I am the Progeny. The one deemed to carry this weight. The weight of knowing too much. Of knowing there is a darkness in me. Of knowing that even The Fates can screw things up.
Aurora Megalos knew becoming the Progeny meant great sacrifice, but what she wasn’t prepared for was sacrificing herself. Since the day of her birth, she has been set on a path she couldn’t control; a path conceived by The Fates. And after discovering she is mortally connected to her Arch Enemy Zordon-a son of a Fate, Aurora is now left with a path that seems hopeless.
Until she discovers a revelation in the prophecy.
With war on the horizon, she must now find a way to defeat the one who threatens to take everything and everyone she has ever loved from her, without destroying herself. The barrier between both realms is broken, The Fates have been overrun by Zordon, and his darkness now spreads throughout the lands. The odds are stacked against her. Will Aurora and Fenn find a way to undo the work of The Fates in time to save the realms from complete destruction?
Aurora Megalos knew becoming the Progeny meant great sacrifice, but what she wasn’t prepared for was sacrificing herself. Since the day of her birth, she has been set on a path she couldn’t control; a path conceived by The Fates. And after discovering she is mortally connected to her Arch Enemy Zordon-a son of a Fate, Aurora is now left with a path that seems hopeless.
Until she discovers a revelation in the prophecy.
With war on the horizon, she must now find a way to defeat the one who threatens to take everything and everyone she has ever loved from her, without destroying herself. The barrier between both realms is broken, The Fates have been overrun by Zordon, and his darkness now spreads throughout the lands. The odds are stacked against her. Will Aurora and Fenn find a way to undo the work of The Fates in time to save the realms from complete destruction?
cannot truly express how I feel right now! I just finished reading this book
and those final words "The End" had me tearing up. There's a
bittersweet moment when you get to the end of an amazing series; the joy and
privilege you feel at having been on such a fantastic journey with wonderful
characters will live with you forever, but there’s also a great sadness that
tugs at your heart because it's all over.
continues with her spellbinding tale of courage, sacrifice, love and hope, as
Rory faces her foe once and for all. After the devastating turn of events in,
Embracing the Flames, I had to wonder what more lay in store for the amazing characters
of this series. Not only did Rory have to contend with her failures of the past
and a way to bring hope and peace back to her people, but she was also faced
with her feelings for Zane (and yes, she is still very much in love with Fenn!), the animosity directed her way by Lexi, and ending
the evil that brought discord to the realm. It seemed like so much for one
person to have to deal with, but thankfully Rory was kickass and never backed
down once. She was so determined to prove herself and turn things around that
she was willing to give up her life should it come to that.
writing was electrifying, making for a vivid read that played out in my mind
like a movie. I felt Rory’s every emotion as if I was experiencing the events
of this book first hand; my heart broke with the loss of key characters, I
rejoiced with each victory – no matter how small, and the closer she got to fulfilling
her destiny, the more hope blossomed inside me. I had no doubt she’d be the
Progeny she was meant to be, but every time she came face to face with Zordon,
my heart leapt into my throat. He was pure, maniacal evil.
book moved from one epic battle to the next as Rory and her friends sought a
way to overcome evil. Friendships were tested, love was lost and found, and in
the end, hope and courage delivered a victorious end to all the heartbreak and
suffering. This book was an epic fantasy filled with excitement, adventure and
action. It will latch its claws into you from the first page, and continue to
draw you in completely. Be prepared to be blown away!
About the author

Growing up alongside the Harry Potter series, Candace found herself missing the epicosity of a story that pulls you in and won’t let you go. In 2009, she began dreaming up characters that would mold her first novel. Through lunch breaks and late nights, after putting her kids to bed, she built a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. She found her calling in life and knew this was more than dancing could’ve ever meant to her.
Once complete in 2010, she began the grueling process of finding a publisher. With relentless determination, she was finally able to realize her dream in December of 2011 when 48fourteen offered her a publishing contract. With a HUGE yes and a happy dance, she now continues her Trilogy.
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