Diamond Peak Series Book #4
By- Tahlia Newland
Genre- YA Fantasy
Ariel and Nick face their deepest fears and their greatest challenge as they search for the Master Demon who holds the key to the future of mankind. Slay him and the world goes free; fail, and it falls irrevocably into violence and chaos.
Guided by a wisdom master of a mystical tradition that uses mind power as the basis of powerful magic, the assault party travels from the ancient granite walls of the Hermitage, up the Steps of Death, and through a labyrinth of shifting gorges to the Palace of Skulls. Even if Nick wins his struggle with the scars of his past and defeats the green-eyed head of the Cogin clan, they still must cross the scree slope, where the bones of Ariel's father lie, to get to the ice caves beneath the summit where the Master Demon awaits.
The journey is extraordinary, the enemies are deadly and the ending is mind-blowing.
This book has been awarded the AIA Seal of Excellence in Fiction
Beneath the very pinnacle of Diamond Peak, a fluid semi-human shape stood, black against a chunk of blue-white glacial ice. The King of the Demons seemed as frozen as the ice, except for the slight curve of his thin lips and the flickering bliss in the dark blue flames of his eyes.
‘Yes,’ he murmured in a sleazy voice. ‘Remember what she did to you … crave her … detest her … punish her … feed me well and she will be your reward.’
A human quivered beside the foul smelling demon, making a faint sound that could have been sobbing or chuckling or both. The demon’s talon, as long as a human forearm, rested gently on the side of the human’s neck. Occasionally, it stroked the skin, sending shudders through the limp body, and sometimes it pierced the flesh. Then the muscles tensed and the sobbing became a gasp of pain.
As he fed, the demon grew visibly and a hump formed on his back.
‘Indulge yourself,’ he whispered. ‘We are so close, so close, you and I.’
The hump grew even larger and a head took form, followed by demon limbs and body. The new demon pulled away, stretching the fabric between the master and his new creation like a thin rubber band until it tore, separating the two forms. The new demon shook itself free and stepped away from its master’s back.
The demon king turned to face the new green-eyed demon, a twisted, triumphant smile upon his face as he noted the intensity in its fiery pits. ‘We have done well with you. My fodder is still strong.’
‘What am I to do, Master?’ the new demon asked.
‘Be my eyes,’ the demon king replied. ‘Find the bearer of the Copper Mark and let me know her whereabouts.’
This was a fantastic epic adventure, and I have loved every
minute spent on this journey, so I am sad to see it come to an end, even though
it brought the defeat of the evil that has plagued the world for so long. I have
grown to love the characters as I’ve watched them develop and grow into
spectacular Warriors, ready to take on just about anything the mountain threw at them.
The interesting thing about this book was that Nick and
Ariel found themselves as equals. All along, Nick has been able to help Ariel
on her trek up the mountain, but now they both had their own demons to battle,
literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, Nick’s demons were embedded so deep
it was a great struggle for him to overcome them, but it was awesome to see
Nick and Ariel work as a team to get over Cogin. And then it was on to the
final battle that would ultimately see the prophecy come to light, and wow, did
Newland put a great twist on that. I had a notion that things weren’t quite as
black and white as spelled out in the prophecy, but it was interesting to see
how things played out.
This book was action-packed, thrilling and at times heart-wrenching.
A stunning conclusion to a series that has taken me on a rollercoaster ride of
fun, danger and through every emotion possible.
Diamond Peak Series Book #1
By- Tahlia Newland
Genre- YA Fantasy
A scream pierces the night. Ariel jolts awake and watches in horror as demons drag her mother into a hidden realm. She finds help and sets off on a rescue mission. But to defeat the demons, who feed on fear and seek to enslave the human race, she must learn a secret esoteric wisdom to awaken the dormant, but potentially explosive, power of her mind.
Walnut, a quirky old wise man, guides her through treacherous inner and outer landscapes, and Nick, the powerful Warrior who travels with them, proves a dangerous attraction. Can Ariel defeat the sadistic demon lord before he kills her and enslaves her mother?
The stakes are high, death a real possibility. Fail now, and she fails humanity.
This book has been awarded the AIA Seal of Excellence in Fiction and the BRAG Medallion for Outstanding Fiction.

Stalking Shadows
Diamond Peak Series Book #2
By- Tahlia Newland
Genre- YA Fantasy

Ariel hopes that the great library at Sheldra holds the key to rescuing her mother. But in order to get there, she must negotiate a forest of evil spirits, escape a mind-numbing city of sparkling towers, travel through the treacherous gullies of Minion Hills, and avoid an attack by a demon lord intent on killing her.
At the same time, a battle rages between her heart and her mind. A relationship with her travelling companion, the enigmatic Nick, is just too tempting, but can they be together without Ariel losing her focus and falling to the demons? Her life is at stake, but also her heart. She risks encasing it in stone and denying herself the very sustenance she needs.
Will they make it to the safe haven of Sheldra, or will Ariel die at the hands of the yellow-eyed demon?
This book has been awarded the AIA Seal of Excellence in Fiction

Demon’s Grip
Diamond Peak Series Book #3
By- Tahlia Newland
Genre- YA Fantasy

The demon lord Emot takes advantage of her inexperience in matters of the heart and preys on her desire, setting off a struggle with addiction that threatens to break Nick's heart and turn Ariel into the demon's mindless slave. She must reach deep into her soul and find the mystical power she needs to kill the one who promises pleasure but delivers only pain. Fail, and she will lose the one she loves and spend an eternity in the demon's grip.

About the Author
Tahlia Newland, author of the multi-award-winning Diamond Peak Series, writes heart-warming and inspiring magical realism and contemporary fantasy. She is also an editor, a reviewer, an occasional high school teacher, and a mask-maker who loves creating digital art and sitting on her veranda staring at the rain forest.
Tahlia has studied with top Australian editors and has a Certificate in Editing and Proofreading. Before writing full time, she had over 20 years’ experience in scripting and performing as a dancer/mine in Visual Theatre and Theatre in Education. She has had extensive training in meditation and Buddhist philosophy and lives in Australia with a husband, a teenage daughter, and a cheeky Burmese cat called George.
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