Monday, 25 January 2016

Mafia Takeover Book Blitz: Excerpt + #Giveaway


Mafia Takeover
Amy Rachiele, E.J. Fechenda, Kat Shehata, Lisa Cardiff

Genres: Adult, Suspense

Russian Tattoos by Kat Shehata
Falling in love isn’t a crime—but falling in love with a Russian mafia boss could be deadly.

Competitive tennis player Carter Cook wants a taste of freedom. Her overprotective father monitors every aspect of her life, so when he becomes employed by Vladimir Ivanov—a sexy Russian with an array of tattoos and an accent that weakens her knees—a bit of danger is within Carter’s grasp. Behind her father’s back, she enjoys spending time with Vladimir at his lavish estate. But is he really the upstanding businessman she believes him to be? [Read more…]

The Bargain by Lisa Cardiff
Three weeks, twenty-one days, or five hundred and four hours…

That’s all it took to derail my life and twist it into something unrecognizable. One moment I had Evan, the man I thought I’d marry. The next moment shattered the illusion.
Now I have no one.
Except him. [Read more…]

The Beautiful People by E.J. Fechenda
Natalie Ross has always gone to her brother for help. Grant’s been her rock throughout their turbulent childhood. Knowing she’s struggling financially, he gets her a job at Crimson, one of the hottest nightclubs in Philadelphia where he works as head of security. Natalie promises Grant she won’t get sucked into the party scene or involved with any of her co-workers because she’s focused on finishing her last semester of college. Her promise doesn’t last 24-hours once she meets Dominic. [
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Mobster’s Girl by Amy Rachiele
Gripping my chest is the only way to hold myself together or what’s left of me will fall out. The past week has enlightened me on one thing-I don’t care.
Megan, Mobster’s Girl

I didn’t even hesitate. I took two strides and blasted him in the face with my fist. He was ready for it this time-unlike in church. He tried to hit me back but I ducked and smashed him again.
Antonio, Mobster’s Girl [
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Russian Tattoos—Obsession (book 1)
By Kat Shehata
“No way. Promise you won’t rat me out to Dad.” I jumped in front of him and blocked my bedroom door, as if I could stop him. “He’ll be so ticked. Probably madder at you than me, and trust me, you don’t want to see him angry.”
       Vladimir crossed his arms and studied my freaked out, arms-stretched-across-the-doorframe-stance. “You think I am afraid of your papa?”
       “Of course not, but why do you want to provoke him? Everything’s fine. If he finds out, he’ll never let me see you again—please, I need you.”
       Vladimir peeled my fingers off the doorframe, held my wrists, brought my arms down. He kissed my cheeks, but not in the usual way. His warm lips lingered on my skin while he massaged the nape of my neck. The closeness of our bodies and the heat emanating from his skin caused a groan to escape from my lips. Vladimir rubbed warm circles on my back and whispered Russian words in my ear to soothe me.
       “What does it mean?” I whispered.
       “Something good.”
       Blood rushed down there. I wanted to tackle him on my bed and run my fingers through his sexy hair and touch his chest and feel the warmth of his lean, muscular body. Lately, I’d felt The Urge. Right or wrong, Vladimir lit my sexual fire. It wasn’t his body or his incredible blue eyes, it was how he made me feel—like the important person in his universe.
       “What kind of good?” I laid my hand on his chest and snuck my finger inside his shirt to touch his skin. I traced the outline of the devil tat with my fingernail. Vladimir inhaled sharply, excited by my touch. I unbuttoned the top button of his shirt—
       He lowered my hand. “Your papa will be home soon.”
He left the house a minute before Dad turned into the driveway. I replayed the day’s events from his smoldering eyes, to his strong embrace, to the taunting words: “Oh, Carter is that what I am, your boss?”
       What did he want to be? My friend? Boyfriend? Lover?
Teaser for TBP
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The Beautiful People – Book One of The New Mafia Trilogy
E.J. Fechenda
It was only a job. At least that’s all it was supposed to be. Despite student loans, the occasional loan from my brother, Grant, and income from waitressing at T.G.I Fridays, I struggled to make ends meet. Grant was the head of security at Crimson, one of Philadelphia’s top nightclubs, and he helped to get me a job there as a cocktail waitress, but I had to agree to one of his “conditions” first.
“This is just temporary, until you graduate, okay?”
“Relax and believe me when I tell you I don’t have aspirations to be a career cocktail waitress,” I reassured him. We were grabbing a slice of pizza before heading into work together.
“Well, believe me when I tell you a number of people have gotten sucked into the glamour and money – the whole scene – and are still there.”
“Are you talking about yourself? It was the glamour that lured you in, wasn’t it?” I teased, but really was curious what it was about Crimson that caused Grant to drop out of college.
He didn’t answer and gave me one of his “don’t mess with me” stares. I laughed and stood, picking up my grease soaked paper plate for the garbage. “Grant, I’m just kidding. Come on, I don’t want to be late on my first day.”
Grant drained the rest of his soda and I followed him out to his car which was parked in front of the pizza joint. He drove a new Lexus sedan, silver and fully loaded. This alone was probably the reason he never left Crimson. Obviously he was doing alright for himself without a college degree.
My brother was quiet during the brief ride from South Street until we pulled into the employee parking lot in the rear by the loading docks. Crimson was a refurbished brick warehouse that sat hulking over the Delaware River in the old industrial section, near the decommissioned Navy Yard. Blue, an after hours club owned by the same development company, was located in a twin building directly next to Crimson. We parked and a neon sign cast an eerie bluish glow across the hood.
“I want to give you some advice for your first night,” Grant said, turning to face me.
“First of all, if anyone gets inappropriate with you or too handsy, let me or one of my guys know. We’ll take care of it. Second, there are a lot of egos that work here, so there will be drama. You’re better off not getting involved, which leads me to the last thing…don’t get involved with any of the guys here. Dating a coworker is not a good idea.”
“Company policy?”
“No, company policies are kind of loose. It’s my policy…for you.”
“Oh a Big Brother policy,” I said and tried not to roll my eyes. “I get it Grant, all work and no play. You don’t have to worry.” He didn’t because I had no interest in hooking up with anyone. I’d done enough of that in high school. I was here for the money until I graduated college in the spring.
Turns out agreeing to Grant’s policy was easier said than done. While he warned me that I would be tempted by the whole scene, he didn’t tell me just how seductive it would be. Turns out, Grant didn’t tell me a lot of things.



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1 comment:

  1. I think they all look like interesting reads, I enjoy a good suspense.


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