We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Alyssa Rose Ivy's FIRST & FOREVER!
FIRST & FOREVER is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and the fourth novel in her The Crescent Chronicles Series.
It is priced at just $1.99 during the release week only. This will last for a limited time only to celebrate the release!
Amazon (coming soon!)
Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo
Levi's got it all. He's a paranormal prince with more money and power than he knows what to do with, but something is missing—a mate. He only has until college graduation to find her. Allie's perfect but she wants nothing to do with him. When attraction becomes something more, will he take a chance and show her who he really is or will he lose everything?
Levi's almost out of time. Allie's the one, he knows it in every grain of his being, but how can he make her see it? Desperate to keep Allie safe and at his side, he takes the biggest risk of his life. Reckless or not there is nothing he wouldn't do to keep her with him... forever.
We walked off into the darkness, and I held her hand firmly in my own. I’d never been a big hand holder, but it’s like I needed to have hers in mine. I needed to touch her constantly, and I wanted her to know she was always safe with me—even if I was far from safe to most anyone else.
She tugged on my hand, and I gladly followed her down closer to the water.
She took in another deep breath. “There is nothing like the beach at night.”
“You like it at night, too? I was worried you wouldn’t like it without the sun.” I wondered if I was unique in craving the quiet shadows of the dark beach.
“I like the beach during the day, but I love it at night. There is just something about listening to the waves in the darkness and the soft glow of the stars reflecting off the water.”
“Yeah. It’s nice.” I moved behind her, and she leaned into me. We stood that way for several minutes before I turned her to look at me.
She looked like a dream standing there in the glimmering of the moonlight. I studied her face, looking for a sign that she was something more than the beautiful human that had attracted me from the moment we met. Every part of me knew how significant she was to me, but I wanted more proof. “You’re so beautiful. So unbelievably beautiful…” I trailed off as my lips gave in to what they had wanted to do all day.
Catch up with every moment in the Crescent Chronicles, so far...
Flight, Book 1 | Focus, Book 2 | Found, Book 3 |
First, a Crescent Chronicles novella

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