Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Blog Tour: Excerpt, Character Bios + Playlist: Uprising by Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons

The Dolan Prophecies Series Book #1
By- Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons

Publication Date- April 18th, 2014
Genre- New Adult Dystopian 

The year 2102--the world as it was no longer exists. Ravaged by nuclear war and polluted almost to the point of no return, Earth was dying. When the faeries came and brought their healing magic, humanity was grateful at first. Centuries of damage repaired in just five years, and during the course of that rehabilitation, they invaded. Quietly overthrown, the human race is now enslaved. The majority doesn’t even realize they have no free will. Branded, herded and kept only to further the agendas of the Fae Courts, humanity could be facing extinction.  

But a resistance is coming…  

Fianna Dolan has spent her entire young life preparing herself for an uprising against the Fae. One scorching summer night Fi's parents leave and never return. Thrust into a position of power she never expected, Fi struggles with her new position and the responsibility it entails. When a secretive fae man known only as Flint breaches the city’s defenses claiming he can help, Fi begins to doubt everything she's ever considered truth. As betrayals and deception come to light, will Fi want the answers she’s been seeking, or will trusting Flint lead to her destruction?

Grab your copy of UPRISING for only $1.49!!


I silently head up the stairs, stepping into the library when I see her shadow going back and forth wildly. She’s pacing again, stopping every few minutes to look out the huge window overlooking almost the entire city. Her fingers drum against her bottom lip, and her other hand bunches her oversized shirt into a fist. I realize she has no idea I’m here, and I cross my arms and lean against the wall. “Little late for such intense inner dialogue, don’t you think?”

     She jumps and whirls to face me, taking a step towards the table beside the couch as if she’d planned to chuck the lamp at my head. I can’t help but chuckle at the mental image and she makes a sound of shock. “For heaven’s sake, Flint! Make a noise, would you?” she snaps. “You scared me!”

     I try to physically wipe the smile off my face but I can’t seem to hide my amusement. She narrows her eyes and I tell her, “Sorry…that wasn’t my intent.”

     She waves her hand at me, unimpressed with my apology. She shakes her head and continues pacing back and forth on the ground. I look down at the floor where her tiny bare feet are passing over—she’s only been here three minutes and the carpet is already developing a dip. “No, it’s not your fault,” she says and I look back up. Her fingers are on her mouth again; pounding against her lips in a rhythm only she can hear. “My head—it’s just in chaos.”

     “I never would have guessed,” I say lightly. “You seem so centered tonight. I thought you were meditating.”

     She rolls her eyes and continues pacing. “Was there something you wanted, Flint?” she asks bluntly, already exhausted by my presence. “Or did you just want to antagonize me a bit before turning in for the night?”

     I shake my head. “I came to see if you were alright, love. Your pacing was keeping me up, and when it finally stopped I thought you fell into a black hole or something.”

     She stops pacing again and her brows draw in before she turns to face me; eyes narrowed again. “How many times do I have to ask you not to call me that?”

     I smirk at her and she scowls, then goes back to wearing a hole in the floor. “Couple dozen more times and you might get the message through,” I tell her. “I wouldn’t get my hopes up, though.”


Fianna Aoife Dolan

Nickname(s)- Fi

Age- 19

Height- 5’2”

Weight-113 lbs (not that it’s any of your business, geesh)

Personality- It really depends on who you ask, honestly...

Affinity- None

Abilities- Can you be more specific? I’m a perfectly capable human being, I have many abilities. I especially enjoy my ability to make coffee--was that what you had in mind??

Last Book You Read- ‘Love is a Mixed Tape’ by Rob Sheffield

Favorite Quote- “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Biggest Fear- failing

Last Song You Listened To- ‘Between Two Lungs’ by Florence + The Machine

Favorite Food- my Aunt Ruth’s shepherd’s pie (her coffee cake is a very close second..)



Here are just a few of the songs that inspired Fi’s voice as we wrote ‘Uprising’
Florence + the Machine-
Tori Amos-
The Civil Wars-
Counting Crows-
Sara Bareilles-
Fall Out Boy-
Panic! At the Disco-


Eirnin Kearney Dolan

Nickname(s)- Eir

Age- 16

Height- 6’7”

Weight- 225

Personality- I’m pretty easygoing, funny, a likeable guy by most accounts.

Affinity- None!

Abilities- Seer / Empath Extraordinaire

Last Book You Read- ‘Dark Justice’ by Jack Higgins

Favorite Quote- “The best way out is through.” ~Robert Frost

Biggest Fear- being unable to help the people I love

Last Song You Listened To- ‘Let Me Kiss You’ by Morrissey

Favorite Food- I’m a teenage boy, anything edible is my favorite food… ;)



Here are just a few of the songs that inspired Eir’s voice as we wrote ‘Uprising’
Breaking Benjamin-
Imagine Dragons-
The White Stripes-




Nickname(s)- Hellboy, Hellion, Ass… None that would be considered “nice”.

Age- 278 years, but physically I look like I’m in my early twenties--lucky me.

Height- 5’8”

Weight- 162

Personality- I am a raging pain in the neck and I am very proud of it. ;)

Affinity- Fire

Abilities- I have the ability to talk and piss you off at the same time. Does that count? And I can run very fast as for ‘physical’ abilities.

Last Book You Read- “The Mists of Avalon” by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It was my baby sister’s favorite book of all time.

Favorite Quote- “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” ~Mark Twain

Biggest Fear- You could not pay me to answer this question.

Last Song You Listened To- “Shaking” by Sugarcult *smirks*

Favorite Food- … *chuckles* Okay, I am going to presume you are hoping for a G-rated answer so I am really not sure what to say here. As of right now Fi’s aunt, Ruth, makes very good blueberry muffins.


Flint was the pickiest character when it came to music. So I’m not sure I can say these songs “inspired” his voice, or that he “enjoys” them… These are mostly the songs he wouldn’t run away screaming about if I put them on while working with him.
The Script-
Secondhand Serenade-
Panic! at the Disco-



Nickname(s)- Lulu, Princess

Age- 546 (and yes, I do mean years)

Height- 5’1”

Weight- 50,000 grams, about 110 pounds

Personality- Well, I’ve heard I’m an angel and I’ve heard I’m a prude, so I guess it depends on who you ask.

Affinity- Air

Abilities- I am an awesome ninja spy, if I do say so myself.

Last Book You Read- “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott, per the Dolans’ suggestion.

Favorite Quote- “Do what you feel in your heart to be right--for you’ll be criticized anyway.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Biggest Fear- That’s a hard one… The thought of the people I care about getting hurt keeps me up at night sometimes.

Last Song You Listened To- “Brick by Boring Brick” by Paramore

Favorite Food- Ice cream! *coughs* Um. Yeah, I love mint chocolate chip ice cream.


Random playlist of songs Lumi likes to listen to when writing with her
Lana Del Rey-
Christina Perri-
Demi Lovato-
Taylor Swift-
The Band Perry-


About the Authors

Allana Kephart has been making things up and bending people to her will from a very young age.  She loves animals and reading and spends a large amount of time thinking up ways to torment her characters. She shares a brain, a love of coffee and the color purple with her alter ego/best friend/co-author, Melissa Simmons.


Melissa Simmons is an avid reader who married her soul mate and is the proud mother of a spoiled cat.  She spends her days helping promote independent authors and doing what the voices in her head tell her to. She shares a brain, a love of coffee and the color purple with her alter ego/best friend/co-author, Allana Kephart.




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