Breeder (Arrows Flight Book #1) by Casey Hays
Genre: YA Christian Dystopian
Breeder is currently FREE on Amazon! Make sure to pick up your copy today!
The first book, Breeder, is set in a war-torn world where the main character, Kate, has been raised to believe the Village is the only place left on earth after the Fall. Her people, predominantly made up of women, worship the Moirai, the Three Sisters Fate, and believe the stars hold their destiny. The Archer, Kate’s ruling constellation, has destined her to become a breeder, but she fights this calling, even when she’s dragged to the Pit and thrown into a locked cave with her mate, Ian. Trapped and afraid, he is confused about why he’s there, and he only wants to go home.Their relationship develops into more than friendship, and Kate’s longing to find something better, to make her own choices, and to defy Fate grows stronger.
The Archer (Arrows Flight Book #2) by Casey Hays
Genre: YA Christian Dystopian
The Archer takes readers on a journey away from the Village and toward Eden, Ian’s supposed home. By then, Kate has learned that Ian is different, even dangerous, and he is full of secrets that test her trust in him and his friends. Their journey takes them into one dangerous situation after another with no other villages in sight, and Kate begins to question whether she should have believed Ian at all. But her desire to find something to believe in that is greater than the Archer presses down her fear, even when that desire could mean her death.
Master (Arrows Flight Book #3) by Casey Hays
Genre: YA Christian Dystopian
Master, the final book, opens in the middle of a siege. An army from the north has revived technology in ways the world believed impossible, and threatens to destroy everything in their path. Their target? Eden. They believe Eden holds the key to saving the world and returning it to pre-war status. Many will die along the way. Misery and heartache will fall over the land and the people. But so with hope and faith… and love. Especially love. And Ian comes to the conclustion that what Kate has been searching for her entire life is what he needs, too.

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The Giveaway
(1 winner) One signed copy of all three books
(2 winners) The Archer T-shirts available that display Ian's tattoo

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