“One Trillion Dollars” – Andreas Eschbach
Publication: July 2014
Total print run of Andreas Eschbach in Germany: 2.9 million copies
Publication: July 2014
Total print run of Andreas Eschbach in Germany: 2.9 million copies
Yesterday John Fontanelli was just a pizza delivery guy in New York City. One day later he's the richest man in the world. One trillion dollars - one million times one million - $1,000,000,000,000: more money than anyone could imagine. For generations the Vacchis, an old Italian family of lawyers and asset managers, had supervised the fortune as it grew over five hundred years, until one particular date that the benefactor had stipulated in his will. The youngest male descendant would be fated to oversee the fortune for the good of humanity. John relishes his new life of luxury, rubbing elbows with royalty, buying up corporations, fielding a flood of beautiful women - until one day the phone rings, and a mysterious stranger tells the trillionaire that he knows what dirty secrets lie behind the fortune...
Marissa Curnutte
With finesse in digital publishing, the company shares stories across various platforms
After more than 60 years of success in the European literary market, German publishing giant Bastei Lübbe is venturing into brand new territory and launching projects in the United States for the first time.

Bastei Lübbe has proven to be a master of innovation by taking on projects beyond traditional publishing. The company is rolling out its fact-based, cross platform project “Netwars – Out of CTRL” starting this spring, which includes a graphic novel app simultaneously made available in five languages, an e-book series, audio book series and several interactive video documentaries for television and the web. Netwars will be available on IOS, Google Play, Amazon and Samsung.
“These are exciting times for digital publishing and especially for our team at Bastei Entertainment,” said head of international sales Colin Lovrinovic. “Netwars is a great example of how we work. It’s a gripping story told through various channels, which gives you the possibility to dive incredibly deep into it – or to just choose your favorite medium.”
A successful IPO and tirelessly working to develop engaging cross vertical products puts Baste Lübbe in a unique strategic position regarding the early digital capture of new markets.
Bastei Lübbe is the publisher behind “Cotton FBI,” the most successful crime series in Germany with 1 billion copies sold. And after only 11 weeks, its e-book series “Apocalypsis” by German author Mario Giordano hit the 1 million mark for downloads in China. Its “Laura’s Star” app for children hit No. 1 in iTunes in three separate categories.
Bastei Lübbe is based in Cologne, Germany but will be launching several hundred foreign language titles over the next months through its digital publishing arm Bastei Entertainment. The company is the largest independent trade publisher in the country and a major player in the audio book industry.
For more about Bastei Lübbe's current and upcoming releases go to the JKSCommunications Virtual Tour Page
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