Today we are kicking off the MEDIA BLITZ TOUR for Beautiful Little Fool by KK Hendin!
This is a tour unlike one you have seen before. Along with excerpts and teasers, bloggers will be posting tabloid stories and paparazzi gossip about New York City's most infamous socialite, Cedar Reynolds. This will give readers a look inside the life of Cedar before Beautiful Little Fool releases on June 22nd!
Cedar Reynolds is the undisputed queen of New York City. And
with immense popularity comes a hell of a lot of people talking about you. There’s a lot of speculation. There are a lot
of ‘unnamed sources close to Cedar’ and there are a lot of rumors.
The media is obsessed with Cedar. With what she wears, where
she eats, who she’s with, what she’s doing. Cedar is more than happy to feed
the gossip, as long as it’s done on her terms.
But nobody can fully control the media. Even Cedar.
And when Harold Feingold, her mentor, and the city’s richest
man dies, the media goes wild.
Nobody knows who the money will be left to. All eighty seven
billion dollars.
Nobody really knows what’s going on with Cedar now that
Harold’s died.
But they’re all going to speculate.
Because that’s what we do. We speculate.
During this tour we will explore some of the headlines and see what it’s like living in the spotlight like Cedar Reynolds.
Here’s the thing about Cedar.
I have no control over her.
Which is a horrifying and slightly ridiculous thing to say
about a creation of my own mind, who exists only in Word documents. But it’s
true. Honestly, I don’t think I ever did have any control over her.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but when you read BEAUTIFUL
LITTLE FOOL, there are things that happen that I didn’t only not plan in
advance, I didn’t have any idea it was happening while I was typing.
Because that’s what happens with characters, sometimes. They
take over the story, regardless of what you want.
And normally that’s cool, and you move forward because you
trust your characters and the story they want to tell.
But I don’t trust Cedar at all.
I don’t suggest you trust her, either.
What comes with not trusting Cedar? Having to rewrite large
chunks of the book because I have won exactly zero arguments against Cedar. And
then rewriting more, because Cedar’s story, much like her, demand perfection.
Perfection takes time. Perfection took more time than I
could have imagined it would.
I have never fought characters this hard.
I hope, hope, hope that the fighting has made this a better
Much love,
One dead New York business mogul.
No heirs.
No wives.
No relatives.
Eighty seven billion dollars.
Not hers yet.
He doesn’t deserve them.
He doesn’t know what to do with them.
She does.
She always has.
Eighty seven billion dollars.
He’s overwhelmed.
She’s prepared.
That will should have had her name.
Not his.
Eighty seven billion dollars.
His looks are a bonus.
Her looks are her weapon.
He’s fighting a losing battle against his heart.
He doesn’t know it yet.
Eighty seven billion dollars.
She gets everything she wants.
He’s what she wants.
Love has nothing to do with it.
To get to where you’re going, sometimes you need to step on a few people to get there.
Good thing her heels are sharp.
It will be just .99 cents for a limited time. Grab it while it's on sale!
Mr. Morris bustled into the room, holding a sheaf of papers. Every muscle in Cedar’s body stiffened. The board members all sat up straight.
“Well, then. I’ll just get started, then.” Mr. Morris cleared his throat, and began to read the will out loud. “I, Harold James Feingold, being of sound mind and…”
You could hear a pin drop as he read through the contents of the will. And when he got up to the part about Ellis, the room was so thick with tension you could have used it to soundproof Cedar’s office.
“And that’s it,” Mr. Morris said, looking up from the will. “Board meetings will be postponed for the next week, barring any emergency.”
“Who the fuck is Ellis Carrington?”
One of the board members finally burst out, voicing the question that everyone had been thinking. Cedar’s fingers were flying across her phone, Googling him as fast as she could. Heir of almost everything Feingold owned. And none of them had heard of him.
Harold, what the fuck were you thinking? She thought, furious, scrolling through Google. Graduate of business school. Lived in Connecticut. Parents died in a freak accident when he was five. Nothing. It told her nothing. There weren’t any recent pictures of him, which infuriated Cedar. She needed to know what he looked like, and she needed to know now. Not that it would make that much of a difference, but she had to know everything she could about him. And if he was attractive, all the better for her. Because whoever this Ellis Carrington was, he was hers. He didn’t know it yet, and he didn’t have to, but he was. And he’d find out soon enough.

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