Proximity Series-Book #1
By: M.A. George
Genre- Romance/Science Fiction
She’s an alien whose home world doesn’t even know she exists.
He just inherited a planet, and now he’s running from it.
She has spent a lifetime hiding in plain sight.
He wants to escape the spotlight.
Her touch can heal.
His wounds are deep.
Two hearts, two planets collide. It’s the perfect union.
Except the part where the world’s about to end.
Proximity Series Book #2
By M.A. George
Publication Date: January 9, 2013
No matter the planet, Palta Capal is an alien.
She’s lived a lifetime where she never belonged…but relocating to the “home world” she’s never seen has her feeling more like an outsider than ever.
Teetering between the thrill of newfound love and the despair of family loss—not to mention the looming threat of global war—Palta doesn’t need any more excitement in her life.
But what she needs and what she gets are two entirely different things.
Proximity Book # 3
By-M.A. George
Publication Date-July 16th, 2013
Palta learned long ago not to expect a “normal” life. She’d settle for one free of close encounters with supernaturally-gifted homicidal maniacs.
Apparently that’s too much to ask.
Join your favorite Onontian royal family, as they settle into life at the palace...only don’t get too comfortable, because things are about to take a hair-raising turn.
Vitality is the gripping third installment in the Proximity series.
Author Spotlight
Please tell us about yourself using 3 verbs, 1 quirk and a pop culture addiction
3 verbs: Reading, creating, laughing.
1 quirk: You seriously expect me to narrow it down to just one? I think I’m 20% water and 80% quirks. Let’s see...I always wash my hands after touching shoes. (C’mon, shoes are just gross. And I never said I wasn’t neurotic.)
A pop culture addiction: Anything to do with music, past and present. Trying to list all the bands would probably crash my hard drive.
Top 5 Favorite Things
Books, snuggles with my kids, cozy pajamas, my iTunes music library, and peanut butter. Preferably all simultaneously.
What’s the last song you listened to?
I’m pretty much never without tunes. I’m currently listening to “Nightwatchmen”, by Bell-X1. Thank goodness you can’t hear me singing along. (Trust me, you’re just as relieved by that fact as I am.)
How do you come up with novel titles?
I usually wait until I’m at least a few chapters into the story, and then I start brainstorming for something that feels right. I typically have a list of about fifty names to select from, before I finally choose the right one. Even so, I usually make up my mind by about the halfway mark. My current WIP doesn’t have a final name yet, and it’s kind of killing me.
This or That-
*Paranormal or Dystopian?
Either one. Even better if it’s both simultaneously.
*Morning or Night?
Night, night, night. Mornings should be illegal.
*Vanilla or Chocolate?
Peanut butter. (If you insist on giving me vanilla or chocolate, either will go fantastically with my peanut butter.)
*Summer or Winter?
Summer! If mornings are illegal, cold weather is a felony.
About the Author
M. A. George is part proud mother of two adorable children, part super top secret agent…Oops, probably just lost that job.
Writing is what keeps her up into the wee hours of the night. Fortunately, she has a lot of energy (Read: caffeine is her friend). She has a bit of an obsession with music (It does a fantastic job of tuning out rambunctious children while she attempts to focus).
She sincerely hopes people out there enjoy reading her work as much as she enjoys writing it. And if anyone hears of work for a super top secret agent, she’s now available (Discretion guaranteed…).
Author Links-
Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/ProximityAuth
Amazon Author Page-http://www.amazon.com/M.-A.-George/e/B009GR2IOO/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Smashwords Author Page- https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mageorge
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