Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Book Blitz: Author Interview, Excerpt + #Giveaway: Love in B Minor by Elodie Nowodazkij

Love in B Minor
Elodie Nowodazkij

(Broken Dreams #3)
Publication date: March 15th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

No promises. No fake tomorrows. That was the plan.
New city. New life. At least, that’s what nineteen-year-old Jen Harrison believes. On the surface, she’s living her dream: dancing in a prestigious dance company in Paris. But her sister’s death and the mistakes she’s tried to bury haunt her. She’s become a pro at hiding who she truly is, and she definitely doesn’t want a guy to derail her, but a one night-stand she can do. Nothing more. She definitely doesn’t plan to see the sexy stranger who made her laugh for the first time in years ever again.
Girls don’t walk away from Lucas Wills. Bad boy turned rock star, he’s got his share of groupies. Always upfront, he doesn’t promise fake tomorrows because love can destroy everything. Been there, done that. His ex not only lied to him, she stomped on his heart, used him to become famous, and almost ruined him. So, waking up alone after a night beyond his wildest imagination with a girl he just met shouldn’t upset him, shouldn’t inspire one of the saddest songs he’s ever written, shouldn’t make him want to chase after her.
When Jen, the one-night stand who got away, auditions to be a dancer in Lucas’ next music video, they can’t stop their growing attraction. But Jen’s secrets and his ex could shatter the careers they tried so hard to build and their hearts…they will have to decide what’s more important and if love is worth the fight.
Love in B Minor is the third standalone novel in Elodie Nowodazkij’s Broken Dreams series.

Teaser 1
And his laughter booms in the quiet night. And seeing him laugh makes me want to smile right along with him. And I want to hold on to that feeling a bit longer. One of my hands slowly reaches out and my fingers trail down his cheek while my other hand falls on his knee. He stops laughing. His gaze turns hungry.
“I’m not really thirsty anymore,” I whisper. Our eyes lock. The tension crackling between us gets even more intense. He leans in and I hold my breath. We’re lost in the moment, in the anticipation, in that one second. That one second before a first kiss. I bridge the tiny distance between us and when our lips meet, I breathe again.
His lips are strong and soft.
My body melts into his despite the layers. One of his hands caresses my back and I press myself against him, wishing I could feel his skin against mine. His tongue slips inside my mouth, teasing mine into a playful dance. His other hand cups my face and I could stay like this forever. But I want more. And what I have in mind probably shouldn’t happen outside.
We might get arrested.
But I don’t want to end the night here and now.
I don’t want this night to end at all.

Teaser 3

Elodie Nowodazkij was raised in a tiny village in France, where she could always be found a book in hand. At nineteen, she moved to the US, where she learned she'd never lose her French accent. Now she lives in Maryland with her husband, their dog and their cat.
She's also a serial smiley user. 


1.       Where did you get the inspiration for Jen & Lucas?

Jen has been in my head for quite a bit. She was a very tiny part of a previous draft of One Dream Only, and then she gained importance in A Summer Like No Other and Always Second Best. I think maybe people didn’t like her at the beginning because of her actions and her words. But then in Always Second Best, I think it becomes clear that even though she’s done mistakes, she’s also so much more than those mistakes. And…she’s strong and she’s weak, and she’s hard-working and she’s dedicated, and she’s funny. She wanted to tell her story, so I did.

And her story involved Lucas. Lucas was a bit harder for me to figure out but I knew that he’d been hurt before, that he had a hard time trusting people so he only did one-night stands. Giving him his own POV, his own voice helped me to dig deeper into his thoughts in a first draft and then he didn’t stop talking J I love Lucas. He’s talented and dedicated. He loves his family and his friends. He loves his music. He’s funny and charming and…pretty sexy too J

2.       Why did you choose Paris as the setting?

Honestly, it came to me naturally. I knew Jen wasn’t going to stay in the city, that she had companies calling her from everywhere, and I knew she wanted to start fresh somewhere far. I knew it would come back to haunt her because of her sister passing away. I knew Lucas was half American, half French and what better city to have them meet than Paris?

3.       Have you ever been to Paris?

I come from a tiny village about an hour north from Paris. And I also did a lot of business trips there years later. Paris for me is also synonym to late dinners in restaurants laughing and talking about the world. Every single time, the cab was driving into the city, I felt a rush of emotion. Paris is…magical to me. It has a feel of being home, and I can get lost in Paris, thinking about its history and its beauty and its character. I love this city.

4.       Why did you dedicate your book to Paris?

Not only because it is set there, but I think for those feelings I was mentioning: this magical feeling of being in Paris. And because of its resilience and its way of getting together in the wake of tragedy. I started working on this novel before the attacks that took place in Paris, and I stopped writing for a few weeks because I couldn’t bring myself to do it after the attacks. But I want to remember how right after people came together. People from all layers of society, from all religions or from no religions, men and women. There was this sense of standing together. For a brief moment. And Paris will always be Paris.

5.       What are you currently working on?

I am revising a YA paranormal romance full of witches and kisses and curses and history and again a bit of France. I am also revising a romantic suspense novel…

6.       How did you come up with the title?

I used the play the piano and b-minor was always one of my favorite key. It can sound dissonant but brought together with a melody, I find it so interesting J that’s how I came up with LOVE IN B MINOR J

7.       Is that the last book in your Broken Dreams series?

I don’t know. Part of me wants to write the story of Alisha and Steve. And I’ve been asked to write Roberto’s story (Emilia’s brother who you can meet in A Summer Like No Other and Always Second Best).

8.       What’s your favorite book ever?

Ever? Like ever, ever? I can’t answer that J YA-wise, I still love Jellicoe Road. Have you read it? I also love Stephanie Perkins’ books, and I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios…and if you’re looking for some swoony YA contemporary romance, wait until you read KISSING MAX HOLDEN by Katy Upperman. It comes out next year and I loved it.

9.       Anything else you would like to tell us?

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you. So, thank you!



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