Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Guest Post + #Giveaway: Eyes of the Enemy by Kelly Hess #BlackMystTrilogy

Eyes of the Enemy by Kelly Hess

Series: BlackMyst Trilogy

Genre: YA/MG Fantasy
Expected Publication Date: August 26, 2014
Published By: Booktrope Publishing


When a rogue band of the dreaded Sorak attacks his village, twelve-year-old Beynn Firehand escapes into the darkness of BlackMyst Forest to find help. During his quest, Beynn discovers his own powerful magic abilities.

The price of his newfound powers, however, may be higher than he ever imagined.

For My Son  

(What inspired me to write)

by Kelly Hess
Routine. As a parent, routines can be a lifesaver. Having a consistent nighttime routine can turn the unbearable nightmare of bedtime into a much more bearable nightmare. Reading has been a big part of my son’s bedtime routine. Every night since he has been old enough to understand words, we have squeezed into a big chair together and read. We’ve covered everything from the entire collection of Dr. Seuss up through the Harry Potter series. Sometimes I read, sometimes he reads, but it happens every single night. I like to think it calms him and it prepares him mentally that it’s time to go to sleep.
A few years ago when my son was eight, we came to the end of another good book. The next day, we searched high and low through our bookshelves for another literary adventure to dive into, but nothing seemed appropriate or even interesting for a young imaginative boy. Well after eight years of reading, I felt I knew my son’s tastes, so on a whim, I decided that I would write something I knew he’d enjoy. I sat myself down at the computer and after a couple of false starts, I  began writing the story that would eventually become my first book, Eyes of the Enemy. I grew up reading Fantasy and Science Fiction, so I naturally gravitated to those genres. I named my protagonist Beynn, which my son quickly recognized to be an anagram of his own name. (Benny)
I have always enjoyed writing short stories and such but had never imagined that I could write a complete novel. I really had no intention to write anything but a little story to read with my son, but as the tale evolved and snowballed, I knew that I had a book to write. And as it turned out, I actually had a trilogy of books to write. Unfortunately, as my little story grew, it went beyond a typical eight-year-old reading level. Don’t worry though; my son and I found other age-appropriate books to read at the library, and much to my joy, he was able to come back and read all of my books within a few years.

About the Author

Kelly Hess grew up with a love of reading science fiction and fantasy that inspired him to write his own fantasy trilogy. He lives in Vacaville, California with his wife and son, and is putting the final details on the last two books of his BlackMyst Trilogy: The Green Dagger and The Third Power.





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