When Two Hearts Collide
by Sonya Loveday and Candace Knoebel
A Game of Hearts Novel
Publication Date: March 23, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Charlie may be portrayed as a womanizing player, but he's the type of guy who has a heart of gold and is so damn irresistible that you can't help falling for him, flaws and all. He is what ever romance reader wants from a male lead - the "bad boy" just waiting for the right woman to come along (and, of course, that sexy accent warrants special mention, too!). Not that he needed rescuing, per se, it was just that Charlotte offered him everything he needed and wanted, and the experience took him completely by surprise. I loved the moment when he realized that there was more to this stunning woman.
Charlotte was adorable. I loved everything about her, especially the fact that she wasn't afraid to be who she was. She was dorky, fun and sweet. I loved how she stood up for her dreams and wasn't going to let anything, not even love, stand in the way of them.
When things started to go south, my heart was in my throat. Watching Charlie fall to pieces pained me so much and I just wanted to reach into this book and give him the biggest hug. Charlotte went through her own turmoil but I think it devastated Charlie in ways he never knew were possible. Thankfully they both had amazing friends in their corners, ready to help them pick up the pieces, and just waiting to give them a swift kick up the rear when they needed it most.
This book was filled with sexual tension and the chemistry between Charlie and Charlotte was all fiery passion, but in a way that was real and believable. The emotion and angst was relatable which only sucked me further into this story and made the characters more endearing. Knoebel and Loveday didn't make things easy for either of them, even at those moments when I though "Yes! Finally, this is when everything will fall into place and all will be right in the world again.". They proved that love can be messy, it can be hard, and it's all about compromise, understanding and acceptance - It's also about not letting go, even when it seems like everything has gone to hell.
P.S. If you're not all about hearts and romance, this book is worth the read just for The Raven's Den alone! Please tell me a place like this really exists!!! If not, we need to rectify that STAT!
Thank you for sharing!