We are thrilled to bring you the Review & Excerpt Tour for Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright's RAGE/KILLIAN! RAGE/KLLIAN are TWO novellas in the Bayou Heat Series and part of the always fantastic 1001 Dark Nights.
This amazing book with TWO novellas in it releases on August 11th!
Make sure you grab your copy today!
Amazon eBook ** Amazon Paperback
Rage might be an aggressive Hunter by nature, but the gorgeous male has never had a problem charming the females. All except Lucie Gaudet. Of course, the lovely Geek is a born troublemaker, and it was no surprise to Rage when she was kicked out of the Wildlands.
But now the Pantera need a first-class hacker to stop the potential destruction of their people. And it’s up to Rage to convince Lucie to help. Can the two forget the past—and their sizzling attraction—to save the Pantera?
Gorgeous, brutal, aggressive, and human, Killian O’Roarke wants only two things: to get rid of the Pantera DNA he’s been infected with, and get back to the field. But the decorated Army Ranger never bargained on meeting the woman—the female—of his dreams on his mission to the Wildlands.
Rosalie lost her mate to a human, and now the Hunter despises them all. In fact, she thinks they’re good for only one thing: barbeque. But this one she’s guarding is testing her beliefs. He is proud and kind, and also knows the pain of loss. But in a time of war between their species, isn’t any chance of love destined for destruction?
Rosalie,” he began. “Sorry,
“I have nightmares, too.”
Killian stilled, not sure he’d
heard her correctly. “What’s that?”
“Or I did have them…” she
continued. She sighed. “They were a lot like that. Like yours. No words, just…”
Her eyes lifted to meet his. “Pain.”
He stared at her, couldn’t
believe she was sharing anything with him. Much less something so personal.
“I don’t know what you’re doing
here, Human—” she started.
“Human,” she returned. “But I
know real pain when I hear it.”
Sh*t. What was this? He really
wanted to know. Wanted to ask. But he didn’t. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t
tell him anyway. “So they’re gone?” he asked. “The nightmares?”
She nodded. “When I let my cat
form take over. Sleep in it twenty-four/seven.”
But Raphael hadn’t wanted her in
the cat form. Said she would kill him if she was. So… Killian sat up on one
elbow. “But you can’t be in your cat form when you’re around me.”
Her eyes met his. “Really?”
“Why don’t you stop this, Hunter?
Let someone else guard me. Go back to what you were doing. Go back to your puma
and…sleep.” His eyes roamed over her beautiful but very guarded face. “That
really made the dreams stop?”
She nodded.
With a sniff of derision, Killian
mumbled under his breath, “Maybe I should give it a try.”
But she heard him. “Humans can
only be human, Human.”
“Yeah, you’d think, wouldn’t
you?” he ground out.
Her eyes narrowed. “Tell me why
you’re here.”
“Help,” he said.
“What kind? Immunity? Did you do
something on the outside? Are you trying not to go back into combat? Do you
know something about the military’s plans for the Pantera and our very unique
and highly sought-after DNA?”
He remained silent.
Which pissed her off. Not like
that was a hard thing. “You’re a soldier,” she snarled. “But you don’t know who
Locke is. You’re a human, but you’re not a criminal or Raphael wouldn’t have
let you—” She stopped, blinked at him. Killian could see her mind working, and
it was fast and sharp. “When I came up on you and the rat in the bayou…I didn’t
scent human right away. Only Pantera.”
“Is that right?” he said softly.
Her lips parted then, and she
leaned in. All the way until the tip of her nose brushed his throat. Killian
inhaled sharply. He didn’t know what she was pulling off him, but her scent was
intoxicating. Like a rare flower, whose fragrance existed only for him. He
growled at the ridiculous, romanticized, almost insane thought. But when her
nose moved up to his jaw and her breath caressed his neck, he lost all brain
function whatsoever. His hunger, his desire were on a level he’d never
experienced before. An almost animalistic…

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Website**Facebook**Twitter**Author Goodreads**Novella Goodreads**1001 Dark Nights
RAGE/KILLIAN Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule
August 12th
I Heart YA Books – Excerpt
She Hearts Books – Review
Pages Abound – Excerpt
Books and Warpaint – Review
August 13th
What Is That Book About – Excerpt
Oh My Shelves – Excerpt
Vampire Book Club – Excerpt
Roxy's Reviews – Excerpt
August 14th
Books That Hook – Excerpt
Angel's Guilty Pleasures – Excerpt
SofiaLovesReading – Review
Sultry, Steamy Reading – Excerpt
August 15th
Becky on Books – Review & Excerpt
Diane’s Book Blog – Excerpt
August 16th
Dark Faerie Tales – Review & Excerpt
Penny For My Thoughts – Review
The Book Disciple – Review & Excerpt
August 17th
I can't help where my mind goes – Review
Romancing the Readers – Excerpt
August 18th
Obsessive Reading Disorder – Review & Excerpt
A girl and her book – Review & Excerpt
Jen's Reading Obsession – Excerpt
August 19th
Boundless Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Coast to Coast Book Besties – Review & Excerpt
Kelsey's Corner Time – Review
August 20th
A Fortress of Books – Review & Excerpt
Read-Love-Blog – Excerpt
Confessions of a Bookfreak – Review
August 21st
Evermore Books – Review & Excerpt
Once Upon An Alpha – Review
Literary Misfit – Review & Excerpt
JB's Book Obsession – Excerpt
Thank you so much!