Dreadlands: Wolf Moon
by Jaimie Engle
Preorders available now! http://tinyurl.com/gvxdpt3
With a grandmother who is unnatural, an anxious mother, and a missing father, Arud’s family tree is rooted in secrets.
Leif Erikson abandoned the settlement in Labrador, Canada, when the ferine attacked and murdered his small crew. A band of families stayed behind to rebuild. Now, the Wolf Moon approaches, a single night when the ferine’s binds to the Dreadlands are broken, freeing them to hunt. But when one appears beneath Arud’s window, his mother rushes him off, urging him to take care of his sister whose sickness grows worse. His world is shaken and family deceptions unravel, when Arud learns his sister may be the key in a century old prophecy. The stakes are raised, and getting safely to the city in the sea becomes more than a quest. It becomes survival.
Arud Bergson crept out of his
house before dawn, his sleep cut short by nightmares of the ferine hunting him
in broad daylight. Darkness clung to the remnant of night sky while cool air
washed over his pale skin. As he slipped through his front yard and into the
surrounding woods, he thought of the deer he would catch for his mother to make
bruukish. The traditional stew induced a deep sleep in most, though Arud found
sleep impossible, no matter how much he ate.
when creatures rose from the shadows.
About the Author

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– Website: https://www.jaimiengle.com
– Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/
– Goodreads Author Page: http://tinyurl.com/gosrwbb
Thanks so much for joining the Dreadlands: Wolf Moon blog tour, Roxy!!!