Welcome to my stop on the JKSCommunications Virtual Blog Tour for
Yael Levy's Touchdown.
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Only Clay has issues of his own and doesn’t take kindly to a petulant New Yorker in his head, interfering in his already messed up life. When Goldie promises to leave if Clay helps her break up the wedding between her fiancé and the witch who killed her, Clay reluctantly agrees. Only neither of them are prepared for the chain of events that follow.
Through the journey of two disparate people on a quest to make things right, Touchdown is a funny yet heartbreaking look about what it takes to truly know another soul and what it means to love.
I wasn't too keen on this book when I first started reading it. There was just something that kept me from connecting with the story and its characters. Perhaps it was the pacing or something about the way it was written, flipping between Goldie and Clay, but I just wasn't 'feeling' the book like I normally would.
It was only when they found themselves in limbo and were then sucked back into Clay's life that things really started to get interesting, I couldn't put this book down. The interactions between these two souls, and their reactions to the people and events around them was at times hilarious and at times a little crazy, which made this a fantastic, entertaining read.
Goldie is a strong, in-your-face character, and I loved her passion for life, literally and figuratively. She wanted to live so badly, she even contemplated living the rest of her years in the body of another person. Clay on the other hand was a little more subdued. He had dreams and goals, but was always putting them on the backburner for everyone else. It was only when Goldie pushed him that he really started to live outside the little box his father, his coach, his girlfriend, and the rest of his home town, had placed him in. I was happy that he had someone like Leigh who always stood by him.
It wasn't only the excitement of these two souls sharing one body that kept this book alive, though. It was the fascinating twist of re-incarnation and a love that has stood the test of time that really made this story warm my heart. It also held so many life lessons, and I'm sure everyone who reads this story will look at their own lives a little differently. What truly makes us happy? Are we living the life we really want, or are we living the life that is safe, and just makes sense at the time?
This was a really great, thought-provoking read that made me laugh, broke my heart, and touched my soul.
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