Monday, 11 January 2016

Blog Tour: Review + #Giveaway: Every Big & Little Wish by E.C. Moore


Every Big & Little Wish by E.C. Moore 

Published by: Booktrope Publishing
Publication date: October 20th 2015
Genres: Romance, Young Adult
E.C. Moore’s young adult novel, Every Big and Little Wish, opens in late spring 1970. Sixteen-year-old Jacy Wilbert’s Mom got promoted, so her parents sold their Victorian home in California and moved to a townhouse in Oregon.

Torn away from the only home she’s ever known, forced to leave her beloved German shepherd behind, Jacy feels misplaced. Exacerbating an already terrible situation, her dad runs off with the bombshell real estate agent who sold them their townhouse. And, just when it seems things can’t get any worse, her mom loses the stupid job they left California for in the first place and begins to drown her sorrows with pink wine, night after night. Jacy’s caught in the middle, struggling to maintain a relationship with her AWOL dad while tolerating his annoying, much-younger girlfriend.

Missing old friends back in California, and feeling like an outsider, Jacy needs to build a new social life in a new school. Not the sort of girl to wait around for what she wants to come her way, she sets her sights on Neil Wilder, the best-looking boy around.

Everything changes when Jacy Wilbert knocks on the wrong door.



I was expecting a sweet coming of age novel about a girl struggling to find herself while falling in love and dealing with everything the world threw at her. Well, I got this and so much more.
It was a spectacular read that went above and beyond my expectations. Intense, heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once, this book captivated me from the very first page.
I loved getting to know Jacy and it was an honor to walk this journey with her. Strong, determined and at times sassy, this girl had a plethora of different personalities influencing her all at once. Add to that a psycho stalker, an innocent romance, and an anything but stable and normal life, and I was worried this poor girl would sink before she swam. It was wonderful watching her fight her way through each struggle, along with her somewhat crazy support system that kept her afloat on the odd occasion when she seemed to want to give up.
With a fierce zest for life, Jacy is a character that I need to introduce to my nieces. There was so much she learned along the way and so much she can teach, with her passion and huge heart. I loved her!
A great read that holds so many life lessons, this book has something in it for everyone, and I truly believe it will find a place in the heart of anyone who gives it a shot. Superb!


When Elizabeth’s not writing feverishly, you will find her out walking or sightseeing. She’s crazy about coffee, books, cooking, good wine, cairn terriers, miniature ponies, historical houses, tapas, and witty people.

She resides in a fifties bungalow in Southern California, with her creative-director, hubba-hubba husband, a yappy blonde dog, and one feisty Chihuahua.

Author links:
Tour-wide giveaway (US/CAN)

  • Paperback copy of Every Big & Little Wish by E.C. Moore


1 comment:

  1. Great review, Roxy! This sounds like a great read and roller-coaster-ish too! Glad you liked it! :)


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