Burning Nights
Julie Wetzel
(Kindling Flames #6)
Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing
Publication date: January 18th 2016
Genres: Adult, Paranormal
After a wedding filled with werewolves, fay, and vampires, Vicky is looking forwards to a nice, quiet honeymoon away from the chaos of Darien’s daily life. But nothing is ever simple with an Ancient Vampire around.
When the Vampire Council of Hawaii finds out Darien and his new bride are coming, they are determined to see that Darien is honored properly. But vampire etiquette isn’t for the faint of heart.
The nights could burn when lines are drawn… and Darien finds himself in a turf war he never intended to start.
After a few moments, Darien shifted in his seat to face Elliot again. “Look. If you ever have a problem, I want you to bring it to me.” Elliot opened his mouth to protest, but Darien cut him off. “I know you’re a master unto yourself, but you’re also my friend, and I hate to see you suffering. Even if you don’t think I can do anything, just talk to me. Sometimes that’s all it takes.”
Elliot stared at him for a moment before nodding his head. “All right, but you have to promise me the same.”
Darien chuckled as he faced forwards and started the car. “Deal. Now let’s get going before Patrick sends someone out to find us.”
Elliot laughed as they pulled out into the night. Nothing had really changed, but his heart felt lighter than it had in weeks.
I’m an author not a murder
my husband calls from the other room.
into the living room, my heart skips as I see him sitting at my computer. “Yes?”
I ask.
waves his hand at the screen. “Should I be worried?”
Leaning forwards, I place my hand on the
back of his chair so I can see what he is looking at. The man has foolishly
opened my browser history and found my research on poisons. “No,” I say with a
smile, “that’s just research for my book. What would you like for dinner
Giving me a dubious glance, he looks at
the website detailed the best way to make ricin and shakes his head. “I think
we should eat out for a while.”
“Good, my caster bean plants haven’t
finished growing yet,” I tease as I leave to get change for dinner.
Every time I start into a new book, my
husband gets worried that I’m going to kill him in horrible and gruesome ways.
But I’m not really researching the best poisons to slip in his meal, I’m
finding out the best way to kill off my characters.
The backbone of a good story is how
believable that story is. You can have great characters and a good plot, but if
their actions aren’t possible in the real world, then the story suffers for it.
So if an author comes up on a subject they haven’t had personal experience
with, like making chloroform, they need to find a source of information to
help. It’s amazing the things you can find on the internet. I’ve spent hours
researching how the world works to make sure the details of the book match real
world scenarios. But of course the cost of easy research is a browser history
that would scare the pants off the local authorities.
For Kindling Flames Burning Nights, I
spent many nights poring over endless documents on poisons looking for
something that would kill quickly and how it worked. An on page death scene
wouldn’t be complete without proper a proper description of how the person
died. And night—while my son is in bed and not there to ask questions—is the
best time to do this kind of research.
What’s even worse are the places that I’ve
bookmarked because they’ve provided me with amazing information. Not only for
my vampire series, but for other projects I’m working on. There is a wealth of
information out there, but you really do have to go to some fairly shady places
to find some of the darker subjects.
So to anyone that happens to come across
my computer, please don’t turn it into the FBI. I’m really not a porn watching
Satanist that’s looking for the perfect way to poison and dismember someone before
feeding them to the crocodiles. I’m author doing vital research for my latest
Originally from Ohio, Julie always dreamed of a job in science. Either shooting for the stars or delving into the mysteries of volcanoes. But, life never leads where you expect. In 2007, she moved to Mississippi to be with her significant other.
Now a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, what time she's not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling is spent crafting worlds readers can get lost it. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.
And with the Kindling Flames series, she is now an Internationally Best-Selling Author.
are 10 fun facts about you?
- I am the middlest child of
four. I have an older sister who photographs marathons, a younger sister
who locks people in a room and laughs at them while they try to escape,
and a baby brother also in the Navy. My brother is currently serving
aboard the USS George HW Bush (CVN 77).
- I am terrified of living
spiders, but I have spiders on everything. Earrings, necklaces, shirts,
table cloths, and many other things. I figure if it terrifies me that
much, I need to immerse myself in it. Same thing with zombies.
- I have been accused of being
a ‘well of useless knowledge’. If
you give me a subject that isn’t too specific, I can probably come up with
some fact about it. I pick up little things everywhere and stuff them away
for later use. Make me a real contender in Trivial Pursuit.
- The author picture in my
books was taken during a Tiger Cruise aboard the USS George H W Bush with
my sister. When the ship came back from her maiden deployment, they
arranged to host members of the sailors’ families for a few days as they
sailed up the east coast. They picked us up in Mayport, FL and took us up
to Norfolk, VA. That picture was taken as we crawled through the floor
hatch after going down to look at the bilge.
- Although I live in Mississippi
now, I’m originally from Ohio. I love to travel and see new places. So far
I have seen 32 states(Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts,
Vermont, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, New Orleans, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois,
Iowa, Arkansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota,
Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Texas, and California.) One of these days I will hit all fifty
states. I’ve also visited Canada, England, Ireland, and Scotland. Someday
I will invade the rest of the world too!
- I love Halloween! Ghosts, ghouls,
goblins, and anything creepy. Vampires are my favorite, but any monsters
are welcome. Just please, keep me off the menu. Thanks
- I’ve only been writing for a
few years now. This whole thing started in 2011 when my sister wanted us
to send her the stories. She was deployed at sea and couldn’t get online
to read her fanfictions. So, instead of her strange mashups, I decided to
write her stories. Things got out of hand from there.
- I’ve broken nine bones. My
aunt punched me in the face during a self-defense class and deviated my
septum. I took a fall wrong in Jujitsu and broke my thumb. A friend
tightened my corset wrong and broke a rib (yes you can break bones wearing
clothing wrong). I walked into a doorway and broke my nose again (that
does count as twice). I was rough housing with a friend and took a knee to
the chest breaking a rib on the other side. I fell off a cooler at work and
broke my fibula (no I was not drunk or drinking, I stood up on it to hang
a sign and it rolled). Finally I
rolled my car in the waterworks curve of I-55 in Jackson, breaking my
manubrium and crushing the t3 and t4 vertebrae. And of those nine bone,
not one plaster cast for my friends to sign.
- I can’t get to sleep if my
feet are uncovered. I have to have them tucked in no matter how hot it is.
I know it’s weird, but I’m still afraid that something under my bed is
going to crawl out and chew on my toes while I’m sleeping (Hey, it could
happen, you haven’t seen what’s under my bed!).
- I can not sleep in a room
with a closet door open. My imagination runs away from me and I can see
eyes watching me from that crack. It doesn’t help that Krys has several xenomorph
statues tucked away in the top of the closet. Those things creep the hell
out of me! And no, he is not allowed to put up the life size poster on the
back of the bedroom door!
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