Monday, 30 November 2015

Blog Tour: Review + #Giveaway: The Blood Scion by Nazarea Andrews #ScionLegacy

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Click here to add THE BLOOD SCION to Goodreads

I was just a reporter, trying to stay ahead of my student loans. I knew the rules, and I followed them.

I thought I knew how the world worked—humans lived their petty little lives in the safety of the sun. We loved and fought and—when the sun sank—we scurried behind our walls and lived in fear. That is when the monsters came out to play.
And even in the safety of the sun, we knew who ruled us.

The Houses. And their Scions.

Everyone knows the great Houses and their Scions—they are feared and loved and hated and envied. They are the gods who walk the shadows and rule all of our lives. They are salvation and death.

And somehow, I am one of them.



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When I read The Scionless House I knew I was going to love this new series. It was a unique take on the vampire world but also had an Underworld tone that got me so excited.

The Blood Scion starts off where the FREE (Yes, free!) novella ended, with Tavian and Sulla tasked with retrieving Farley, and it was obvious from the get go that this would not be any easy one as she seemed so dead against the vampires who'd save her world only to turn around with some hefty demands.

I liked that Farley didn't cower at the sight of them, even though she clearly wanted to. She stood up for herself and even though it got her into trouble at times, it spoke volumes about her character. Also, the fact that she stepped into the role of Scion, putting aside her feelings in the face of adversity only made me like her more. She had a tough decision to make toward the end of this book and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the way things turned out. It showed that her new "family" were willing to go the extra mile for her, just as she was willing to for them.

I really enjoyed getting to know the characters more and I cannot wait for the rest of this series. I must add, however, that at one point I felt that there was something missing from this book. It seemed that an entire part of this story was missing between Part 3 & 4, and I would have loved to have seen the desire and chemistry develop between Fars and Tavian a little more. It was there for most of the book, but it felt lukewarm, and then suddenly ignited in one amazing scene. Other than that, this book was Fantastic.


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Click here to add THE SCIONLESS HOUSE to Goodreads


Twelve Houses. Twelve vampire lines. We ruled from the shadows, and manipulated the world, and when humans came too close to destruction, we intervened.

Every House has a Scion. A fragile, easily broken human that stood shoulder to shoulder with the house Princes and Princesses.

Except for ours. The Ravens, House Cantelie.

We've been without a Scion for almost fifteen years.

But that will change...and her life will be mine to protect.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks


NazareaAndrewsNazarea Andrews (N to almost everyone) is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. Which means she writes everything from zombies and dystopia to contemporary love stories. When not writing, she can most often be found driving her kids to practice and burning dinner while she reads, or binging watching TV shows on Netflix. N loves chocolate, wine, and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, spoiled cat and overgrown dog. She is the author of World Without End series, Neverland Found, Edge of the Falls, and The University of Branton Series. Stop by her twitter (@NazareaAndrews) and tell her what fantastic book she should read next.


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Book Blitz: Excerpt, Guest Post + #Giveaway: Love Found by Caylie Marcoe

Love Found
Caylie Marcoe

Publication date: November 13th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Haley Cavanaugh’s heart is broken.
Shattered into a million pieces, and that’s just how she’d like it to stay.
She doesn’t believe she deserves happiness. She doesn’t understand how to move on while her life is falling apart and her reality is destroyed.
Enter Eli Park.
Eli is someone Haley thought she knew, but who turned out to be so much more than she remembered. He sees through her pain and refuses to be pushed away, even when she lashes out.
Eli’s patience is both frustrating and surprising. Haley was so sure she wanted to go on feeling nothing, but Eli stirs emotions she can’t deny.
Will Haley allow Eli to help her through this horrific time so she can find herself again? Or will she lose the only person who can help heal her heart?

On SALE for 99¢ for a limited time!

I swung back and forth for a while, letting the breeze settle my nerves. I don’t know how long I was out there for, but eventually, I heard a car pull up. The door shut and footsteps thumped up the stairs.
“Hello,” a masculine voice drifted towards me.
I opened my eyes and was greeted with crystal blue eyes, messy brown hair, a lopsided smirk and six feet of tall, lean man.
“Er…um…hi,” I croaked out. Okay…the man was gorgeous. Pretty sure I was blushing.
“Haley?” gorgeous mystery man asked.
I nodded. I didn’t know who this guy was, but he seemed to know me. And if I opened my mouth to ask him, I’m sure I would sound like an idiot again.
He gave me that adorable lopsided grin again. “Eli.” He pointed at himself, like I should know who he was. Eli was leaning against the porch railing, staring at me with amusement in his eyes. Maybe if he wasn’t so damn attractive I could get my brain to start working again. But for now, I could only stare.
“You don’t remember me, do you?” he asked. “The four of us hung out together when I roomed with Noah in the dorms.”
Holy shit. This man in front of me couldn’t be Noah’s roommate. There was no possible way he was the same guy. I hung out with the kid all the time, and this guy…no, not him. Not him at all.
“You look nothing like you did freshman year.” I blurted out. Then quickly turned red and clamped my hand over my mouth.
Oh God, he’s going to think you are the biggest idiot.
Eli laughed. “I was a lot scrawnier back then. Had longer hair. Wore thick framed glasses all the time.” His voice still sounded the same. That was something at least. “When I moved back home to help my mom, I worked with my uncle at his construction company. I guess that helped me gain a little muscle.” He shrugged like he was not confident with how he looked.
The more I stared at him, the more he was becoming familiar. Freshman year, he was this quiet, slightly nerdy kid. He always wore comic book t-shirts. He had spent most of his time on his computer or playing video games with Noah. Kyler had kept telling me that he had a crush on me, and she even begged me to go out with him a few times, but I always came up with reasons I couldn’t. Mostly those excuses dealt with my crush at that time—Drew. Blah. I was so not going to think about that douche when Eli was standing in front of me.
I mean, I enjoyed hanging out with him as a friend, but dating? He was definitely not what I thought my type was. Though, what I thought my type was turned out to be a bunch of jerks, so maybe I should have given the nice guy a chance.
“You okay?” he asked gently, pushing off the railing and taking a seat next to me on the swing. “You seem lost in thought.”
I shrugged, not knowing what to say.
“You don’t remember me, do you?”
“Oh no, I do.”


Writing Can Be Therapy

There are two things I hear most when people talk about Love Found.

1.       Cancer is such a touchy subject, why on Earth would you write about it?

2.       You wrote about it so beautifully, you must have first-hand knowledge on the subject.

Statement one is true.

Cancer is a topic most people shy away from. It seems as though it’s almost taboo to talk about in public, even though it’s everywhere and has affected so many. But still, you don’t talk about cancer. You just don’t.

And you definitely don’t write a book where the main character is dealing with her mom dying.

Nobody will read that stuff.

But you know what, I needed to write this book. I didn’t care about it being a taboo subject, I didn’t care that chances were a lot of people who read Choose Us weren’t going to read Love Found. All I cared about was writing this story.

It was a sort of therapy for me.

Because you see, the second statement is also true.

I lost my mom to cancer when I was ten years old. All of my childhood and all that I remember about her revolved around cancer. And I am 100% sure I kept feelings about that buried for many years.

This is the story my brain needed me to write. And I don’t think I realized just how much I needed to write it, until I was almost done.

I wouldn’t go as far to say this story was semi-autobiographical, because Haley is way cooler than I ever was and my life has zero parallels with hers, except for the mom thing.
But I would say, this is what I would have wanted to happen, had I lost my mom at 22 and not 10.

As a ten year old, you don’t really grasp everything that is going on….and you definitely don’t grasp the reality of everything in your life that will happen without your mom there.

When you’re ten, it’s even hard to grasp on to the fact that your mom is dying.

And of course, I kept any feeling buried deep.

Love Found was an ode to everything that I missed out on. It was everything I wish I could have done/said to my mom before she passed.
It was my mind playing out what I would have done if I was older and given the time to say goodbye.

But this is also two-fold now. Not only was I writing it from a daughter’s perspective, but I also wrote it from a mother’s view. How would I want my daughter to deal if I was dying? What advice would I give to her, knowing I only had a few moments like that left? How to make sure my daughter won’t shut people out and pretend to be strong on her own?

So while writing this book was therapeutic for me, I also had the hope that someone who was maybe in the same situation would pick it up, and maybe in some small way it could help them cope with everything that was happening in their life.

If there is one thing I learned from my mom’s death, is that it does get better. And you are capable of moving on with your life.


Born and raised in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, Caylie fell in love with reading at a young age. With her lively imagination, she created numerous stories in her head throughout her childhood and teenage years.
Her first novel, Choose Us, released in April 2014 and became an Amazon Bestseller.
When she isn't slaving away at the keyboard, Caylie is an avid reader, and lover of coffee... copious amounts of coffee. She also has an unhealthy addiction to coffee mugs, chapstick, water bottles, football, and tv shows--binge watching is her favorite.
She chases her two kids around the house all day, and has a husband whom she adores.
If you want to stay tuned in to all of the new release news, sign up for Caylie's spam-free newsletter. It only comes out when something exciting is happening...promise!


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Book Blitz: Excerpt + #Giveaway: Crystallum by Laney McMann #PrimordialPrinciples

Laney McMann

(Primordial Principles #1)
Published by: Booktrope Publishing
Publication date: October 25th 2015
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Kadence Sparrow wasn’t born a devil’s child—she was turned into one. Now, she’s hiding from the truth, and running for her life.
For years, Kade’s true nature has lurked behind an illusion, so when her dad gets another job transfer, she knows the drill: no close friends, no boyfriends, and most importantly: don’t expose what she is. Ever. Keeping secrets is easy. Lies are second nature. So is the loneliness—and the fear, but when the Shadows attack, and Kade meets Cole Spires, she could expose everything she’s trying to hide.
As one of the Celestial Children, Cole lives by an oath: defend the Ward, protect the Primordial race, guard the gateways, and stick to his own. Everything else is a distraction, and besides, he’s lost enough. Cole’s job is clear, and no one his age does it better. So, when he meets Kade in a club downtown, he assumes she just wants his attention. Most girls do, but Cole soon realizes … Kade isn’t like most girls.
The children of heaven and hell are living among us, fighting an age-old war. And falling for someone from the opposition is not an option. But a chance encounter between Kade and Cole will blur the rules, as Kade’s journey to keep her truth hidden catapults them together and into a web of lies, forcing her to not only face the demon inside her, but to answer the hardest question of all.
Which is thicker—blood or water?

Are you a reviewer? You can request a review copy of Crystallum here!
PLUMB STOOD in the driveway, hands on her hips, a piece of bright yellow paper in her hand. Cole groaned, exhausted, as he made his way toward her. The only light was a dim one above the door on the Brotherhood’s front porch.
Plumb waved the paper in the air. “It’s four fifteen in the morning, and I’m afraid to even venture why I received a notice for you to appear in front of the Warden later today. And Danny has nothing to say, which could only mean one thing—” Plumb looked him up and down. “With the condition you’re in, I’m not sure I want to know where you’ve been.”
“You probably don’t.” Cole held his hand out for the summons.
Plumb handed the paper over, scowling, and Cole slipped it, unopened, into his pocket.
“Are you going to tell me where you’ve been?”
“Thought you didn’t want to know.” He walked toward the porch. There was a time, when Cole was much younger, that he never would have spoken so bluntly to his Lead, but those days, buried by all of his new responsibilities within the Ward, had faded. They were close to equals now, even though Plumb was about fifteen years older.
“I’m tired as hell. I’ve been up all night.” He turned to face her. “Okay? I need to get some sleep.”
“What were you doing in the middle of the night that the Principals couldn’t handle?”
“A girl.”
“Excuse me?”
“No…I, no, I wasn’t doing a girl. She just…never mind.” He headed for the door, flustered. The last thing he needed to do was think about Kadence like that. His brain already went into some kind of jumble every time her name was mentioned, and it was bad enough that she’d had her hands all over him.
“You were with Tiffany? Until four in the morning?” Plumb sounded like a disapproving mother. “Cole, I understand you’re seventeen, and boys—”
“I was with Kadence.” He wished she would shut up.


Laney McMann is the author of The Fire Born Novels (TIED, TORN, & TRUE) and The Primordial Principles series (CRYSTALLUM, book #1 ~ Fall 2015).

She is the product of very creative parents and the most imaginative grandmother ever. With an untapped passion for the supernatural and all things magical, her voracious appetite for reading fantasy started really young ~ and so did her love of words.

She writes young adult dark urban fantasy novels mixed with a spike of romance, a hint of history, a dash of mythology, and lots of paranormal.

On the non-writing side of life, Laney is a former classical dancer, music snob, chef, and a right-brained thinker to a fault. When she's not dreaming up new dead ends to torture herself with, she spends her time running.

Laney is published by J. Taylor Publishing and Booktrope Publishing


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Book Blitz: The Scarlett Legacy by K.N. Lee #WoodlandCreekShifters

The Scarlett Legacy
Woodland Creek Shifters
By- K.N. Lee
Genre- YA Paranormal Romance/Fantasy

Woodland Creek Series.
30 Authors. 30 Shifter Stories.

Wizards. Shifters. Murderers.
Welcome to Woodland Creek where one family of wizards gives new meaning to organized crime.

Evie Scarlett wanted two things: marry Parker Drake and leave Woodland Creek.
But when Hugh Prince, a dangerous crime boss, is mysteriously murdered while awaiting trial for her father's murder, all eyes turn to the Scarlett family.

The arrival of Hugh's youngest son, Avalon brings a century-old feud to a dangerous climax. This vengeful wizard gives Evie's older brother a choice: die or give Evie to him.

When Evie's plans for escape are broken by familial duty, she must find a way to protect those she loves and win back her freedom. What she finds is an ancient power that she never knew she had.

A power that might change everything she thought she knew about her family.

Book Blitz: Mystical by Michael Weekly

Michael Weekly

(Mystical, #1)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: December 8th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Urban Fantasy

When Eliza Rose found out she was a witch, she thought she’d be casting spells…
However, it turns out Eliza is on her way to becoming a mystical assassin. But first she has to start college with her best friend Dawn Roberts and her feline familiar Jared. If you think college is stressful, try finding your best friend being seduced—nearly to death—by a venomous fairy. Something is horribly wrong, and Eliza must find out what it is.
Knowing who’s who in the Mystical world can be a burden—or save her life…
Murderous mermaids, seductive fairies, and manipulative elves are terrifying enough, but pure witches can become corrupt…and they’re the most dangerous creatures of all. Eliza struggles to discover the source of this chaos, but is repeatedly attacked—and saved by a shadowy figure. On a very personal note, Eliza must learn whether corruption is beginning to claim her mother.
Her strongest ally might be handsome, enigmatic Donovan—but he is hiding a shocking secret…
Donovan wants nothing to do with his old gang—not after the things they’d made him do. But when he meets Eliza, he’s both frustrated by her amateur skills and impressed by her emerging strength, and he feels compelled to help her grow into the assassin she’s meant to be.
Every answer has a price, and there are beings born to corrupt the pure.
Eliza fights to master her skills before it’s too late, while Donovan must determine whether Eliza can be saved…or if she must die to keep her out of the hands of those who would use her powers to reign over all of Mystical.

I attempt to move and save her. Instead, I clench my hands into a fist, my throat is dry, and my heart drops inside of my chest. My hands are shaking, and I’m struggling to breathe properly. I can’t lunge forth. I’m too nervous.
I press my lips together. Anxiously, my eyes slide from left to right as I try to think of what I can do to save this innocent girl. I glance down as soon as I hear something moving below me. Gravel on thin strands of weeds puckers out of the ground slowly and slithers up my calves. I cringe as the feeling of the moist dirt on my skin stings my legs.
The sweet wind his wings create brush against my face, intoxicating me and causing my neck to numb. I become drowsy, my vision becomes blurry, and I forget about trying to save her. I’m paralyzed in this peaceful reverie. The smell of fresh roses controls my thoughts and actions. My eyes daze and, though I blink twice to wake myself up, I don’t want to fight against this calm feeling.
It feels amazing.
The weeds continue to wrap around my legs, holding me in place. I shake my head, trying to fall back into reality. I press my lips tightly together and focus on cutting off the weeds slowly. With each slash, it feels like my movement and reactions are slowing down. It must be the scent causing the nerves in my body to act strange. I cover my nose and continue cutting the strands of weed silently. Each cut increases the growth beneath me. The mud from the gravel thickens, gluing me further in place.
The girl moans in pleasure while the weeds attach to me and cling onto the fabric of my clothing. The noise she is making and the weeds from underneath me are overwhelming me. My heart picks up frantically, and my lips feel dry.
The strange creature caresses his prey’s bruised body. There are glowing hickeys all over her skin. He allows the weeds to slither around her neck slowly. He leaves another colorful hickey on her skin. He kisses her neck, eventually pulling on her skin with his sharp teeth.
The scent of his tongue sliding slowly on her neck flows over to where I’m being held captive. My lips part as her eyes roll back into her head. I can feel my mind and thoughts drifting away with her. I want the creature’s lips on my skin just as much as his prey does.
Think, Eliza, think. Stay focused.
I shudder as the cold wind tickles the tiny hairs on my skin. The guy stops kissing the girl and the moans fade away. He looks up and scans his setting. His eyes lock on my hiding place. I increase my cutting movement as fast as I can. He smirks at me with colorful drool dropping to the ground from his white blade-like teeth. His red lips glimmer in front of me in the shadows.
He lets the weeds take over the girl’s body, preserving his meal for later. She is still stuck in ecstasy. Her eyes slide in my direction. Even though she must be in pain, she’s smiling. Weeds form around her body, slither up, and then slap across her eyes and mouth.
The creep holding her captive flutters toward me slowly. He reaches out as weeds beneath the ground and roots spring up and wriggle around my ankles and neck. They travel up against my thighs and then slap across my mouth, preventing me from screaming. I am lifted up against the wall, just how the girl is in front of me.
I raise my dagger to try and cut the weed covering my mouth, but I lose my grip and it falls to the ground. I panic, struggling to breathe, but the same scent crawls into my nostrils. Its sweet taste overpowers my senses. My heart beat slows down drastically as my eyes follow the monster, who is floating in front of me, grinning wickedly. He touches my skin with his soft hand, sizzling and calming my emotions. My heart skips a beat.
It’s finally my turn.


Michael believes he is a mad scientist experimenting with his own imagination. He enjoys world building and having alluring conversations with his stubborn characters.
He is your author of The Mystical Trilogy, Casso and TESTED. Specializing in many genres such as Fantasy, Urban Fiction, Dystopian, Young and New Adult. Most of his inspirations come from fairy-tales, music, and his curious what ifs.
You can find him anywhere to snuggling in a comfy seat with hot cocoa Netflix binging, or taking a soothing walk along the forest lines. Possibly diving in a tank with sharks, but that would be too insane.
He is a shopaholic east coaster living in Virginia with his fury companion Coco.
Where the two live happily ever after.


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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Book Blast: Partners in Crime by Downey Greene

Partners in Crime
By- Downey Greene
Genre- Romantic Suspense
Publisher- Staccato Publishing
Publication Date- April 29th, 2014

Gun, badge... and a swear jar?

Detective Faye Kane is a good cop. So when she smells a rat in her city she follows the facts no matter where they lead even if it’s right to Philadelphia’s own philanthropist and hopeful new mayor, Martino “Millie” Maliano. But after a rough day, sometimes even a cop needs to feel like a woman.

Enter Ian “Griff” McManus, rumored lead problem solver in Millie’s organization. After one hot night with a sexy stranger, he’s given a new target his boss needs quieted: Detective Faye Kane.

Dirty cops, loyalty, betrayal, even love. Detective Kane needs to sift through the ashes of her beloved city after it all comes down to find the one thing that matters, if she’s still standing.


Saturday, 28 November 2015

Blog Tour: Excerpt: Jane Blond International Spy by Brianna Schatt & Stan Schatt

Jane Blond International Spy
By- Brianna Schatt & Stan Schatt
Genre- Middle Grade
Publication Date- October 19th

Fourteen year old Jane thought getting through high school was difficult enough with her dad in prison and her mother dating. Throw in being bullied by the popular girl who has everything- it’s completely unbearable. But when terrorists kidnap a boy she cares about, she knows she is the only one who can save him. International Spy, Jane Blond, must prevent terrorists from blowing up her school during the President’s visit. She’ll need all of her courage along with the help of a teen with CIA secrets, a friend with Asperger’s and a parrot with an attitude.


Cover Reveal: Remembering Everly by J.L. Berg


With the release of FORGETTING AUGUST just around the corner (quite literally - it releases December 1st!), we're thrilled to be able to share a look at the gorgeous cover of REMEMBERING EVERLY, the second and final book in the Lost & Found duet.


(Click the cover to view the full size image.)

Isn't it absolutely stunning? We're in love with these covers - and the books! Find out more about them below.

After a stunning cliffhanger ending in Forgetting August, USA Today bestselling author J.L. Berg delivers the happily ever after that fans have been waiting for in the sequel, REMEMBERING EVERLY, on sale March 1.
He's forgotten his past, but it hasn't forgotten him. After losing two years of his life trapped in a coma, August Kincaid will do anything to win back the love of his life. But his past threatens to destroy his second chance at happiness, it's Everly who is in danger of paying for his crimes.
Add it to Goodreads here!
Preorder REMEMBERING EVERLY: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | BAM

Here's a note for you from J.L. Berg!

Dear Readers,
I am SO excited to share the second and final cover of the Lost & Found series with you! This cover captures the tone of Remembering Everly perfectly. Fear, desire and so much conflict and tension between Everly and August. I can't wait for you to read the thrilling conclusion to this beautiful duet!
- J.L. Berg

Berg_Forgetting August_E-Book

She can forgive, but can she forget?

Some days, Everly still thinks she sees him. In the food court at the mall, or in a car speeding past as the light changes. It only lasts a second, but when it happens, she slips back to a time when she was ruled-and nearly ruined-by August Kincaid. And it doesn't matter that she's moved on, that she's about to marry another man. In those moments the only thing she can do to regain control is take a deep breath and remind herself that August can't hurt her-because he's in a coma. Except that he's not anymore. August is awake. With no memories, he sets out to solve the mystery of his lost life. He unearths a photograph of a beautiful redhead named Everly and knows instinctively that she's the key. But when he finds her, the August she describes is more monster than man. Tortured by the thought of having hurt her, August wants only to become the man Everly deserves. As the new August emerges, Everly glimpses the person she first fell in love with. But can she trust that this August is real? When the final secret of their shared past is revealed, one of them will make a choice that changes their future forever . . .

FORGETTING AUGUST releases December 1st.
Add it to Goodreads here!
Preorder FORGETTING AUGUST: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | GooglePlay | Kobo | BAM

Join us for the FORGETTING AUGUST Release Party!

Forever Romance and J.L. Berg invite readers to join them for a Facebook party on December 9 from 7 – 10 PM EST to celebrate FORGETTING AUGUST, on sale December 1. In addition to fun guests and giveaways, there will be a great discussion about the book as J.L. Berg takes fan questions. RSVP here.

About J.L. Berg

Author J.L. Berg is a California native living in the South. She is the author of the self-pubbed Ready series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. Married to her high school sweetheart. She and her husband have two beautiful girls that drive them batty on a daily basis. When she's not writing, you can find her with her nose stuck in a romance book, in a yoga studio or devouring anything chocolate.

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