We are thrilled to bring you the Review & Excerpt Tour for Elisabeth Naughton's RAVAGED!
RAVAGED is a Paranormal Fantasy Romance novella in Elisabeth’s Eternal Guardians Series!
This is a 1001 Dark Nights novella so it is exclusively available as Amazon Kindle and Paperback. This amazing book releases on June 9th!
Be sure to grab your copy today!!
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Ari--Once an Eternal Guardian, now he's nothing but a rogue mercenary with one singular focus: revenge. His guardian brothers all think he’s dead, but he is very much alive in the human realm, chipping away at Zeus’s Sirens every chance he can, reveling in his brutality and anonymity. Until, that is, he abducts the wrong female and his identity is finally exposed. It will take more than the Eternal Guardians, more even than the gods to rein Ari in after everything he’s done. It may just take the courage of one woman willing to stand up to a warrior who’s become a savage.
Daphne knew she was playing with
fire, but she no longer cared. Before Ari could push her away, she pressed her
lips to his.
He tensed against her mouth. Every
muscle in his body went rigid. And though she tried to keep it back, doubt
rushed in. Doubt that she’d misread the look in his eyes. That he wasn’t
attracted to her like she thought. That his being nice to her here was simply
that: politeness and not motivated in any way by the same desire she’d been
fighting ever since she awoke in this hold and realized the sexy, rugged,
wounded Argonaut had saved her life.
Slowly, she eased back, breaking
the kiss. He didn’t speak. Didn’t move. Just stared at her with those
mismatched eyes that seemed to flicker just like the firelight. And in the
silence her mind tumbled for excuses, for something she could say to ease the
sudden awkwardness. She was a nymph, trained in the art of seduction by Sirens.
Awkwardness wasn’t supposed to happen to her. But then he wasn’t supposed to happen to her either, and here she was,
hoping for something that had absolutely nothing to do with her mission.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
His arm snaked around her back and pulled her in close to the heat of his body.
“That wasn’t nearly enough.”
Daphne drew in one quick breath
before Ari’s mouth closed over hers, but relief filled her lungs, seeped into
her body, and made her more lightheaded than any wine. She opened
instinctively, drawing his tongue into her mouth, groaning at the sweet,
masculine taste of him filling her senses. His lips were soft, his mouth wet
and alluring, and when he leaned closer and kissed her harder, she knew she was
She let go of the blanket, pressed her hands against his
chest, then shifted her weight and straddled his hips. The blanket fell to her
waist. He didn’t break the kiss, continued to nip and suck and lick like he
couldn’t get enough. Inching forward, she slid her fingers up his pecs then
across his soft, scruffy jaw. His hands found her waist, tugging her even
closer. His mouth turned greedy beneath hers. Hot. Wild.

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RAVAGED Review & Excerpt Tour
June 10
BBF Book Boyfriends-Excerpt
June 11
Books and Warpaint-Excerpt
Those Naughty Girls Book Club-Excerpt
June 12
Daniel Riding-Excerpt
Mama Reads Hazel Reads-Review & Excerpt
Roxy’s Reviews-Excerpt
She Hearts Books-Review
June 13
My Golden Reads-Excerpt
Nerdy Book Freak-Excerpt
The Dark Realm-Excerpt
June 14
Country Gals Sexy Reads-Excerpt
Diane’s Book Blog-Review & Excerpt
Evermore Books-Review & Excerpt
June 15
Oh My Growing TBR-Review & Excerpt
Sultry, Steamy Reading-Review
June 16
Reading Addict-Excerpt
Untamed Bibliophiles-Excerpt
June 17
Jen’s Reading Obsession-Excerpt
Love Affair with Fiction-Excerpt
Renee Entress’s Blog-Excerpt
The Sassy Bookster-Review & Excerpt
Vampire Book Club-Excerpt
June 18
Becky on Books-Excerpt
Flirty Fiction Blog-Excerpt
Jax’s Book Magic-Excerpt
June 19
Books Need TLC-Review
Boundless Book Reviews-Review & Excerpt
Collector of Book Boyfriends-Excerpt
Obsessed by Books-Review
Once Upon An Alpha-Review & Excerpt
One Book Boyfriend At A Time-Excerpt
Reading Between the Wines-Excerpt
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