Hazel Butler
Published by: Astrid Press
Publication date: December 15th 2015
Genres: Dark Fantasy, New Adult
Cover Designed by author (art by Nathan Park)
Ingary is a harsh land. Cursed by a perpetual winter, the isolated little town has all but forget why they worship the wolf.
Marked by magic she cannot control, Marishka is an outcast.
Alone and starving she is plagued by geiste, the unconscious minds of the people of Ingary, roaming the wilderness as they sleep.
Attracted to the gramarye in Marishka’s blood, the geiste give her no rest. Losing herself to madness, she is saved when she chances to fall in love. But when her affair is discovered, all hope is taken from her.
Beaten and lovelorn, she resigns herself to death.
And then the wolf walks through her door, and Marishka recalls the meaning of Bleizgeist—the spirit of the wolf.
Praise for Bleizgeist
‘Filled with atmosphere and chills – a book of beautiful prose and sweeping scope that will have you reading well into the night and beyond.’
-Joel Cornah, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Network
-Joel Cornah, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Network
‘A good novella has to be complete in itself but also make you want to read more, and Bleizgeist succeeds at both. It’s a beautifully written tale that intertwines darkness and love to devastating effect, concealing and revealing its secrets with a skilful hand. Vivid sensory details bring the whole to life – you can almost taste the cold forest air and hear the cry of the wolves – but it’s the emotion at the heart of this magical story that continues to resonate long after you reach the final page.’
-A.F.E. Smith, Darkhaven (Harper Voyager)
-A.F.E. Smith, Darkhaven (Harper Voyager)
‘Bleizgeist is the dark, haunting tale of Marishka’s search for acceptance in a harsh world that reveres and yet shuns her. Butler’s masterful storytelling is merciless. I cried for Marishka more than once. Bleizgeist is an homage to the dark fairytales of old, with a bold and modern approach that makes it very special.’
-Sammy H.K. Smith, Grimbold Books
-Sammy H.K. Smith, Grimbold Books
Hazel is an author, artist and archaeologist from Cheshire, England. She is the founder and owner of The Bookshine Bandit, a business dedicated to helping authors, writers, bloggers, and those looking to self-publish achieve their dreams and maximise their writing potential.
Since 2010 she has been working on a series of Gothic Literary novels, the first of which, Chasing Azrael, was released in April 2014. The Deathly Insanity series is a set of Urban Fantasy novels with overlapping character and plot-lines. Hazel’s other published works include ‘Grave’, a short Dark Fantasy story, and an additional short story and novella published under a pen name.
While her primary interests are in Gothic and Fantasy art and fiction, Hazel reads a wide range of subjects and enjoys most forms of art. In addition to this, she runs The Bipolar Bear, a blog on bipolar disorder, and loves dogs. Her King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, Dexter (yes, after the serial killer), is her near-constant companion.
Hazel is currently in the final year of her PhD, which focuses on Gender Dynamics in Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Britain. She studied at The University of Manchester for her Undergraduate degree, then Bangor University for her MA and PhD, spending the two years between her MA and PhD doing corporate archaeology and research excavations, both in Britain and in Austria. She has two papers published in international journals.
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