Better to Die
Exploited by the government for her psychic gifts, Kahara Mitchell has unwittingly been trained as a deadly assassin. Unwilling to be used to kill innocents, she goes AWOL until her journey ends with her dying – buried under rubble in the wake of a tsunami. At her darkest hour, Lords Rom and Rah Andor, mirror twins from another galaxy rescue her – taking her to their intergalactic fleet where they heal and court her, determined to make her their own.
To Die For
Karinian Lords, Rom and Rah Andor are the co-ruling kings of the entire Daguronian Sector. They have waited over nine hundred years to find their destined mate. Now the two gigantic alien warriors must win Kahara’s love and willingness to bond, or die trying. Conspiracies abound to sabotage the triad union in an attempt to destroy the brothers and take down House Kari.
The Mission
The royal triad is prophesized to be the powerful force uncovering an ancient exploitive system that has driven many races to near extinction. But to do so, the protective brothers must allow their beloved mate to endanger herself as she uses her gifts fighting by their side in a war that determines the destiny of galaxies.
“But there was truth to
your statement. I have been so busy hiding from you in shame of my carnal
nature that I have not allowed myself to truly know you. I judged you by what
you are, a Fertile, rather than whom you are. I have misjudged you and
underestimated you at every turn. There can be no excuse for this. You deserve
“I understand, Rah. It
has not been easy for any of us. So much has happened so fast.”
“I am a man of action,
not a man of words. For you, I will try to deepen my communication skills. I
want to know you, Kahara. I want to know the remarkable woman you are,” he
said, bringing his scarred warrior’s hand to her soft face and running his
callused thumb across her full lower lip.
“I love you, Rah,” she
stated, looking into his molten eyes as she nuzzled her face into his hand.
“How can you say this
when I have not let you know me?”
“I cheated,” she said,
smiling. “I have read you. I know the measure of the man you are and I love that
man, Rah, I love you where you have not even seen yourself.”
He crushed her to his
broad chest, overtaken by emotion. Somehow he knew what she said was true. He
felt her in his very soul. She resided in a part of him he had not even
Bending down, he
covered her mouth with his and forced his tongue between her lips. She opened
for him willingly. Their tongues dueled as he plundered the dark delicious
recesses. As she opened her mouth to him he opened his mind to her. He let her
see his pride in her, his desire of her. He let her see his fear of his love
for her, fear of the weakness he thought it created. He showed her the deep
shame he felt at what he viewed as his repeated failure to protect her, his
doubt she had any need of him at all, given her own strength and fighting
In return, she poured
her love and acceptance into his mind and heart. She showed him her deep
respect of him and his strength, his deep value as a leader, warrior and mate.
She let him see how she trusted him with her mind, heart, body and soul. Then
she shared her desire of him, how watching him fly the transport or command his
men made her wet for him. How fighting him, full out, as he took care not to
hurt her, had turned her on like no other.
Soon they found themselves
on the carpet of the living room, tearing at each other’s clothes, seeking the
skin beneath and the ultimate intimacy to be found there. In no time they were
naked, coming together in a frantic quest for union on all levels.

Armed with her history, combined with a degree in Psychology and a deep understanding of human nature, Cahira creates stories that are engaging, dynamic, realistic and boldly erotic.
Cahira now lives in the beautiful mountains of Colorado where she enjoys a quiet home, beautiful scenery and immersing herself in the art of storytelling.
Blog Tour Schedule
February 24
Indy Book Fairy Excerpt
Beppe DM Books Blog Excerpt
February 25
bookshelf dreaming Review
February 26
Shameless Book Club Review
SnoopyDoo's Book Reviews Dreamcast
February 27
She Hearts Books Review
Elienora's Kindle Review
February 28
MakeMyDayBookclub Playlist
March 1
TaSTy Wordgasms Review
Jax's Book Magic Excerpt
March 2
The Consummate Reader Excerpt
March 3
For Whom The Books Toll Dreamcast
March 5
The Consummate Reader Excerpt
WOrkS of FiCTioN Review
All Night Books Review
March 6
Chelle's Book Reports Excerpt
Books Need TLC Guest Post
March 7
Those Crazy Book Chicks Excerpt
Those Crazy Book Chicks Dreamcast
March 8
Between The Lines Review
March 9
Making it Happen Review
Roxy's Reviews Excerpt
Thank you so much for featuring my latest book "The Chalice of Kari' on your great blog. I enjoyed connecting with your followers and wish you well in all your endeavors.
Cahira O'Donnell