Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Release Day Blitz + #Giveaway: Burning Through Gravity by Addison Moore



Today is the release day blitz for Addison Moore's newest release BURNING THROUGH GRAVITY.


Make sure to check out the blurb and contest details below.





Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/Xcz3wr

Burning Jpeg Cover Reveal(1)
BURNING THROUGH GRAVITY—they soared so high so fast they never expected the fall.

Two beautiful souls.
Two seemingly innocent deceptions.

Once they meet, Stevie and Ford explode into one another in a ball of lust, hotter than a July moon. Ford is assertive, dominate and in control, that is until Stevie brings him to his knees. He thinks she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever met both inside and out. Stevie thinks he’s sweet, and sort of goofy—of course it doesn’t hurt that he drips sex like honey.

Stevie is starting to fall hard for Ford.
And Ford is all in with Stevie.
She wonders if he could ever forgive her for what she’s about to do.
She wonders if she wants him to.

They say love conquers all.
But love never met two liars like Stevie and Ford.

His lie cost her a few sleepless nights.
Her lie will cost him everything.


Enter to win a SIGNED paperback copy of BURNING THROUGH GRAVITY. US only.



Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine. Previously she worked for nearly a decade as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit. She resides with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs on the West Coast where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.

Author Links:

Feel free to visit her blog at: http://addisonmoorewrites.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Addison- Moore/140192649382294

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AddisonMoore

Instagram: http://instagram.com/authoraddisonmoore


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