Sunday, 28 April 2013

InkSlinger Blog Tour: Excerpt & Giveaway: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase

Hello, Therians!!

I'm super excited to have been included in the Blog Tour for Nichole Chase's Suddenly Royal!
I really loved this book. Check out my REVIEW.

Below is a little sneak peek into just how amazing Sam and Alex are together. They have fantastic chemistry, which was so fun to read!


Samantha Rousseau is used to getting her hands dirty. Working toward a master’s degree in wildlife biology while helping take care of her sick father, she has no time for celebrity gossip, designer clothes, or lazy vacations. So when a duchess from the small country of Lilaria invites her to dinner, Samantha assumes it’s to discuss a donation for the program. The truth will change the course of her life in ways she never dreamed.

Alex D’Lynsal is trying to keep his name clean. As crown prince of Lilaria, he’s had his share of scandalous headlines, but the latest pictures have sent him packing to America and forced him to swear off women—especially women in the public eye. That is, until he meets Samantha Rousseau. She’s stubborn, feisty, and incredibly sexy. Not to mention heiress to an estate in his country, which makes her everyone’s front-page news.

While Sam tries to navigate the new world of politics and wealth, she will also have to dodge her growing feelings for Alex. Giving in to them means more than just falling in love; it would mean accepting the weight of an entire country on her shoulders.

Grab your copy today!

“How many of you work here?” Alex was helping transfer some of the birds while I cleaned cages. He hadn’t needed much direction. It was easy to tell he spent a great deal of time with raptors.
“Depends on the season.” I hauled a bucket over to use for trash. “In the summer we have volunteers who help out. There are shows and education programs as well that help raise money for the birds.”
“Education is the key, isn’t it? The more people understand about these creatures, the more they will be able to see their vital importance.” Gently, Alex coaxed the horned owl from her perch and onto his gloved arm. “That’s one of the things I’m working on back home. I run a charity that goes to schools and town centers to help educate the public. The kids love it.”
“What’s it called?”
“The Future Bird Trust.” He didn’t look at me as we talked, his eyes solely on the bird, so didn’t see my dumbstruck expression.
“You run the FBT? I thought they were based in France.”
“Yes, we work very closely with the French government to uphold the laws protecting these beauties.” He looked at me over the owl’s head, his eyes full of determination. “It’s my goal to spread the FBT to the surrounding countries to educate the public about the importance of raptors. I hope that with more knowledge people will understand why it is so important to preserve these birds.”
“I’ve read about the FBT.” I leaned the shovel I was carrying against the wall and went to wash my hands. “They’ve done some great things.”
“Thank you.” He looked back at the owl, examining the large gash on her beak. “What happened to this one?”
“Car.” I turned back to the table to finish getting the food sorted. Rats and mice were the entrée for tonight. Not exactly my favorite part of the job, but I’d become immune to it at this point. Everything has to eat. I brought a small rat over to Dover, the owl Alex was holding. Alex took it in a gloved hand and proffered it to the bird.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Don’t be shy.” Alex clucked when Dover turned her head away from the meal. “I saw you eyeing it while the lovely Samantha got it ready.”
“She’s a coy one.” I smiled at him, not sure if I was more amused by the coaxing tone or by him calling me lovely.
He mumbled a few words in Lilarian, at least I thought they were Lilarian, and Dover turned to look at him. He chuckled and offered the rat again, which she deigned to accept. I didn’t blame her for turning to look at him. While he spoke English easily with an almost British accent, those words were beautiful.
“Well, that may be the fastest she’s ever accepted a meal from anyone.”
“That so?” He smiled over at me.
“It’s the accent. Women always swoon for an accent.” I rolled my eyes.
“And does the accent work on you?”
“You wish.” I fumbled with the gloves I was trying to put on. I looked at him over my shoulder to see if he was watching.
“Too true.” He winked at me. My heart jumped and I turned to finish making the meals. Unfortunately I knocked over the shovel and was rewarded with a loud clanking that sent all the nearby birds into a flutter. I bent over to pick up the shovel and glanced at Alex. He was openly watching my backside.
When he realized he had been caught ogling, he smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Nice jeans.”
“Thanks.” I turned back to the task at hand.
“No—thank you.” He chuckled and I blushed.


Nichole Chase is a daydreamer. No, really, just ask any of the math teachers that had the misfortune of seeing her name appear on their class schedule.
For years she has had story lines and characters begging for attention, but she resolutely pushed them aside to focus on more normal (read, boring) jobs.

Well, no longer! She is currently heeding the voices in her head and frantically writing their stories. Ms. Chase is the author of the Dark Betrayal Trilogy, Flukes, and Suddenly Royal (including several short stories).
Nichole resides in South Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, dog, tortoise, and two cats. When not devouring novels by the dozens, you may find her writing, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.
Connect with Nichole:

Check out all the blogs on the tour!

April 21st
I Read Indie-Dream Cast
Globug and Hootie-Excerpt

April 22nd

April 23rd

April 24th

April 25th
Seeing Night Reviews-Guest Post-Sam’s POV
Book Addicted AA-Playlist

April 26th
I Heart Big Books-Character Interview-Cathy
Kate Tilton-Guest Post

April 27th

April 28th

April 29th
Book Bitches Blog-Character Interview-Sam & Alex
Every Free Chance Reader-Review

April 30th
Parajunkee-Guest Post
Defiantly Deviant-Guest Post

May 1st
A Good Addiction-Interview
Ladybug Storytime-Guest Post

May 2nd

May 3rd
Indie Ignites-Interview
TarHeel Bibliobabe-Interview

May 4th

May 5th

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