Friday, 26 June 2015

Blog Tour: Excerpt + #Giveaway: Devil May Care by Cynthia Rayne


Captain, the president of the Four Horsemen MC, has been in love with Eddie Rollins since he first set eyes on her. Unfortunately, she was already married to Joker, a man who didn’t deserve her. So, Captain forced himself to move on. But the torch he carries for Eddie still burns hot. Now, that both of them are finally single, he is determined to make her his old lady. Eddie is the reigning queen bee of the club and makes the finest moonshine in all of Texas. So fine, in fact, it has been cutting into the Beauregard’s bootlegging business. When the bootleggers come after her, Captain vows to keep her safe. But he can’t protect her from discovering the ugly truth about her late husband. And about him.                      



He selected another tune. Wild Horses by the Stones started to play. “You like this song?”

She nodded. “Love the Stones.” Eddie had a thing for seventies rock in general, Queen in particular.  She’d even named Ryker, Freddy Mercury Rollins, much to his chagrin.

“We danced to it once. Do you remember?”

 “Did we?”

He nodded, a sad smile on his face. “Yeah, at Viper’s wedding.”

Viper, one of the old club members, had gotten married in eighty-one shortly after she and Joker got hitched. She barely recalled that night. She and Joker had gotten blitzed on bourbon before they went to the reception.

He filled in the gaps for her. “Joker was so wasted he couldn’t walk and you wanted to dance, so I obliged you.  You had on this long, red dress.”  He licked his lips.  “And you wore your hair down. It fell to the middle of your back and I kept brushing my fingertips against the strands. They felt like silk.” He held out his hand to her. “Come here. Dance with me again. I need to feel you in my arms.”

She stared at his big, warm palm for a moment. God, she really wanted to. It would feel so damn good to be held, but she stepped back. “I think that’s a bad idea.”

“Come on,” he coaxed. “No harm in a little dance.”

Before she could stop herself, she’d slipped into his arms. She’d worry about the fallout later.  They slowly moved across the dance floor and she relaxed in his arms, listening to Mick Jagger’s soft voice singing about a lover slipping through his hands.

“You look just as beautiful tonight as you did back then,” Captain whispered, his mouth against her ear.

Eddie knew she was leading him on.  She shouldn’t be dancing with him. “This is only a dance. Nothing more.”

“It doesn’t have to be. It could be the beginning of something fucking fantastic.  Give us a shot. See what happens.”

She forced herself to say the words. “You need to stop pursuing me.”

He laughed bitterly. “I can't. Believe me, I‘ve tried, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head.”

“Why?” She honestly didn’t understand his fixation. “I don’t get it. I’m an older old lady. If Ryker and Elizabeth get their act together, I’m gonna be a grandma soon.”

He chuckled. “If you didn’t notice, I’m not a kid anymore. I’m not that awkward prospect who followed you around.”

There were many words she’d use to describe him and awkward wasn’t one of them. He was bossy, stubborn, and okay…hot. “You’re what…fifteen years younger?”


“You could have any of the young hellions hanging around the club... Why the hell are you tryin’ to date me?”

 “Because I don’t want any of them.” 

“Liar.” She tossed her head to the side, glaring up at him. What man wouldn’t want a girl half his age? Wasn’t that a big ego stroke? “You could have a trophy on your arm, maybe even start a family again.”


He grimaced. “Oh, hell, no. I’ve been there and done that. I love Lex. She’s the best damn thing I’ve ever done in my life, but I’m done raisin’ babies. If she sees fit, I’d like a grandchild or two. Not for a few more years, though. Besides, I’ve always wanted a Mrs. Robinson.”

She laughed, despite herself.

“I’m serious! I used to hope you’d come on to me when I was a prospect.  And I’ve been e a monk these past couple of months because I’ve been workin’ on the nerve to ask you out.”

Eddie had heard the rumors, but she’d never seen him so much as glance at a hellion. “Yeah, I bet you’re aren’t’ always pure and innocent.”

His eyes danced. “What happens on a run, stays there. That’s why I haven’t fucked around with any of the girls here.”

“Be still my heart.”

His hand slipped lower on her back, grazing her ass, and she tugged his wrist, until he moved it up. He smirked at her. “We both know if I fucked one of them and then tried to take you out, you wouldn’t give me the time of day, would you?”

Dammit. He knew her a bit too well.

“No, I wouldn’t put up with it.” She couldn’t tolerate cheating. Early on in her relationship with Joker, she’d made that clear. “But you and I aren’t dating.”

“Not yet,” he insisted. “I don’t even fuckin’ notice anyone else. I want what I want…and what I want, Eddie, is you.”


He brushed his lips across her forehead and she shivered.

She ducked her head. “Captain, we can’t.”

“Why? Give me one good reason and don’t say the age thing because that’s a non-issue.”

“It would feel like I’m being unfaithful to Joker,” she whispered.

That was the truth of the matter and the real problem.

His features tightened. “Unfaithful, to him.” There was a strain in his voice, she didn’t quite understand.  He sucked in a breath, studying her face. “Eddie, he’s no longer among the livin’. You can’t cheat on a dead man.”

“I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier.”

“You like me,” he insisted pulling her closer, so her breasts rested against his chest. Her head was swimming. He felt good, smelled good, and he seemed so damn sincere.

And, yes, liked Captain, always had, and Lord knows the man was attractive, but still, he was cocky. “I do.”

Then, he pleaded his case. “Good. Then, let’s see if we hit it off. Come on. Let’s try something. One date. One goodnight kiss. If it doesn’t work between us, I’ll back off and we can pretend this never happened.”

She hadn’t gone on an actual date in years. Would it be so bad if she indulged herself for one night? Flirted a bit? She could shut this down afterwards, tell him it wasn’t going anywhere. Surely, it had to be better than dodging the topic, and then avoiding him altogether.

Or maybe, you want an excuse to go out with him.

And this was a guilt free way of doing it. Regardless, before she could talk herself out of it, she agreed to his proposition. “Okay, one date.”

 “And a kiss,” he said, raising his chin. His eyes blazed blue fire down at her.

Her tone held a warning. “Don’t push it, Captain—”

“You can’t decide if you want to buy a car, unless you kick the tires.”

“And a kiss,” she agreed.

His smile was as wide as the state they lived in. “Now, I’m gonna get the fuck out of here, Killer Queen, before you change your mind. We’ll make plans tomorrow.”

 After pressing a kiss to her hand, he slowly sauntered to the door, looking every bit the swaggering alpha male.  He paused at the door, turning to her for a moment and then paraphrased Wild Horses. “We got some livin’ to do before we die.”  With a wink, he left.

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 Cynthia Rayne is the author of the Amazon best-selling Four Horsemen MC series. Her first erotic book was written when she was thirteen. Of course, the most risqué scene involved kissing, but it was the talk of her middle school! She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in education and writes whenever she can. In her spare time, she enjoys dating, shopping, reading way too many romance novels, and drinking a truly obscene amount of coffee.

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About the Series:

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Enter Cynthia's fantastic giveaway!!


Blog Tour Schedule
June 22
Indy Book Fairy               Excerpt
bibliophile wonderland reviews               Review
June 23
Stories and Swag            Review
Books and Warpaint      Excerpt
SnoopyDoo's Book Reviews        Excerpt
June 24
Love Affair With Fiction               Review
The Dark Realm                            Excerpt
JB's Book Obsession Blog            Review
June 25
She Hearts Books            Review
Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess          Review
iScream Books                Review
June 26
Roxy's Reviews               Excerpt
Cocktails and Books       Review
Evermore Books             Excerpt
June 27
Books and Friendz          Review
My Favorite Things         Excerpt
June 28
Whispered Thoughts     Review
Reading Addict                Excerpt

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