie
leaned closer. I could feel his breath on my cheek. He laid his gentle brown
hands on my cheeks. I closed my eyes. “Let me take the pain away,” he
whispered. We stood up.
Charlie closed his eyes and he
chanted in a low voice. I listened to his voice. I closed my eyes and leaned
into Charlie. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I felt
the desperation leave me and I was filled with a sense of peace and serenity.
My breathing slowed, and my mind was filled with the beautiful times that
Charlie and I had shared. We were like one in my mind, our thoughts joined and
our spirits connected. It was the most incredible intense feeling. It was what
I imagined making love would be like. I felt dizzy and my body felt it was on
fire from the inside out. My legs gave way and I dropped to my knees. Charlie
grabbed me and slowly lowered me down to the ground. “What did you do?” I asked
Charlie. He stared back at me. “I showed you our love. I showed you what is worth
fighting and dying for.”
As Charlie stood up, he staggered.
I reached out and held his arm. “Are you okay?” Charlie put his hand over mine
that rested on his arm. “Just tired. You wear me out.” He grinned broadly as I
swatted his arm. “Poor me,” I told him. We held hands as we headed back to the
main buildings.
Ollie and Jack were standing
outside of the meeting room talking to Ryan and Hawke. Ryan looked up as we
approached. “Hey, Em, can you come back next week? I want to run in the hills
with you, and Hawke needs to start working with you on knife and lance
throwing.” “Sure thing,” I told him. Hawke looked at Charlie and then at me.
Charlie was leaning on the car while he talked to Jack. Charlie’s face was
pale. Hawke walked the short distance to me and whispered in my ear. “Every
time Charlie carries your pain, he gets weaker. Every time you feel better in
Charlie’s presence, he pays the price for it. Is that what you want for him?” I
shook my head “No.” I looked at my feet as Hawke said, “Don’t come back here.
Walk away. His burden is too big to carry.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry I can’t
do that. I just can’t. I love him too much.” Hawke shook his head and walked
We all walked to the car. I held
Charlie’s hand as long as I could. I climbed in the back seat and Jack and
Ollie sat down in the Mustang. As we drove off, I turned around and stared back
at Charlie. He stood there watching us drive off.
What was your favorite book growing up?
When I was old enough to read it was the Little House on the Prairie series. I must have read and reread each of them a hundred times. I honestly thought I was Laura Ingalls Wilder. Most girls my age were into dolls and while I liked dolls and playing house, my version of playing house always had a log house and a covered wagon. They are still my favorite books to read to children. Can't you just picture yourself on a hot summer day bouncing along in the back of the covered wagon?
Who is your favorite author (living or dead)?
I have more than one. Obviously I love Laura Ingalls Wilder, but I am also a huge fan of Larry McMurray. I grew up admiring strong women writers like Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee and more recently J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyers.
What inspired you to write the Spirit Warriors series?
Actually is has been a long time coming. I wrote the short story that the Spirt Warriors evolved from in college may years ago. The professor asked me to stay after class and he told me how good it was, but unfortunately, it was too dark to be a children's story. I put it away and went on with my career as a nurse. Finally J.K Rowling and Stephenie Meyers came out with new dark tales and the young adult market was born. The time was finally right! I finished Book 1 in two weeks. The struggle to get it published took more time, but here I am with two books in the story completed.
What character do you most identify with in Spirit Warriors: The Scarring?
Probably Lilly, I tend to be kind to a fault, and love my friends and family unconditionally. I think as a child I wished I could have been more like Bets and Emme. They are headstrong, brave and willing to fight for anything or anyone they cared about. I was shy when I was young, although no one believes that today! LOL
Can you tell us about your next project?
Why of course. I am about half way through book 3 in the series The Burning. There will be 6 books total in the series. Book 4 will be The Lamenting, Book 5 The Ensouling and then a Prequel to be named later. In between those books or after them I'm not sure which, I plan to write a new adult romance novel about loss and finding the chance to love again.
The Concealing (Spirit Warriors #1)
by D.E.L. Connor
Release Date: November 24, 2013
Length: 191 pages
Publisher: Booktrope

About the Author

Facebook Release Day Party - July 21st at 7pm - 9pm CST
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